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Cookle doodle dough

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 11:15 am
by toothless11
Finally.. a new release form crest. Have seen it in a few service stations but thats it. Its a mixture of different fruits, it has the same revolutionary wheel as Top Gear, Ultimo etc etc but with the reel setups as King kerching. bit weird, haven't had time to play it yet and don't really fancy it!

Just reminds me of an old extreme i think which had the same name. (Or a similar one) Used to be able to empty it off 'rise and fall'.

This crest has the same feature and i would laugh it worked!!!!!

Anyone yet seen this?

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:16 pm
by Scott
i seen it few months back, and its still the only one i've ever seen, it got my attention cause i thought it was a top gear clone. no such luck, never played it btw.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 9:16 pm
by Dynamike
Only seen one, pushed it out once, if was off it's nuts and gave £50 MS for not very much in. Haven't been back to it since, may have gone by now.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:45 pm
by harry13.50
This is in a pub in Dundee i really enjoy drinking in, over the years its always housed a bfm machine but a month or so ago they got this in ( its out on test i beleive )

Well it must have a decent streak in it as its regularly £60+ light ( no note acceptor)

Having played it myself i hate to admit this but its really bad imo.

The hi/lo disc taked AGES to spin ( looks like you have a hidden I.M first time it does it )

It tends to offer you the highest ammount on the first or second cash offer on the cash shots( like big cheese and clones. also like chav it,ect)
So you know quite easily where the block is.

It reminds me of playing a bell fruit mixed in with Gimme,gimme,gimme.

There is no way on earth this is gonna past test guys.Not like Barcrest at all but Barcrest must be scraping the barrel cloning a machine from 5 years ago and jazzing it up with a new cabinet and red features.

Sorry Barcrest, youve not got my vote on this one, try cloning TAW instead.