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Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 8:06 am
by jeffvickers
Last Thursday
Played a Gold Strike (Mummy Clone) in a pub round here set at 70% with NO 6% on 50p. Needless to say, you still lose when glaringly ready.

Thought I'd nip in a pub to play a 4 reel deal. Was'nt ready but decided to bail out with a £15 loss, which turned into a £30 loss cos wide boy Barman and his meathead mates blatently turned the Leccy off and told me "Sorry Mate, Fuse blown."

Then visited a local thats changed Landlords, ordered a pint and before you could blink an eyelid, one of the clique greyhounded to the plug socket.

+ few good machines gone, more shit replaced it.

On a Positive note, had 2 GATWs yesterday to hit my target (£100) within 4 pubs.

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:25 am
by Scott
the old power cut routine, had that a few times :x :x i went an asian pub in leicester a few years back ordered my drink, got my change then.... bump, power off, i'm talking lights, bandits, t.v the lot, then after a few minutes everything starts too come back on except the fruit machine, they never said anything too me the spineless c*nts, i had'nt got the chance too play it so i did'nt see much point in arguing about it, so i finished my drink and left.

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:28 am
by toothless11
Yeah i hate that. Got barred from a pub from doing a shitty red. The landlord is more interested in the monopoly rags to riches. However, i have the plug treatment loads of times. That same pub ive got barred from now has a good power 5, absolutely gutted. My goes in now so not too bad though.

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 11:15 am
by Johnny Boy
was playing a snailblazer and just dropped it when bump the power went off - strangely enough only half the power went off. All the lights went off and the other two fruit machines went off but mine stayed on !?!?!?!

Shit myself when it happened cos didnt know what would happen if the power went off as it was giving the JP .... ?

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 6:22 pm
by thecannonball89
iv had machines pluged with 60,70,80 in the bank! no money back..

also been hit before, and been chassed....

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 11:00 pm
by Johnny Boy
Sorry dude never understood that ?


Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 9:25 pm
by davidpom
That's scary. Pubs turning off machines. Power cuts. Being hit and chased?

The machines have a long term house edge for the pub / owner, and can't be overcome - so why would they stop you playing? Unless you were skimming the credit shute or something, there's no reason for them to stop you... all seems a bit bizarre to me.

I've played fruits for about 10 years and have NEVER had this happen.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 9:49 pm
by Scott
I think its the idea of an ''outsider'' coming in and ''emptying the bandit'' as they like too put it, i can see there point too be fair, i'm all for having a pint and a game of pool in some of the cliquey pubs, but soon as you've hammered a red or done an extreme you can feel every set of eyes in the place watching, after a few visits the games up, you get some that are fine and just say look mate you keep winning and its putting the regulars off playing, then theres the pluggers, or plain old i'm not having you coming in here robbing my machines. i bet i could plan a route of places round leicester that i'm barred from that would take all day too complete, nothing too be proud of but true.

don't you hate driving past a window and seeing a good machine that your barred from :x

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:19 pm
by ob
Extreme Eddie wrote:I think its the idea of an ''outsider'' coming in and ''emptying the bandit'' as they like too put it, i can see there point too be fair, i'm all for having a pint and a game of pool in some of the cliquey pubs, but soon as you've hammered a red or done an extreme you can feel every set of eyes in the place watching, after a few visits the games up, you get some that are fine and just say look mate you keep winning and its putting the regulars off playing, then theres the pluggers, or plain old i'm not having you coming in here robbing my machines. i bet i could plan a route of places round leicester that i'm barred from that would take all day too complete, nothing too be proud of but true.

don't you hate driving past a window and seeing a good machine that your barred from :x
yeh I echo all this, you just cant do some pubs very much at all, until they get annoyed and either bar you, turn the machines off or ask you not to play them - often this is the case EVEN IF you buy 2 pints + play pool etc. - these days landlords can spot players with alot more ease - especially if its say a cleudo you hit the WT on - no fucking mugs are gonna hit that in 100 years so you must be a player lol!

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:59 pm
by jeffvickers
"Oy, Don't be taking my Holiday fund money!"

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:29 pm
by Martal~Wombat
jeffvickers wrote:"Oy, Don't be taking my Holiday fund money!"
Yeah, or,
"aye up! here come the bandit robbers, 2 halfs o lager and straight on the bandit"

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 1:49 pm
by trayhop123
ever sort of barred yourself? and couldn't give a shit

you all know the scenario ,,,,

"sorry son you cant play the machines anymore "
no son you can come in for a drink but no machines

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 2:48 pm
by kidgloves
trayhop123 wrote:ever sort of barred yourself? and couldn't give a shit

you all know the scenario ,,,,

"sorry son you cant play the machines anymore "
no son you can come in for a drink but no machines
Lol, only ever been barred from the local arcade, and that for all the reasons you could easily argue against but know you'll end up not changing the situation anyway.
99% of the time I play I'm with the missus these days, this does help I'm sure and we never buy cokes or the like, usual friendly banter with the bar staff and locals keeps things fine for us.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 11:46 pm
by jeffvickers
A bloke starts watching you eyeing up each side of the machine, making sure you are not using your magnet.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 2:30 am
by JG
Jeff you and your bloomin' magnets! Lol.