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Carribean Stud Bad Misses

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:23 pm
by blackmogu
Ok, had the following bad misses on Caribbean Stud, playing the progressive which was on ~ 180k.

First one, A,K,J,10 Hearts. Didn't look at the last card as I like the suspense. No show, but the very next card in the dealt out set to the guy next to me was the Q of hearts. Cheers, chance ! One away for almost 200K.

Second one, progressive on ~40K, and have

2,3,4,5 hearts, and a red 6. Once again I leave the last bit of information to the flip. I now have a 50/50 of getting 10% of the progressive for a straight flush. Fucked again for the 6 of diamonds !

Arrrghh !!

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 4:03 pm
by eastangliapro
you can't beat a nice squeeze....hard lines though.....very hard