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low stakes ring games rip off rakes

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 4:16 am
by JG
Absolutely pointless. The rake is a huge detriment to any potential and I just can't beat these games. I shall never play ring games on line again as I also suspect some degree of cheating. The cheating involves breaking people with ourageous out draws. That prompts you to reload to assuage your 'bad luck'. It can go either way, but ultra malicious showdowns are oh so commonplace. I guess a mega multi table short stack strategy could work, but I've decided not to play them at all.

Tournaments are where I win. Yes these have the same malicious outdraws which keep the maniacs hooked and make people reload and boost the money held by the site. It can be done, Ed Miller says so. This is how it's done. Cinematic poker, it's soooo not natural and it can't be detected statistically as it's cleverly balanced out.
However at least you have a goal with a tournament and you only pay rake once.
Say you sit at a ring game to make £100, you could pay that in rake easy!
In a tournament it's £100+£2.50 rake heads up, that's a saving of £97.50.

Yes, I'm sure ring games can be beat with short stack multi tablers and fisherman profiling all the regular fish, but on my table everyone seemed to be losing, including me. Everyone became a victim of malice and the only winner is the poker room. I think they hate me slightly more than the others though, random variation.

Oh yes, it was all out in force tonight. Backdoor flushes, domination meaning as much as Harrington says it means and bluff timing to game theory met with nuts right on cue.


So it's back to tournaments only. Focusing on one table will not aid your quest.

To sum it all up I played heads up ring game with another punter.

We both bought in with £20. At the end of the one hour session I had £21.28. I said, look bud, let's call it a night, I'm £1.28 up, I'm sleepy....i reckon the rake is a rip though (he'd just reclaimed a few of my chips and was at £30.xx), he replied ;( £58 down.

So we'd payed almost £29 each for the priviledge of playing each other on line. William Hill you robbing c**ts.

My main gripe is the extortionate rake in these situations.
Secondly it's that it is cinematic. Not full blown rigged, but something is suspect. It hasn't stopped me winning 3k, but something is up.
Yeah bang on about rigtards and tin foil hats and bad beat whingers, that's what I'd blog about if was running the poker room.

Utterly utterly rigged and yes, I have the hand histories.....well I assume I do......I know William Hill writes 'em to your computer. Ages since I've had a big session, and my poker tracker software licence has expired, but I'm sure they're on this very hard drive in ASCII somewhere.

For the casual player with a bit of nouse, looking for some low stakes ring fun......forget it!!! It's a rip off. Might not even be rigged hard at all, I reckon it's the EXTORTIONATE rakes, make it seem rigged.

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 1:58 pm
by ma71lda
I wasn't going to reply to this but as I was reading I suffered a lovely beat in the £5 double up sit & go I was playing. 9,9 in the BB and everyone folds to the SB who pushes, fair enough he has me covered but I ain't folding with 20% of my stack already in the pot. Low and behold he turns over 9,2 of diamonds lol.....the flop was safe, then the cursed runner runner syndrome strikes for the flush. FIIIIIIIIX!!!!!!!

Maybe I have won one too many recently but its besides the point, I'd like to know the odds of him winning preflop though as I know the 'suited' factor adds less than 2%.

It also adds to my culmative beat streak of tournaments and sit 'n go's. My last 16 (and counting) exits I have been in front either before or after the flop. Yes I have already made it into the money but rather than double/triple my buy-in I want to win a worthy amount for the hours put in. I also find it a strange co-incidence when certain players get away with murder on a regular basis.

I'm no superstar but I ain't no mug either, its just uber frustrating when you play near flawless poker for 3 or 4 hours just to have the rug pulled beneath you by 'random variance'.

As for sites creaming the rake. How annoying is it on a cash table when the board produces the best hand (i.e A-10 no flush draws) and you've had the best of it since the turn therefore you have bet accordingly and a couple of fish have come along for the ride. The river has nullified your hand and split the pot. Fair enough it happens.

But there is a decent sized pot and instead of checking it down some numpty pushes all in. Now that IS annoying. If you are in position and everyone else calls in front of you (of course they do, their money is in the pot), then you have to call yourself. What these idiots don't realise is the site has actually made money because of the tool who pushed all in being clever yet doesn't realise EVERYONE IN THE POT HAS LESS MONEY AFTER THE HAND THAN BEFORE IT STARTED DUE TO THE RAKE, NOBODY WON A BEAN, THEY SACRAFICED MONEY FOR A FEW POKER POINTS LOL!!!!!

There is always, always one. :lol:

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 4:22 pm
by pager
How about these two- $6-50 90 man tournament,first hand KK,got reraised so shoved.He has kq spades,flop turn river all spades. Goodnight first hand.
2 tournys later I've got kk first hand again pre flop run into AA.I know it can happen we all know that but there are some really suspect stuff that goes on.

Runner flushes and miraculous rivers is what online poker is all about. :lol:

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:02 am
by pokerpete

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:54 pm
by porkman
pager wrote:we all know that but there are some really suspect stuff that goes on.

