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deal or no more deals

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 9:17 pm
by mr lugsy
at least 30 beards too many now i reckon.

time for bfm to fuck right off now methinks .hic.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 9:32 pm
by Scott
I've often wondered how much longer they can milk the same concept over and over? Its not just the deals but family guys, popeyes etc, it is a bit boring, but the punters love the deals, what would the fruit machine world be like now if that gameshow had never started? They've milked it dry and i don't think their even close to stopping!

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 11:14 pm
by Glendale
All the idiots love anything with deal on it so i think the way round it is for red to change there games to smash the banker and hi lo deal! Electro could bring out bankers treasure and get shot of its amazing for the new its noel!

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 11:46 pm
by thecannonball89
fuck off and die? lol.

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 12:02 am
by trayhop123
this post is directed at NO-ONE in particular

there's a lot of posts/threads all over fruitchat with people complaining about beards .

i dont complain about em ever ,,,,,,,,,, why ,,,,,,,,, because i dont play em ,,,,, simple ...... 90% of em are shit , and your more likely to profit from a lucky cob/deal/gatw ,,,,, than any traditional pro slotter play techniques .

a good pro player has no business with luck.

yes they may be shit ,,,,,,,,,, but joe public loves em ,,,,,,,, and this can only be a good thing for us,,,,,,,, why ?,,,,,, because joe public has no concept of skill play, forcing , rips, blags , conventional pro player techniques etc , ,,,,,,,

yet with beards however ,,,,,,,,,,joe can and often does obtain a massive raise off peanuts from a lucky phone board deal or gatw .

this then enters the subconscious ,,,,,,,, that ,,,,,,,, ''maybe fruit machines arnt so bad afterall'' and keeps them punting the others that we do play ..

so next time your thinking of complaining about noel ,,,,,,,, think about it from another perspective .

besides if you consider yourself a pro player , then come on here most nights , complaining how piss evil they are etc , or that you put x amount in for a board etc,and got involved in the shit ,,,,,,,,,,, how much of a pro player are you really lol??????

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 12:24 am
by griff50
The bottom line in gambling is decision-making, and deal concepts give the simplest, yet most rewarding decision-making scenarios for the punter.

So sadly, I don't see them going soon

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 8:30 am
by PMK
I don't agree with everything u say Mr Hop.

There are certain donds that I and many others will always be prepared to give a board. Yes sometimes they can cost £10+ but at the same time there are quick raises to be had.

I appreciate that there is a large element of luck in getting a gatw and sometimes a decent cob, but they are readable. I would say the few i will play out of a bad bunch have seen me yield fairly decent profit admittedly with the odd brain out but overall i'm well ahead on my select few.

Given that there are so many of these I think it's a reasonable idea to at least have done knowledge on them.

But obviously don't get involved in all of them!! That could be sick.

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 11:31 am
by wildcat
Cos bellfruit have got a "winning formula" in there eyes , i can't see the end of these for a while, personally i don't mind trying for a couple of boards (beards lol) just incase i get a phone game or a lucky cob, it's just annoying when a pub thats got 3 machines and every one is a deal or clone.

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 11:36 am
by silent g
Makes no difference if they fuck them off or not coz we will still have goldmine, bullys clone, family guy they're just the same :/ the dond game style will be around for a long time!

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 1:25 pm
by AMK
I think if they didn't do a random 210 GATW then they may be a little more playable.

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 10:21 pm
by mr cheese
Landlords /Ladys love Bellfruits .Why simple more profit as long as they keep asking Bellfruit will keep churning ask any landlord which machines they prefer in there establishment

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:53 am
by Mr Move It
I have quite enjoyed Bell Fruit's Noel/DOND franchise, but I am concerned about Barcrest shoehorning the DOND concept onto the likes of Take It or Leave It. I think there's also a version for Monopoly too. I'm sure that the fruit companies have settled on agreements, buying the rights on Bell Fruit's DOND end-game though.

Going back to Noel, I quite like how Bell Fruit based some of their DOND games onto older Bell Fruit games. For example, the Dream Factory is based on the Royale Banker, with a board and sliding mechanism that extends the board, and only Bell Fruit had done that to my knowledge.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 2:43 am
by Captain.Tattybojangles
JPM nicked that for a dire release. Impulse almost copied it minus the flex.
Not my fave style of machine really.
Problem is, if no more beards appear, a whole lot more bulls, tashes, swag bags, griffins, and perhaps even Colnel Mustards will start appearing. Along with makeshift versions from other companies. It's just a matter of taking what you can off them by any means.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:28 pm
by thecannonball89
trayhop123 wrote:this post is directed at NO-ONE in particular

there's a lot of posts/threads all over fruitchat with people complaining about beards .

i dont complain about em ever ,,,,,,,,,, why ,,,,,,,,, because i dont play em ,,,,, simple ...... 90% of em are shit , and your more likely to profit from a lucky cob/deal/gatw ,,,,, than any traditional pro slotter play techniques .

a good pro player has no business with luck.

yes they may be shit ,,,,,,,,,, but joe public loves em ,,,,,,,, and this can only be a good thing for us,,,,,,,, why ?,,,,,, because joe public has no concept of skill play, forcing , rips, blags , conventional pro player techniques etc , ,,,,,,,

yet with beards however ,,,,,,,,,,joe can and often does obtain a massive raise off peanuts from a lucky phone board deal or gatw .

this then enters the subconscious ,,,,,,,, that ,,,,,,,, ''maybe fruit machines arnt so bad afterall'' and keeps them punting the others that we do play ..

so next time your thinking of complaining about noel ,,,,,,,, think about it from another perspective .

besides if you consider yourself a pro player , then come on here most nights , complaining how piss evil they are etc , or that you put x amount in for a board etc,and got involved in the shit ,,,,,,,,,,, how much of a pro player are you really lol??????
I dont touch thses bags very often, you must have played hofs tho?

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:35 pm
by silent g
hofs can be mean!
you CAN lose on them when dead or refilled.
if not boosting your fcuked and you have to play for atleast 2 boards and if they cost £13 each your at a bigenough loss to wanna play for phones :/