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Play the Joker £500

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 9:06 pm
by JG
Once again Astra (within their current Novomatic/Admiral umbrella) have come up trumps. I'm not talking physical power of the radiation monster or black magic of the sorcerer but the sort of dreadfully smelly trumps that may emit from one's back passage causing instant evacuation of the surrounding areas.
Slotto £500 multigame B3 video cabinet. Play the Joker £500. Prevalent in pretty much ALL arcades due to its cheap sale price.

£400 in from reset and no feature. No feature whatsoever. Now we all know that this is a Totally Bonkers set up with mostly £20-£30 feature awards and the odd cyclic £100-£500. Most of their new compensated stuff is of this ilk. There's also that Totally Bonkers style uber rigged gamble. These gambles are so cold stone dead to start off with. THIS is my gripe.

No one is feasibly expecting lots of low hanging 'free' money ripe for the picking, but a little bit of fair play from the outset may allow punters to enjoy these games rather than INSTANTLY alienating them and making sure the cabinet relies on that one trick Astra stalWART Reel King Potty to keep the cashbox alive.
To say that the mechanisms behind this compensation are programmed by 12 year olds would be an insult to pretty much every 12 year old in the country.
Who on earth programs this? Who tests it? Qualified dickheads? Chimpanzees on class A drugs?

It's not hard guys. You get the program to seed randomly on start up a fairly flat experience. You may be on a slight hiding or a slight winning start but setting up to utterly murder the first player is plain wrong and morally reprehensible. Hell even go one further and allow for rare seedings of £500 jackpots within the first few presses. Live dangerously.

We know these are tightly compensated games. When you lose the feature (not pots or cyclic!) on Bonkers it comes back within a few spins like clockwork. So it's not like this is just an unlucky swing. It's either a supremely ignorant or cold calculated business decision to make it play like this OR maybe you just put 20 monkeys in a room with a computer and waited to see what they came up with.

A shame you couldn't afford more monkeys, we might have got a script for a West End Show or something entertaining which this isn't.

It wasn't me who played it btw, but I got the phone call to say £400 deep, no feature, same engine as Bonkers what should I do?

My response was to elbow it, switch it off, spit on it, smash it and tip it over. Now I'm magnaminous in sporting defeat, a true gent but I do get riled to childish retorts when something as c***ish as this happens. Luckily it was a true gent of the coin, Sir OB of OBshire ringing me. If it had been Sir Mole of Hastingshire on the phone, I guarantee there would be an engineer somewhere looking up the part code for a new screen.

SO what's the seed Astra peeps? £6-700 for a £25 feature is it? Oh it does give the odd win as well. That makes it ok I guess as there's nothing more entertaining than the odd £5 win on £2 stake.

You really have no ideas or scruples. Whoever programmed this SHAME ON YOU. Utter tosh! Where is the balancing of gameplay? It may seem like hilarious fun paying 700 virtual pounds on a test computer screen to get a gamble to go over £30 but in real life with real money it is not fun, entertaining or fair.


Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 2:49 pm
by BFK
They're probably punishing you for all the money you made off them in the past!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 7:30 pm
by streakseims
777/888s are designed to pay when fresh, alot of placed didnt like this so astra make em play shit from the off....if the punters lose from the offset they may all keep chasing the win and by the time they realise its taken £10,000 with no jackpot its to late and then they update the games and reset them all again.

bit like William hills lol