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Most Bizarre/Lucky CLOT win?

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:57 pm
by MrRed
Ok so these get slated a lot
Personally i dont mind them have only taken a couple of bad hits

Anyway played one yesterday £19 for a board dead first gamble
£1 left in credits switched down to normal 50p play to 'spawn a board and walk'
Gets bonus slows down for number runner
£15 is there available and get it dropped in
Now what would most do here?
Walk? Was on a 10 btw
Alredy £300 up on the day and it was late was gonna collect
Would have been devastated to have lost £100+

Anyhow gambled it and won to £25, still considering taking it
Gambled it to £35 almost pressed collect
Before i knew what i was doing i just hit it and it won to the top
Only goes and does a £70 wtf :shock:
And to think if that £1 had not been in credits i was gonna walk :P

A nice £350 up on the day (thanks mostly to 3 Indy Raiders and a Hi Lo)

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:44 am
by sir ratholer
Erm when it does this I'm sticking with it, pretty standard IMO!! :wink:

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:02 am
by MrRed
Yeah the big board cost when ready I agree is normal
It was more the fact of luck
Was gonna leave it as they do it when battered also
And as I was already well up on the day would have been ruined
Never had luck like that on these just the normal stuff
Gotta be happy when a potential £20 loss is turned into a £50 profit

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:45 am
by Dunhamzzz
I found one of these on a weird chip (it was 70%) that did either 3 types of boards - a £2 block - a £5 block or went in (everytime for flat)

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:50 pm
by Slammer
MrRed wrote:Yeah the big board cost when ready I agree is normal
It was more the fact of luck
Was gonna leave it as they do it when battered also
And as I was already well up on the day would have been ruined
Never had luck like that on these just the normal stuff
Gotta be happy when a potential £20 loss is turned into a £50 profit
Hm.. I totally understand about being scared to do your nuts in it.

But my question is this....

Why did you play it in the first place?

There is /no/ sign on a COB which wont mean you wont do your knackers in it, so what were you looking for?

I personally would sooner stick £40 in a £500 Random Bullshit (and I /never/ play these unless experimenting) than a Coppa Loada This unless it was in the /perfect/ pub.

Town Centre / Service Station, forget it. Ive tried and failed, many many times. Must have lost well over £500 in these and I havent played that many!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:40 pm
by MrRed
Slammer wrote:
MrRed wrote:Yeah the big board cost when ready I agree is normal
It was more the fact of luck
Was gonna leave it as they do it when battered also
And as I was already well up on the day would have been ruined
Never had luck like that on these just the normal stuff
Gotta be happy when a potential £20 loss is turned into a £50 profit
Hm.. I totally understand about being scared to do your nuts in it.

But my question is this....

Why did you play it in the first place?

There is /no/ sign on a COB which wont mean you wont do your knackers in it, so what were you looking for?

I personally would sooner stick £40 in a £500 Random Bullshit (and I /never/ play these unless experimenting) than a Coppa Loada This unless it was in the /perfect/ pub.

Town Centre / Service Station, forget it. Ive tried and failed, many many times. Must have lost well over £500 in these and I havent played that many!!!!!!
Yeah good point
Tbh the pub it was in was what i would class a decent hit
I had already had some good luck on an earlier one
I do play these so would always 'give em a try'
I made £90 off the hi lo that was in there at the begining of the day and someone was on the CLOT
I would have taken it on from £15 coming in
Which in this location was well possible

I get the whole CLOT hatred
Like i i say been done very rarely on the ones i have played
I take it you collect the £35 on these if you have already had a top?
Considering the top will more than likely be £35 anyhow
This is where you lose from on these
Goes in for a flat the £35 comes back within say £20 lose that gamble to the top and it just blocks all day long after imo
Others reds do this, but this is the worst for it

At the end of the day everyones different
I just dont play COB's lost £100's on em
One loss was £250
Never had that on CLOT so still play em
And like i say the pub was good

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:02 pm
by Alpine021
The thing is I gave them chance after chance after chance. I must be £1K+ down on these without a blink. I mean I lost £250 twice seperately.

The biggest problem I always had was that from being £15 ready it cost loads for the next "guaranteed" pot. So get a £35 then £50+ for the next then £50+ for the next after that etc..... flat £35 every time...

Repeat this until u finally get a £70 and it dies and just hope that in all this time that u've not been to the bank, not been on it 2 hours and best of all - not been barred for nearly smashing it.

Admittedly I have had good ones that give u a bit of faith but it's been rare.

Although for ages I have said and agreed that some pubs are indeed "good hits".

Like on Sun played a CLOT in a good pub I have another machine in and did get a £70 off £40 so might start playing it but will no doubt be on here slating it within weeks :wink:

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:06 pm
by gambogaz1
It's strange how peoples experiences/opinions differ on certain machines.
I've only had the CLOT my way, 1st impression wasn't bad, about £30 in for £70
2nd time £50 in for £105
3rd time was the nasty hit, over £200 in after 6 sepearate flat tops before finally getting a £105 top
4th time was going the same way as the 3rd so walked after my 2nd flat top and £20 back into it, just hadn't got the time to mess about with it, so never went back.
Now COB's have been to me what HLS's have been to you lot (Not had a HLS my way yet). Seem to of had more £105's than £70's off it, and some from under £20 which I've only ever managed from a snakez, most other £105's have usually been after a struggle.
COB's have been amazing my way, shame there all gone now.

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:09 pm
by MrRed
You see what you describe there CLOT doing
Is exactly how COB's are for me
But instead of £50+ for next top it has been more like £100+
Lost £250 the following week £200 another £100 a week later etc etc
So i stopped playing em

Did have some good results £20 ish for £105 a couple of times but could not afford to lose anymore money in them
And they are just shit to play
One memory stands out
Totally off its head and i never managed to get above £2 for £140
I mean wtf is that?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:17 pm
by gambogaz1
Had a slightly similar 1 on COB. Redding like anything, full from the off, £10 win 1st board then wouldn't go past £3 for a while, then another £10 win then back down to a £5 block. £120 to go in for £35, but then next £1 did go back up for £105.
Didn't bother going back to that 1 either as it was well out the way for me.
Yours sounds like something proper fucked up there though.

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:18 pm
by Alpine021
It is mad - COBs are fine for me. A few random kickins but only because I found out they had just been done.

Got to say they have overall been annoying (boring to play - block for ages, kill me on low wins for fun etc) but definitely profitable thanks to loads and loads of a £35 followed quickly by a £70.

Like I said I'm interested to see how this CLOT works out in probably the best pub I have ever had (every machine in here has been good)

We'll see.....

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 12:05 am
by CrosbyRules
they're poor

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:04 am
by Mr McStreak
No Croz....

They aren't poor.

They are fucking abysmal machines.... :D

Poor just doesn't do them justice!

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:05 am
by GaryChandler
Have played worse.

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:25 am
by Mr McStreak
Showtime, Al Murrays, Oches are worse admittedly. But not by much.