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Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:54 am
by gambogaz1
What area did you bump into him in ?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:49 pm
by johncluedo
That is why i don't like sites like this, the concept is ok but some of the people on here seem happy to ruin the game. Why do people feel the need to blag about what they know and sell methods to others? Greed? Stupidity? I do not understand.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:22 pm
by yodadewise
i have tried this method lol ..... taking nothing on my quest for jackpot .....
had it a near a few times with just 70 and another on the right hand side ( yellow red section) and still won't give it me arrgh lol and the hi lo to get there always gives me the opposite i try ( eg lower than 11 or higher than 2) it just won't budge !!!

still learning i'll master it one day hopefully
I will try my jedi skills

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:02 pm
by Scott
This game can cost a fortune to force.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:21 pm
by Scott
I can remember going in for one of these ages ago, it was in a pub that had a resident forcer, many times i've walked in on him and he point blank refuses to leave untill he's had the jackpot, usually putting upwards of £150 in to get it but doing enough damage to ruin the game even though leaving it down, but this time its different, he had a face like thunder when i walked in and was clearly involved, i've watched him do 2ish forcing it before leaving a credit in and going bank, poor bloke must have done over 3 at a guess and left it full and gave up, proper evil game these.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:53 pm
by Noels Beard
Does anyone have a comment to make relating to creating a new player covering a significant area of the UK. Warrington, Liverpool, Manchester, Stoke, North Wales.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:14 pm
by gambogaz1
The fact 1 simple tip regarding a rip on a machine opened his eyes to what was around him, and he was willing to get out there and experiment and look out for anybody that stood out, managed to bump into the right people and goes about his business very proffesionally now to the point he knocked Roulette on the head straight away.

I say fair play.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:28 pm
by Noels Beard
I think you should note that I haven't slandered him, he seems like a nice guy. You wouldn't mind if I 'enlightened' several more players on your doorstep then, Gaz? If you are firmly in the amateur/semi-pro sphere, my digs aren't even relevant to yourself. My beef is with information getting down to this level. Talk is cheap, and chitter-chatter is all too costly.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:33 pm
by dude_se
JG wrote:Well they were when they'd been done a few times.

Coventry Showboats got these in very early when they were on £35 jp. There was one up Hertford Street and one in The Burges. Very first board I got cherries with the excess nudges and got jp! I thought what a great machine. On forcing it could often repeat but wasn't immensely profitable. Usually around money back scenario. Anyway they upgraded to 70 and I did try a couple of forces and on 88% with probably not being done (who was on them when they first converted them to 70?!?) they weren't brilliant for the force, but they would force and it was jackpot plus afters. The ships would do 100 now and again as well. Best play out was flat 70 then taking afters it gave ships for a 100.
However I should with less on my plate than I had on Thursday, get to a virgin unit on Monday and relive the old days - fingers crossed. The amount those 70s in Showboat could have been taken for beggars belief. They were there for a good two months at least after 70 upgrade. Some lad went in the Burges and forced it out about 8 times to see if it streaked.....errr it didn't.
I used to just play them for short term value from boards, I didn't know any better. They disappeared just as more clued players were moving in. All the time they were there, they were always boarding.

Flip side was forcing out for the 'repeat' rip in the Oak pub in Cov. I'd had a shit day and amazement, it was THing in The Oak. Quite a rarity for a pretty central, low heat student pub. Even more amazing, it gave the chance for £10 in, seemed really buzzing. I thought right, I'll go for the repeats (twat of an idea). £400 later and pittance in cashing out, nothing else taken and no natural jp, so I ripped what I could for some dreary 90 loss or some such pisstake.

However this chap had already done 300 through, so I'd have thought another 300 would get it. If not then persist - take nothing and just empty your cashbox and start again. Surely 900 will get your your jedi jp?!??!

Did Steve get his for the £650 in?
he didnt get the pot no

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:57 pm
by thecannonball89
I go to northwales alot, Also manchester and bolton way. Always done ok and there are alot of players better than myself. Alot of these new players are spoons players tbf, Alot of my money maybe 80% is from estate pubs that most wont bother with due to fire ect.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:58 pm
by JPMmonopoly60
I returned to this unit JG, it turned out to be a repeat worker which could possibly explain the £650.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:08 am
by Noels Beard
There is no extra detail George, just seasoning a little fire into tonight's moany bisque. It's done. I'm not going to stir any further; sorry for any offence caused to anyone.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:21 am
by gambogaz1
I'm intrigued (sp) sorry it's late and i'm a bit drunk, to know who you are Noels beard, no anamosity or anything just you say his 2 mates and I get around with Steve so just wanted to know If I fell into the 2 mates category ?

All I'll say is if someone wants to become a player, by hook or by crook they'll do it, it takes a certain drive/interest/infactuation with machines to become a player.

You can tell someone a simple rip and they'll fuck their local pub, but someone with the right desire willl fuck their entire area.

Being told reversing a 2/11 won't create a new player, but it does educate someone with a hardened interest in em.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:45 am
by dude_se
gambogaz1 wrote:I'm intrigued (sp) sorry it's late and i'm a bit drunk, to know who you are Noels beard, no anamosity or anything just you say his 2 mates and I get around with Steve so just wanted to know If I fell into the 2 mates category ?

All I'll say is if someone wants to become a player, by hook or by crook they'll do it, it takes a certain drive/interest/infactuation with machines to become a player.

You can tell someone a simple rip and they'll fuck their local pub, but someone with the right desire willl fuck their entire area.

Being told reversing a 2/11 won't create a new player, but it does educate someone with a hardened interest in em.
im not so sure. ive played all kinds of machines and tried different things on different machines, with no luck. ive been told of a few rips/emptiers in my time, but its usually when its too late or they are just shite. eg: was told the PD emptier when it was still pretty fresh, but with them chipping them very fast it wasnt quite quick enough. only knew of 1 unit at the time so went to try it. sadly it did not work. either i was doing it wrong or it was chipped. i assume the latter. then theres the LTD rip. managed to get that aswell. tried it a few times and not once did i make a profit. managed to do it fine in the end in all cases and were clearly not natural JP boards so a kind of success, but still a loss. could be down to the units but who knows. this was months and months ago and i dont bother now. my point is, i got hold of a rip and an emptier, both didnt make me any money for whatever reason, and both are completely different. how is that supposed to help me figure out rips on other machines? its all pretty irrelevant imo, unless your already a pro, then you will know what to look for on a machine anyway so can experiment.

practice makes perfect right? but leps gold for example could cost £60 for a board? i know bits and bobs on that machine but quite frankly fuck all compared to most people, and is it worth experimenting for £60 a pop? well im not too sure. might be in the long term, but like i said before, all the rips/emptiers ive got hold of/old ones ive heard about, etc, are usually very different from each other (not all obviously), so theres no guarantee i would even figure out the leps gold method. not to mention all the different programs. they are not always as easy to figure out as some people make out, and i think without a someone showing you or a long detailed message on how to do it then theres a good chance you wont figure it out (unless your already a pro of course).

i do agree that someone with the right attitude will succeed more than a lazy knob who cant be bothered, but at the end of the day i think without some support along the way theres no way you can turn from a munter into a player. its just too much of a minefield. so steve/jpm must have got help along the way, and combined with his good attitude towards fruits he was able to progress quite quickly.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:04 am
by johncluedo
Says it all really if you managed to get rips/empties. I just can not understand why some people cant wait to tell everyone in there phone book!
And why tell people who clearly couldn't even use a coffee machine ffs!