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Would you complain???

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:46 am
by ma71lda
Playing a 10 seated double up sit 'n' go tonight and I have approx 70% of my stack in the big blind when the small blind announces s/he has a pair of aces.

Well obviously everyone folds and I'm stuck there with 7,7 knowing if I fold I'm all-in next hand with possible/probable junk. Three players are already out and two behind have less chips than me but I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. If s/he never opened his/her trap they may have pushed and I have an easy choice of folding hoping they get KO'd. Well in the end my full house ended up being beaten by quad aces!!!!! Pretty sick lol.

But would anyone lodge a complain of sorts??? Surely this fucker colluded with the table to get me out of the game therefore I was beaten unfairly? I think I should be compenstated to be honest. One things for sure if it happened in a casino he'd be hospitalised at best.

Disgraceful play and yes PP, I know I should never have been in that situation lol, but the cards have been well and truly against me for the last 48 hours or so. :lol: :wink:

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:58 am
by JG
BY all means complain. That was bad etiquette on the part of the aces player. Sometimes it is the nature of the game that you can be deceitful and lie, but revealing a hand to influence the actions of players pre flop is not acceptable. If it's a heads up situation and they say they have aces when they've got 7 2 off suit, well it's your luck out if you believe them. However collusion of any sort is the bane of on line poker, second only to the rigged software they use.

However in this case, you've got cause to complain, so go for it, although I doubt you'll get any monetary compensation or even anything more than a standard letter as way of reply.

Probably a hybrid bot human shill prop rig out robot that nailed you.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:38 am
by bigv038
I'd probably complain, nothing will probably come of it but what harm can it do? They might even turn the DOOM switch off. ONLINE POKER IS RIGGED :lol:

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:27 am
by mr lugsy
there's no chat once 3 players have gone out on the ones i play at pokerstars.

would be better to have none from the start though i think.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:12 am
by pokerpete
Speach play is a part of the game and should be allowed uncensored.I don't include abusive or aggressive speach play, because that should not be allowed EVER.
Short of actually exposing your cards, anything should be allowed.
Particularly when only two players remain, you should be able to say what you like, not fereze chat like they do on Pokerstars.
Same goes for live poker.

In a live game I want people to talk.
If they say "I have aces" it's up to me to match up their words with their mannerisms, betting actions and previous behaviour to determine if they are telling the truth ot not.
I can then base my action on that and the pot odds.
it's a bit harder online because there's no physical clues to lying, but that's no reason to stop it or to complain.

Are you saying that your Big Blind constituted 70% of your stack?
If that's the case you have to call, even if the small blind SHOWS you aces.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:25 am
by mr lugsy
i'm not against chat in normal games but the double up games do leave it open for collusion and i'm not for any of that .

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:47 am
by JG
I've seen it all in those double up games. Blinds 200/400. Player in BB with 420 chips. SB has 3000ish stack. All players fold to SB who puts in the 200. BB raises all in to 420. Small blind folds. Come on....who are you kidding?

I complained then and got a standard letter back saying that their anti collusion software was the best in the land and I should try not to worry my little head about such matters. There there, don't cry little boy, just make sure you don't knock the doom switch to off on your way out. See ya!

I've also heard of someone at my girlfriend's workplace who pays people to use their bank account details to set up on line poker accounts. I think this is the sort of level of collusion that the sites do bother with, but how good is the detection rate? Well as far as I'm aware he's still offering people money for their 'bank account details'.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:17 pm
by pokerpete
so why do people continue to play these shit games

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:21 pm
by harry2
pokerpete wrote:so why do people continue to play these shit games
People play double up so when they win they feel like they are unbeatable !!!. especially the Super Turbo games where the blinds double every minute !!

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:17 pm
by pokerpete
play shit structured games against shit players and it'll be , well, shit.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:23 pm
by JG
Some people like shit structure. Look at your average pub poker night. It's in fashion at the moment. People love a good crap shoot. Beer, banter and not very much brain matter needed.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 8:44 am
by Matt Vinyl
^^^ And you can walk away with a decent profit if you've at least a tad experience of playing (at pub poker-nights).

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:26 am
by pokerpete
I really struggle at those

My parents caught the bug off me and play in a weekly pub game
£2 a head, 16 runners, rattle through the blinds every 10 mins, whole game over in 3 hours.

I find £300 deepstack tournaments a LOT easier to play than them :D

the lower the buyin, lower the starting stack and faster the blinds, the more luck is involved.

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 1:17 am
by Blackcurrantsoda

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 8:20 am
by mr lugsy
wow! :shock: