Longest continuous (pretty much) poker session ever

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Longest continuous (pretty much) poker session ever

Post by JG »

Nope, it's not me playing for a week solid on Hills with no breaks, but it's Phil Laak and his 115 hours solid poker stint, with the exception of one 30 minute nap.

Pretty impressive, just shows what the human body is capable of, although I'd imagine some schlurring of words after all that poker and lack of sleep.

Puts those 10 hours on a Grandslam stories into perspective.

Another interesting factoid I heard (not on Steve Wright's show, but I have nicked the word factoid from that programme) was that it is possible to totally refresh the human MIND with just one minute's sleep. That is if the sleep is of extremely high quality. Most sleep is flawed in that the brain is not totally 'switched off'. For example, if you're asleep and I creep up to you and go "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!" at the top of my lungs, then you wake up and you may be a little bit cross. It's because your brain was not fully relaxed, you were still receptive to auditory stimulii. With total sleep, bar autonomic preservation, you are dead to the world completely. We are talking of high quality, super high fidelity, ultra deep, premium sleep. One minute of this and total MENTAL refreshment.

You need the 6+, ideally 8+ hours, biological variation applies yeah?, to perform the +ve PHYSICAL aspects of sleep, such as bursal sac maintenance, synovial fluid rejuvenation, tissue regrowth, muscle relaxation blah blah bloopity blah etc

So there we go.