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Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:41 am
by mjd
Cash is King wrote:How long is a piece of string??

I think I have said this before quite a while back but there is no said amount that we can tell you to put in to acheive JP.

Even if it is full I have stuck £60+ over the top and still no JP.

Machine can be half/quarter full and still pay out JP. Just look for good positive signs

surely not a bellfruit though¬!? NEVER seen these go unless you have put all your limbs into it.. Never have seen it, never will.. Shocking

True though, some barcrests can drop out of nowhere, which adds an air of un-predictability , but If you can kill them off then you know what comes next...

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:53 pm
by Nixxy
lewey wrote:... im 24 played machines since 17. won 3 250 JP, id say at least 150, 15 pounds JP, probably 45, 25 pound JP...

You're definitely the first person I've come across who keeps count of all that stuff. What you neglected to mention was how much it's cost you in the process - how many return trips to the cash machine you've made? How many credit cards you've maxxed out?

The other thing I'm having problems working out is that your winnings above total a minimum of £4,125. So you've obviously got some idea what you're doing, since you say you've 'honestly made more money than lost..' In order to be in profit like that takes knowledge and/or funds to learn the best techniques - and 99.9% of people end up well down in the process of trying. So if you've managed to stay in the black with fruit machines over the last 7 years, do you really need to be told what the 'good signs' are?


Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:14 pm
by Texas Pete
I get a "jackpot" everytime i play a machine unless it's dead! true, it's a bit sad really! Long gone are the days when I would have been happy to walk with a quick tenner. It's pretty much JP (+ afters) or nothing for me these days, I'd probably average about 5 a day just from lunch times & a quick dabble after work.

It's a crap habit to get into, especially if you're out with mates and find youself drawn into a forcing situation (usually met with cries of; "what are you doing you antisocial b*stard!!). Quite often you only get a few quid more than if you'd taken an early win anyway, rendering the whole thing a bit pointless (and pretty boring).

I am currently trying to break the habit by limiting the amount I have to gamble. If you only allow yourself £20 for instance, forcing no longer becomes an option and you find yourself being a bit more careful about the m/c's you play and the wins you take. If it's actually ready, it shouldn't cost more than that to force out a JP anyway.

Keeping tabs

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 7:22 pm
by e_a_g_l_e_eye
I know this will probably seem sad but I think keeping tabs of wins/losses is a key way to keep discipline. I also always have a good of what I want to do with the money. I keep shorthand notation in a text message when I go out on the rounds and transfer it to a book once back, only takes 5 minutes. This has helped me win £20,000 profit (after drinks) over the past 3 years for an estimated 10-12 hours per week, which helped me buy my first house and fund a five star holiday last year. Every £10 per week is £500 a year.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 9:03 pm
by drop the lot
20 grand in 4 years is easy :idea: im 1 year into mine.......... 8)

confusing day

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 6:08 pm
by lewey jnr
Hi all was down the local wetherspoons playing the bandits today my luck was out. dropped throw a wobbler on wednesday afternoon so thought i had timed it right went back exactly same time on friday. put a few pound in sod all so went onto lucky strike sod all. So i thought i would give space raiders ago after some tramp was offered 7 quid on red board. Took me about 33 quid for mega streak got 40 quid which i thought was crap then after play was good so i carried on hoping for IM didnt come 35 quid later another megastreak and i took 85 quid away in total not much considering?????????????????? i had two MS and started with just over 90 quid obviously played other machines to no joy no profit today!!!!!!!!!!!. Anyone else suffered with a crap run like that on space raiders..... cheers all
The lewster

throw a wobbler

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 6:11 pm
by lewey jnr
the worst thing by the way was that some nobhead came up during my battle with space raiders and told me that 30 mins before my arrival he had just taken 30 quid in little wins from throw a bloody wobbler. i was going to throw a wobbler on his head lol.

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 6:32 pm
by MrRed
yes mate space raiders has become so unpredictable lately i dont bother with them
you could force an ms on these for profit everytime even when completely dead not the case anymore
as for throw a wobbler there is a free win on this so i dont touch it as i dont know it - yet!!

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 7:40 pm
by Nixxy
MrRed wrote: ... as for throw a wobbler there is a free win on this so i dont touch it as i dont know it - yet!!
So how do you know there's a free win on it?! :?

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 2:00 am
by Matty
intresting reading people like about how lewey has won 45 jpt in 7 yrs , nicccceeee , i think everyone on this forum can say they have lost more than they have won, lewey if you say that you have won more than you have lost why dont you think about it being your full time job pal?

Asking about refill keys on T A W etc would indercate to people that you dont know much, i had a refill key when i was 17 and knew about refill days timming etc , refill keys are pritty much useless now , if you know if your area is on refills and when.

jus my view on the matter : thanks again - Matty

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 2:14 am
by grant7909
dont know if your all aware of this but weatherspoons now refil there own machines every morning. so just a word of warning that when you go in and the machine sounds full its not coz some dim pissed up twat was playing and lost the night before its the pub managers filling them up each day in all the pubs. its new company policy

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 9:55 am
by drop the lot
alot of the betting shops around me do it also...

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 5:47 pm
by MrRed
nixxy wrote:
MrRed wrote: ... as for throw a wobbler there is a free win on this so i dont touch it as i dont know it - yet!!
So how do you know there's a free win on it?! :?
because i have been told by someone who knows it but wont sell it and i have keyed it about 10 times and its always £100+ away

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 7:15 pm
by Nixxy
MrRed wrote:
nixxy wrote:
MrRed wrote: ... as for throw a wobbler there is a free win on this so i dont touch it as i dont know it - yet!!
So how do you know there's a free win on it?! :?
because i have been told by someone who knows it but wont sell it and i have keyed it about 10 times and its always £100+ away
Let me assure you it's not hard dropping Throw a Wobbler for big streaks - but it ain't via any free wins 8)

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 7:18 pm
by Nasher
Texas Pete wrote:
I get a "jackpot" everytime i play a machine unless it's dead! true, it's a bit sad really! Long gone are the days when I would have been happy to walk with a quick tenner. It's pretty much JP (+ afters) or nothing for me these days, I'd probably average about 5 a day just from lunch times & a quick dabble after work.

It's a crap habit to get into, especially if you're out with mates and find youself drawn into a forcing situation (usually met with cries of]

i know this is me 1st post but reading wot u have posted is exciting to read, ive been usin fruties since i was 14 8 years ago, i knew alot (well won alot more than i can nowadays) by putting in loads of money and learning me mistakes. but this qoute is the funniest thing ive seen so far, because it brings it down to a tee. all my mates do is moan that im antisocial altho if i get a big win its "get the fucking drinks in" when ya lose they laugh and say i told u so. i just brough a refill key off ebay, i havent a clue how to use it but if a machine says its payed out alot (which im told this little key does, which i dont beleive but worth a try) then it will keep me mates happy if im socialising. i know this post is erellevant to the main post just thought ide join in and say thanks to Texas Pete for making me understand im not the only antisocail bastard in the world.