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Rocket Money Goes Nuts

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 4:29 pm
by MrRed
Well what a win i had on this today.

After £4 in i get on the board, all but one feature is red.
Nudged in £4 and it let me gamble all the way to top which went for £25.
£3 later board again all red dead first gamble.

£8 later skill shot gives £15 higher than a 3 lower than a 10 top again which to my amazement goes all the way for £75

Next spin back on board got red toggle climb for £10
A couple of pound later got cash falls in green which i hit £10 on :D
So around £18-£20 in i got £120 out.
Needless to say this is my biggest profit from this. Anyone else had this.
Legal tender once gave me £110 off the top but i have heard a few say they have had that. But on this or top giza anyone had the ton+?

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 4:31 pm
by MrRed
By the way i checked a few pound after but not one hold or number came in what did i expect :roll:

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 4:33 pm
by mjd
thats quality! well played..

I might have to try reds a bit more.. I hate them usually, but the newer ones seem to be a bit less terrifying.. :lol:

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 5:39 pm
by ssgtsnelly
sort of had something like this...was playing it last week and had £26 of safe cash wins built up then the top went for £75....didnt bother playing for afters as this may have been pushing our luck...

good job though..i tend to find that this m'c likes to block a couple of tops then when it does come it tends to be £50+ for this mc alot..

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 6:19 pm
by MrRed
Yes i must admit had it block 3 times on friday night threw in 6 and 7 and an 8.
Still got £50 off the top then for about £40 in.
It must have been battered all day long saturday to streak like it did today but it is in a very very busy pub.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:20 pm
by Matt Vinyl
I'm pretty s-u-r-e that the top 'pot' is regardless of what is banked up elsewhere on Reds. They often do the £50-£75 if you get it, no matter what you may have won previously...

...the only gauranteed winners at the mo, if you ask me... :)


Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 12:41 pm
by Guest
Yes it can be good, but I hit it after a false show of reds and ended up spunking £120 to get it all red, i then got removed from the place and the next day when i came back to play it there was a punter on it who i watched as he got top after top, going all red each time after :roll:


Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 1:09 pm
by ob
lol watch out if it shows reds if boxes /£3+ is there, not conclusive!

When rocket money is sending 6/7/8 guys its not blocking the top, it's just you have been unlucky and its sent a bad number, they do this the whole time on loads of different cash values on the new programmed reds ie. send 6/7/8, doesnt mean its blocking the gamble!

no way are they garenteed profit matt vinyl, very dodgy - you can do your bollox easily, although I have been doing well of late of them, got a bit of luck back - made £100-150/day from them when I've bothered to trek out.

When you play say 3-4 rocket money's a day over a 5/day week, and 3-4 DNA's etc. per day, you'll realise how shit they can be, especially when they are played out by other people alot. Far from your £110 top on legal tender ( although I once had something in that region - not sure if it was £100 or £110 was ages ago! ) they often do £35 on the top which will kill off the streak - although you may be able to get hit the top after.

Don't like to always be negative about reds' but play em day in day out, you'll notice they aren't so nice :P

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 1:49 pm
by Matt Vinyl
but play em day in day out,
Which, as I've sdaid elsewhere, is something you definitely should not do...

...Where's that Discipline thread... ;)


Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 3:16 pm
by ob
oh come on matt, I mean different ones obviously - 4/5 different rocket moneys ( + clones ) every day, ie. about 20 DIFFERENT ones over the week, which being that I'm in london is not very hard to achieve believe me

I guess you dont play that much, but to people that do the rounds 5 days/week ish, long days, you play mountains of them - which I might add ( not trying to blow my own trumpet here ) gives me more merit to say how good reds are, given I've played so many more of them than you - although you are perfectly entitled to your opinion, I think the more you play the better you know machines.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 4:57 pm
by Matt Vinyl
Heh - I knew what you meant...

I play Reds every week...

2 x DNA
3 x Rocket Money
1 x Top Giza
1 x Sub Zero
2 x SnailBlazer

Very rarely been down, and I can certainly comment on how to play these just as well as you my friend...

I'll take back wqhat I said about 'guaranteed' winning - but I'd certainly say you've got 'the best' chance of making a good return on a Red than on most other manus' machines... (So long as you know what you're doing / what the signs are / what to collect / when to leave...)


Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 5:25 pm
by MrRed
Got to agree with Matt here know your reds and your laughing.

Discipline really comes into it more on reds you really do have to know when to force and when not to. Suss that out and you should always be up if you play a few of them a couple of times a week.

I also agree with ob though that if the reds are being forced all the time near you then you can get stung quite bad. Will cost you £30-£50 to get a flat £25.
But by playing a few you should get this back and profit on top.
Stack attack is the worst in my opinion.
Full no refill red boards first few pound and costs £120 to get £100 back if your lucky thats just how it is on this.
Here is what i play twice a week

4xsub zero
5xtop giza
2xrocket money
4xjackpot gems
1xlegal tender
1xstack attack

So far i am doing very well off these but they do get hit by other players from time to time its just about timing and knowing when they are on the suck.
worst i have had is £120 in stack attack for £75 back
best is £24 in a legal tender for £134 back

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 6:06 pm
by ssgtsnelly
christ red as if you have that many lovely m'cs to hit..we have maybe 6 and they can only be hit once a week at best :(

you must be making a killing :)

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 7:14 pm
by ob
fair enough you play them alot too matt, I seem to remember you saying somewhere you played once a week or something, maybe I was thinking of someone else?

I just think you should acknowledge more often the bad side of reds, rather than just the good all the time.. are you telling me you've never had a red cost £50+ FROM offering red features then give £25 and another £25 soon after for an overall loss....

Mind you maybe it's just because the ones I'm playing in London are being played out so damn much that they often do crappy streaks, so maybe the ones you play are just more generous...

Although red's have DEFINATELY tightened up the hi-lo, sends 6/7/8 the whole time, this is not to block a win, just to kill you more often, which gets more money cycled through the machine imo.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 8:28 pm
by MrRed
ssgtsnelly wrote:christ red as if you have that many lovely m'cs to hit..we have maybe 6 and they can only be hit once a week at best :(

you must be making a killing :)
Yes there are reds have took over here only have something like 6 barcrests and 2 bellshites and a few mazoomas

We have 3 spoons one has 2 reds one has 3 one has 4

Best swap was getting rid of treasure hunt who dares spins and bully's prize board and replaced with jackpot gems rocket money and cobra cabana :lol:

Most of them are in very busy town centre pubs the only downside is the number of players here, i am not kidding walked into a spoons yesterday and saw all 3 reds get keyed, within 5 minutes luckily i had hit them all first

So its not as good as you may think although i still make a decent amount so cant complain :wink: