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Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 6:56 pm
by JG
If a machine doesn't have any percentage key, it won't boot up, you'll get an error. These games are never random. They'll do better on 88% if it's a little cliquey place. Give it four to eight weeks and reassess from there. You've already had £40 value from the cash or bust that now your punters won't get. Start them at 84% if it's busier. If three or less regulars play them, you need 92%, but 88% is a good start.
That's assuming it is your own bar. Recently rogue operators have started siting stuff in various chain pubs. Always well hidden from the bar. You buy something of ebay, stick it in cubicle three of the gents and run it from an extension cable to a main socket. Superglue the locks on the other cubicles to engaged. This ensures it gets maximal play. No licence or duty obviously. People will put in small change whilst pissing and do brains when pooing.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 1:41 am
by indemicky
First of all I'd like to say how surprised I am by the some of the negativity I'm getting here! I wasn't aware this is a players forum first and foremost, since I've been an avid player for quite a long time that's not such a bad thing for me to be here. I'd like to put on record, I'm not out to rip anyone off! if the machine ever displays an IOU the manager has been instructed to honour it and pay it, social media is a powerful tool for folk, and last thing I want is bad press.

I've bought to variable % keys and set them to 86%, which I hope is a decent balence for the customers and I. I'm not looking to make a habit of dealing with these every week, obviously would like to just check the float, if it looks ok, leave it, if it needs topping up, then I'll deal with it. I was just interested and worried as the monopoly was bought from some one who had it in there house, and I wasn't sure as to the possibilities of altering how they work. After doing a bit of research I'm seeing that it should be fine! If also like to add that all the relevant licenses are in place and meet all the requirements to have the machines where they are.

Cheers to those who provided some useful info!

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 2:16 pm
by Oscar
86% is very generous for a pub, but punters will lose their money slowly and experience value for money in terms of entertainment, which should ensure they are happy to return.

Both machines are safe in that they are proven earners for operators, players won't generally target these machines. Placed opposite the bar in full view of staff will minimise the risk of them being the target of fraudulent activity.

I wish you well with your venture, you won't become rich overnight but as people gain confidence in your operation you will reap some rewards i'm sure.

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 4:21 pm
by buzzer
86% is well above the average for a pub (which is not a bad thing).

I suggest you clear the NVR as the % may shoot way out of control after such a change (depending on how long its been since last ram clear)

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:51 pm
by doingthem
Buzzer on the beat

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:16 am
by bubbles

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 9:40 pm
by indemicky
what is the NVR, and how do i go about doing this?