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Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 9:20 pm
by Hangman21
JG wrote:I doubt it'd make much difference to be honest. If he's calling all that post flop, he'll think nothing of a 3-4 blind raise.
We often use the term shill for these players, that is not a correct term. A shill is supposed to keep players at tables.
These guys are Internet fraudsters who are in the network. It may be he is friends with the criminal mob bosses who run the show or a friend of a friend of someone 'in house'. Either way this is not unique to Absolute Poker.
You can't avoid it mate. I sympathise. There are standard ways to play hands, but sometimes you can't help feeling damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Best to play when human traffic is at its peak, if you do play.

There is plenty of corruption in on line poker - like you say, you push with them kings pre flop and you'll see ace rag and an ace come rolling in. If you had pushed all in, he may have folded, but damned if you do etc....

Hard luck. Definitely worth staying away for the sake of sanity and quality of life. Pocket card distribution matches up with expected stats, much higher than expected levels of suckouts implies

1) Player very unlucky
2) Someone knows something they shouldn't
3) Software is rigging it with in house bots/skewed odds (unlikely as previously discussed)

Most common method is to screenscrape your cards via a worm in a Googlesque toolbar that sneaks around, up and over the firewall.
That guy was either a complete cluey which is possible, but far more likely an insider.

Tough luck pal.
That's on line poker.

Perhaps JG you should try going on a conspiracy thoery website instead of a fruit chat website. I think there will be a few people you will agree with you on those sites. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 9:40 pm
by Hangman21

Next time I get royally screwed I will try and remember to cut and paste, but that wasnt my first thought. Personally I dont like going on about a bad beat because everyone has a bad beat story to tell and they are usually very boring.

I re read what I typed and that is exactly what happened. It is not something I am going to forget quickly. It happened on Sunday gone and I still feel sick thinking about it.

I have registered what you said about strength of BB, and yes that is probably the only explanation to why he called my all in after flop.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:18 am
by pokerpete
you raise preflop to protect yourself from being outdraw by Ace-rag. That's the point.

If you re-raise and they call holding a bare ace and hit they've made a bad play and got lucky.

If you flat call after they've raised you with a bare ace and they hit the flop they still got lucky but it's your bad play.

make sure it's your opponents making the bad plays and not you. Long term that'll pay off.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:53 pm
by Hangman21
I understand what you are saying about betting pre flop so ace-rag folds and I agree.

But on line and in live play a weaker player wont fold if he has bet and you come over the top he will push all in (especially if he is short stacked). I have seen it happen and have had it happen to me so many times I have lost count. Even in the latter stages of tournies i have seen them push all in with Ace three suited. Up against a good sized PP and end up hitting their Ace.

Yes i will bet pre flop if no one else has bet before me, but I prefer to see the flop before all my chips go in the middle.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:40 am
by pokerpete
you say you understand, yet you still make the wrong play.

It doesn't matter whether the weak player passes his rag ace or pushes with it.

If he passes you win the pot there and then.

If he calls he's making a -ev play. You're chips are in as 70/30 favourite. how much better do you want?

The other factor is that you've guessed at Ace rag with no real evidence so sometimes (like this one) he's going to be in worse shape with an under pair, K,Q or as in this case, filth. You were a 9/1 favourite and you let this fish see the flop. I still have no idea why he calls your bet on the flop but if he'd had J,7 and flopped two pair it would have been your fault.

You can choose to play your huge hands tricky, but must be prepared to face the consequences when it goes wrong.