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test question

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 2:43 pm
by pokerpete
not sure what level most poker players are at on this site so I though I'd set a little quiz question to find out.

there's no right answer but definitely some wrong ones

You are down to the last 50 players in a MTT. top 18 get paid so you're a way off the money. You are about average in chips and not under any pressure from the blinds.

The hand.
blinds are 400/800
Player UTG raises to 2800 his stack is around 50k. It passes round to the you on BB and you have AcQc. You have a similar stack to the raiser but he has you sightly covered. You decide to call and see a flop.

Flop is 2c 5c Qh
a great flop for you. Pot is 6000. You bet half the pot to see where you are. he raises it to 10k.

first question then
fold, call 7000 or re-raise and if so, how much?
why do you do what you choose?
What range of hands do you put him on?

to summarise, pot is now 19,000 and it's 7,000 to call. You have about 44,000 behind the line.

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 3:00 pm
by bigv038
Personally depending on his previous play at the table I'd probably flat call the re-raise and then check - raise him afterwards!
I'd take it all the way either way - But I'd try not to get all my chips in unless I hit the flush just incase he has a pocket over-pair!

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 3:40 pm
by Mattb
Got to be suckering him in for me. Re raise him a wedge so he's pot committed. Got to have faith in your hand doing the biz, he'd have to have something monster to actually out play the hand that you'd make with one more card, or something crappy that wins as you get stranded going for the biggie. Involvement for me! :D

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 3:43 pm
by mr lugsy
i got him on a high pair,doubt he has just a draw for flush or open ended straight,i'd call the raise too and see the turn ,i don't think i'm ahead at this point but i aint folding top pair with nut flush draw unless the turn is no use to me and he moves all in,after all i'd only probably have to play conservatively to cash out from this point as the blinds aint too much yet.

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 5:25 pm
by pokerpete
I thought Bigv and Lugsy were definitely right until I worked it out below. it's borderline I think, now I've done it.

Let's put him on a hand.

pre-flop action first
does he raise UTG with pairs 2,2 - 10,10? not usually. certainly not 2,2 - 7,7.

J,J / QQ / KK / AA, yes usually

should only be AK but quite often A,Q and A,J too

After the flop can we narrow it down more?
If he had been loose enough to raise with a small pair, only 2,2 and 5,5 raise you here. the rest fold. Even J,J rarely raises you, thought it's possible they're putting you on a missed AK or a draw and are trying to force you off.

if he'd raised with Q,Q he'd surely flat call your bet. He might raise to force you off a flush draw but it's usually people trap with top set. they can't help themselves (neither can I)

A,x is very unlikely now unless it's AQ. that's great news because you're freerolling for the flush.

A,A and K,K are obviously the most likely. Raise UTG and a raise when you bet that flop. Screaming out over pair.

so what are your chances against the possibilities?
against 2,2 5,5 and Q,Q you must hit your flush. You'll do that approx 36% of the time.

against AQ you can't loose and will still hit the flush 36% of the time. if you knew for a FACT they had a set you'd need pot odds of 2/1 to make the call. You're getting more than that so you'd still call even knowing you were behind.

against KK you have 8 or 9 clubs (depending on the suit of his Kings) plus three Aces plus the two remaining Queens so that's 13 or 14 outs which gives you 52%-56%. you are a small favourite over K,K

Against A,A you have 9 clubs and two queens giving you 11 outs or 44%

because A,A and K,K are screaming out at you when you pick hands for them you have to do your quick tableside calculation on those two really. 44+56+52/3 near as damn it a 50/50 shot. based purely on the maths you could actually justify pushing here and taking the coin flip.

If you take Q,Q into consideration, maybe it's JUST a call


Turn is Jd
What now?

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:48 pm
by mr lugsy
bet pot immediately without any hesitation, if he reraises ,all in ,buttocks clenched and fingers crossed.

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 11:58 pm
by Drpepper
Mash pot!

In all serousness though it depends on his range, i'm reraising ahere unless i put him on aces and kings, betting into him on that flop will make him think you're most likely trying to steal

Given the flop you could bet out enough times to make him fold to make doing that profitable, and he knows that, so he's probably reraising regardless of his hand, so i'd definately shove expecting to be ahead.

But if his VPIP or RFP are 10/5 or less, then i'd have to think carefully.

If you call and see that flop and don't mash pot then why are you calling, then again i'm strictly omaha nowadays so what do i know :D .

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 2:27 am
by joe3_3
I'd of gone all in on the flop, after his re raise, at worst your drawing to the nut flush, not a bad thing.
Although due to the nature of pokerI suspect you wouldnt remember this hand if youd of won it.
Could be an overpair but I dont think so, did he win with QJh?
Dont think it will be a 'premium' hand................. :roll:

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 12:56 pm
by pokerpete
not a real hand, just wondering how people play.

that's how I play the hand but I'm relatively tight and like to set big traps.
At least when I'm deep stacked. I up the aggression when shorter.

If we assume he has a A,A or K,K what's your move in the turn, having called on the flop?
do you check it, do you bet out?
If you check and he bets, what bets do you fold to, call or reraise?

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 6:14 pm
by bigv038
Got to be checking it in the hope of a free river.

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:30 pm
by joe3_3
Its question is useless then as it depends on the player your up against.

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:48 pm
by mr lugsy
i was pot committed when the jack came down ,my chips are in like flynn.

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 11:40 pm
by pokerpete
there's 26,000 in the pot.
against A,A or K,K you are now 22%-28% to win.
if his bet is any more than 7500 and you don't have odds to call (although you get full double up if you hit)
If he bets 15,000 on the turn, do you not have enough info to put it down?
perhaps that's why you're better off pushing on the flop. If you're sure you are up against A,A or K,K you have the right odds to make put it in there. now you're priced out.

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 11:44 pm
by mr lugsy
i feel lucky ,make my day ,let the river card be a club ,pretty please.

Re: test question

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:34 am
by Pheature
pokerpete wrote:not sure what level most poker players are at on this site so I though I'd set a little quiz question to find out.

there's no right answer but definitely some wrong ones

You are down to the last 50 players in a MTT. top 18 get paid so you're a way off the money. You are about average in chips and not under any pressure from the blinds.

The hand.
blinds are 400/800
Player UTG raises to 2800 his stack is around 50k. It passes round to the you on BB and you have AcQc. You have a similar stack to the raiser but he has you sightly covered. You decide to call and see a flop.

Flop is 2c 5c Qh
a great flop for you. Pot is 6000. You bet half the pot to see where you are. he raises it to 10k.

first question then
fold, call 7000 or re-raise and if so, how much?
why do you do what you choose?
What range of hands do you put him on?

to summarise, pot is now 19,000 and it's 7,000 to call. You have about 44,000 behind the line.
Well as you say it all depends.
yet again you did not give us alot of information, for example how tight/loose the player UnderTheGun has been playing, althou u said he's the same chip stack as you but slightly higher so from that information if a guy was playing like me i would be wary and personaly i would not reraise his 7k bet into the 19 it could be profitable if you do but in this case i would not simply because i belive i could be behind!.. i would put him on these hands.

From starting order being the most likely
jj. kQ.KK.AA. AQ. Small PP and possibly hit trips like 5's...

So if these are the hand's i put him on with my flush draw beliving i am behind i would just call the 7k bet and see how he plays the next card.
even if he does have trips at this stage he's still only a small faviort due to your flush draw and backdoor chances with runner runner queens full. which would be the better full house due to the Q being the highest card on the board.

So in summary.
I would call his 7k bet. see the followin card and play the hand accordinlgy to his next action... even thou i did not raise the 7k (when i am ahead) this call i made on the flop could be very profitable aswell because on the turn he could mabe think his jj is good because i did not raise, and him knowin this, he could check the jj on the turn and call any small bets you put in. and even if you check the turn and the river makes no difference to both hands he's sure to put in atleast a half size pot, and the natural thing to do is call his bet.