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Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 10:13 am
by Mattb
Well i decided to chase this last night as it was still full and i knew another £60 odd had gone in through the day. Was offering me £25 and £30 shots from the off so i thought i would be ok. I was! £178 in to get it out with an add again on 3 cash shots.

Seemed odd, got a £50 shot after £60 in, then saw nothing for another £60 odd, before it went very close again offering £75 and £100 shots. Didn't get any otehrs inbetween, and got my £250 after £178. Tried another board which i got in off £10 for a middle start, got number runner for £9. Left it there a good bit up. Some other people had boards later on and my god was it dead....maybe it came out a bit early.

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 10:21 am
by bigv038
Can't beat keeping on top of a nice clubber - shame there aint more around!

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 12:44 am
by Mattb
Not even 2 weeks later, i rechased this again tonight! Just got in. Been full a couple of days, with £70 more going in last night. £25 shot and golz zone from the off i got involved. Looked good, £75 shot early, £100 shot after £95 in. But then the block came....just couldn't prise it in. Got my MB3 and add again lined up but couldn't trap it. Mega hot roller offered after £180 good. Kept going and finally got there after £286 with MB3 and add again. Small loss, fair enough....i checked for the afters. MASSIVE! :D £25 shot first board, took that. Next board £30rp offered, took that with a board £15rp which again repeated. Ran out of quids at the end and paid me £4 of 20ps! :lol: Old skool or what. Had 1 more board and got £8, and a load more 20ps. £85 up in the end which was a great result considering it cost £286 to go in!


Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 6:50 pm

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 2:49 pm
by Guest
sorry...had to do it!!

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 12:09 am
by ob
lol trust you too like a pointless machine matt eh :P

Really there is alot better out there...

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 2:43 pm
by JG
Nice one Shuttleworth, brings back the memories of being too sick to go to school and watching this tripe in the daytime.

Actually I quite like the sound of this machine, seems very safe for a clubber.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 10:45 pm
by Guest
well u know me georgey youtube embed posts are legendary...i actually get aroused researching and findin em

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 5:08 pm
by Mattb
It ain't pointless, its a great little machine. Forceable, always boards within a tenner, fair....what more do you want! I went back the day after and it was still off its nut too, had another £40 shot, £30 shot and a £15 in 3 boards. Probably there for 2 pots i reckon.

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 10:14 pm
by JG
It does sound fantastic in that you can get a look in at how it's playing very cheap. However would a mere mortal or Martal or a martian have as much joy as you Matt on this?

Would I, Jackpot blooper George, walk in, pay £6 for a board, only to be repeatedly offerred £2 again and again and again?

I shall have to check the other Riley's in town. Trouble with Rileys is they always have about ten clones of Caeser's Palace and Cops 'n Robbers. Small chance they may have it. They've had CMPFC, COAD, CPCB (nice), but the old Barcrests never last long, they're like noveltys. It's the old win spins and millionaire's rows that stay for ever.

Also had Rich Chicks and Red Hot 6 for a while. They soon go. That bastard Maygay Cyclone as well. £30 block, how gay.

Is this some old boys working man's sports and social club thingymy?

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:56 am
by Mattb
Its in a working mens club, but i play for the pool team. Every board is usually £4 ready. I know refills etc in there as my mate works in there, so its not a case of luck on my part, just good timing and knowing whats gone in. I mean when you take pot out, and its had £50-£100 over the back 10 days later and is ready again, a chase is surely on. It was, and i drilled it. Fair enough? :D

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:37 am
by JG
Sounds like you have to buy the pot out by adding to a slow save and then you get good afters, I'll keep my eyes peeled for this one.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:43 am
by Mattb
Yep, pretty much the same for most old club crests. Takes a good ton or two to recover to slightly ready, then another ton plus to ready up. Massive block on pick a win in the silver zone.There's a bloke in there tuesdays who like to get £50-£150 in, sometimes taking nothing out at the end of it. He's mental!

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:44 am
by ob
look, this machine is forcable but will not yield any major profit, it's pretty pointless. If its happy to start you'll make the same amount just banking out small wins...

I'd think I'd know better as I actually used to do club machines all the time... Although I'm not doubting you personally made okay on the one you had, most places these will be on their arse as every mug banks the value out of them - you have to remember I've played loads of different ones, you've played one, which may, just by it's location be a one off one that is actually ok.

Oh and JG taking matt's word over mine.... not impressed :P

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:48 pm
by Mattb
Chase number 3 good really. First board £30rp offered and full once i went. Got it after £233 in without a MB3, just an add again. Went ridiculously dead after this time, offering no more than £3 on 3 afterboards, so i lost a few quid in the end. Could have been £25 up, but there we go. Can't win 'em all!