Do 'we all'

Nope only retards think that

Of course it isn't rigged.

Why are people so dumb?

Oh and the US blew up the twin towers

Rolf Harris killed Diana



Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:05 pm
by Stevie S
JG- You are a really intelligent guy and it surprises me that it is taking you so long to realise that online games are rigged to the bone. I don't care what reputable company you are using it is the same everywhere. Just have a couple of your mates round with a few beers and have a heavy session with them once in a while if you are going to play at all.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:52 pm
by harry2
I played a $1 100 player tournament before christmas. Went all in and behind six times and won the lot. Manged to winthe tournament somehow. Would rather have win skillfully , but it was my biggest win (by player size).

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:39 pm
by porkman
Stevie S wrote:JG- You are a really intelligent guy and it surprises me that it is taking you so long to realise that online games are rigged to the bone. I don't care what reputable company you are using it is the same everywhere. Just have a couple of your mates round with a few beers and have a heavy session with them once in a while if you are going to play at all.
I'm so bored by how ignorant people are to probibilty and variance.

Of course it isn't rigged

You guys just aren't skillful enough to beat the rake, so you rrmember the bad beats and forget the suck outs.

Check you EV from ur HH and you will see you are being chumps.

If you have AA and he has 22 and you both go all in, he will win 1 in 5 times. 20%. Yeah it hurts. But to claim the game is bent, just because you other bad play is losing you money.

Grow up chumps.

Why is it NEVER the professional players that say it's rigged?

Only the bad losing players ... hmmmmmmmmmmm

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:06 pm
by Stevie S
porkman wrote: Why is it NEVER the professional players that say it's rigged?

Only the bad losing players ... hmmmmmmmmmmm
I take it your a pro then are you mate??? I am not going to post you the millions of articles about online poker being bent and millions having to be refunded, you can look for yourself, but you will probably still deny the truth because you are a "pro" of course.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:32 pm
by porkman
Yes I make my living from Live and Internet poker.

And Russ Hamilton on UB/AP is that what you mean?

As other than that there have NEVER been any of the major sites that have cheated.

If you mean bots/colluision yes they also spend millions catching them. And at the moment bots are only really good at LIMIT. And collusion tends to be DON rather than cash FR.

But the idea that the sites are rigged??????

Is completely retarded.

Yes I am a pro player.

As are some of my friends.

And no none (pro player) that I know would EVER believe that Tilt, Stars, Party, etc are rigged.

Why would they? They make too much money to risk losing it.

Like I said the people who go on about this are losing to the rake/just plain losing

Someone hitting a 2 outter on the river WILL happen about 1-20 times. You can choose to remember those times and scream fix. Or go back and check your HUD and see the 19 times when ur hand held up, which you don't remember as it's what you expect.

Sorry Stevie but you are my chump of the week.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:07 pm
by Stevie S
Ok mr porkman, give me your name and the details of some of the tournaments you have won and if it all holds up I will apologize without delay. I think about 99% of poker players I talk to online are "pro's", the only place I hear more bullshit than I do online is the boozer. If you earn a living from poker then you should be well established among some of the players I know.

f up

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 2:26 am
by luckyleps84
1-2 pound blinds start with 100 after 5 to 6 playable hands up about a ton , gets. Kk so raise get called , flop k k a , checked got raised all in , happy days , other guy had full house with pocket aces at time , hits a one outer 4th ace on river , sick ...... 4 of a kind kings losing to 4 of kind aces , ....William hill account no more. ,, wsop is the way forward

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 4:44 pm
by porkman
Stevie S wrote:Ok mr porkman, give me your name and the details of some of the tournaments you have won and if it all holds up I will apologize without delay. I think about 99% of poker players I talk to online are "pro's", the only place I hear more bullshit than I do online is the boozer. If you earn a living from poker then you should be well established among some of the players I know.
Hi I'm a cash player FR Rush so the numbers don't come up on sites, as they don't track Rush. I do play live in London (if you know anyone from the big three London venues Int, Vic, Empire - they will know me).

Online pros I know well are Citizenwind*, Marshall28 (they are both card runner pros).

I am a Blackcard Tilt Player?

I play 2.5k hands a day for 20 days each month - all 100nl

* I think he is one of the, if not the, biggest winners at Rush over the last year

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:10 pm
by Cf
Play on any reputable poker site and it won't be rigged. Why would it be?

People just think online is rigged because of the massive volume of hands played. Most of them will pass without incident. Some will involve suckouts. But because you play so many more hands you see them more often. And we all remember the bad beats, and not so much the times we do it to other people.

I could argue that live poker is rigged. My favourite hand is getting it all in on the flop with AA: A72 rainbow. Got called by KK. I lost the hand... so rigged!

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:32 pm
by mouse75
porkman wrote:
pager wrote:we all know that but there are some really suspect stuff that goes on.

Do 'we all'

Nope only retards think that

Of course it isn't rigged.

Why are people so dumb?

Oh and the US blew up the twin towers
I never did like Rolf.....
Rolf Harris killed Diana

