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Star Wars - a new Hope

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 9:06 pm
by Cardinal Sin
Well I should have known better, but you know what it's like - you're on a ferry for 2 hours, and there's a row of club machines flashing seductively at you it would be rude to say no.

Incidentally, the boat had one of THE worst selection of machines I've ever seen in one place.

3 x Cops n Robbers (the Deluxe version)
2 x Moneyspinner? (can't remember the name, it's a bit like Wheel of Fortune)
3 x Vivid clones
1 x Star Wars
1 x can't remember the name. It's got 2 sets of reels.. not bad, but I jackpotted it on my last trip.

So I threw a couple of nuggets into Star Wars. It was full, and giving let 'em spins and starts on 8 quid. It's got a block the size of a barn door (20 quid) but it was playing so well I tried to force a big win. About 60 notes in and it got past the block, was offering 50 quid cashpots and the like. Pushed on, and it gave me the top feature (auto-collect). Hurrah, thought I.

25 quid :(

Died a death after that. I stupidly persevered and eventually it started playing well again... but time was ticking, so I took Red Imperial Attack from the top zone (a feature it doesn't offer if it's blocking at 20 quid).

6 quid.

Brilliant. Well done Barcrest - another triumph.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 11:03 pm
by JG
Good God.

Just to confirm.

You collected the top feature on a Star Wars £250(?) jackpot machine and that TOP feature paid £25, £10 less than the minimum prize for the top feature on a Star Wars £35 jackpot - A New Hope.

That is poor.

Imperial Attack is money belt on its £35 little brother, was it 'super' money belt on this version?

Makes you yearn for those £35 block Maygay profiles, Monopoly etc.....

I guess the 60% payout doesn't help much.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 11:35 pm
by trayhop123
i confess to knowing fuck all about clubbers ,,,,,,,,,but 25 from top feature ,,,,,,, wtf???

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 11:40 pm
by ob
unfortunately star wars club is a clone of extreme club machines, and let me tell you I've had the top feauture like 10 times, and let me tell you what it has gone for

£25 £25 £25 £25 £25 £25 £25 £25 £25 and £25, that's all it ever goes for!!!

Very very poor machine, discussed elsewhere here, but the design is terrible. I have one in a local social club, been there 8 months no jp's... no big wins, nothing, the machine mayaswell be £5JP really it plays that bad!

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 12:16 am
by Mattb
Sound like Rocky, symbols on there can do £25 have to push for top cash stack or cashpot. It'll roll in pot eventually or you can force it out, but like ob says you just can't get them early enough most of the time. You clearly know now, but just avoid them

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 12:19 am
by JG
What's the craic then? Anyone? There must be a cyclic jackpot once every blue moon? Force for the £50ish cashpots?!?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 12:51 am
by ob
JG wrote:What's the craic then? Anyone? There must be a cyclic jackpot once every blue moon? Force for the £50ish cashpots?!?

erm yeh theres the spin in jp, once every like 30K

play for that at ur peril!!

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 4:13 am
by darren
2 x Moneyspinner? (can't remember the name, it's a bit like Wheel of Fortune)
Do you mean club spinner, by games media. :h: :h:

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 8:07 am
by Cardinal Sin
Aye. That's the fella. Actually, compared to the other dross, it's quite good. They used to have 3 of them but they took one away to up their CnR quotient.

Imperial Attack Red is a "super" Hi-Lo Cash. The redness gives you a boost up the cash (in my case to a fiver). When I got killed, I was absolutely certain it would at least be cumulative - i.e. I'd have won 21 quid.

Nope. 6 quid it was.