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Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:48 pm
by toothless11
Reds which do not have safe cash wins and just have pure high/low gambling are the best. The other ones with safe cash wins such as DNA etc are good as well. The bling bling/ sub zero/ kings ransom style just puts me off from the start. - I remember playing one called freak streak which i had a good £75 experience from it.. its just the other reds like bling bling are shit.

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 1:58 am
by CrosbyRules
freak streak and bling bling r the same u dingbat!

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 11:49 pm
by ob
hotshot is shit, it costs alot to force usually even if its happy and if it streaks which is rare you make fuck all... if you find any differently you must have played one that was off its rocker, and if they streaked alot for you, you have simply been very lucky.

In regard to kings ransom it is indeed one of the worst reds, however from reds you should be fine, its harder to get the top than most reds but £50 ( £75 if lucky ) is reasonably common.

Btw, those leicester sq. pubs are very burnt and refilled alot, so be careful on those reds, otherwise you could find yourself a packet down.

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 8:50 am
by Matt Vinyl
Will be approaching the KR near me this evening for another pop... ;) Along with an LAB, 2x JG, a DNA and a TG. I seem to have pretty good results on this route be it a Wednesday or a Friday.

I'll let you know how I get on... ;)

I know I rave on and on about how good Red machines are, but they do indeed have their down sides (as we all know):

- Obvious £5, £10 & £15 blocks (more obvious on machines a la' KR / DD)

- Your friend and mine 'The no-board-for-loads' mode after a good win.

- Forced safe cash wins.

But I still say the benefits far outweigh these downers.

- Easy to read. *

- Huge tops (most of the time).

- High value features offered from low down on nudge / cash trail. (Like JPM's of the CP / HS ilk).

- Can 'manipulate' safe cash levels to ensure they have minimal effect on the force.

- *Not so easy to read for most casual players, who'll pump change in here and there and be unaware of most features capabilities / reel setups for high wins (reel setups not so relevant for KR).

- Higher element of skill than most current machines. I'd be hard pushed to find any element of skill on an Extreme / Vivid / BFM / Maygay.

I agree there have been the odd duff machine produced by them, but how many duff machines have been produced by other companies?

Er, sorry, looks like I went on a bit there and drifted off topic. ;)


Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:49 pm
by Nixxy
I've been tinkering with this one lately and finally got it to run for £75 today. Took a while, mind!

Arrived pub, keyed machine. £23 off.

First board, only 2 features red. Died pretty quickly. Oh dear.

2nd board, still only one feature red but it gambles past the £10 block and I die on £12 going lower than a 10.

Few more quid through, a bit of safe cash recycled, machine starts backing...

Some semi-red boards start appearing and it's allowing me the Top Feature (green). I ignore it and plough on.

Another £15 through and recycled, it awards top feature (red) with all the cash amounts still lit blue. Looking at the 'Red Treasure' bonus, I decide to knock it back and lose on the next gamble.

Next boards are all-but-one feature glowing a lovely red - board after board does this and offers most features except the lone green one.

A few quid later, it lands on the last green feature and the gambles to the next exchange, and awards the Treasure Trove (3 crowns equivalent) which goes for £75. Next board awards red Win Series for another £9, after which the m/c dies.

About £47 in for £84 out.

Has anyone managed to get all the top cash amounts lit red via the bonus, and if so, does it really make any difference?

And has anyone managed a safe cash Jackpot?

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:45 am
by ob
yes, had all red cash amounts a few times, gives either 25 50 or 75 the same as the crowns would give.

also had the 25 on safe cash, wasnt redding so quite happy to have it...

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:22 am
by Stopnstep
As ob said get red treasure three times and it gives end feat with all note red. Anyone taken Target practise yet?

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 1:08 pm
by Mattb
I've taken it, bounces for fun in both green and red.

Still don't like this machine too much to be honest.


Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 9:10 am
by superfeature
On reading through this subject id like to add a few things to it...

1) I think some "players" on this board dont seem to realise the concept of a red gaming m/c, if most of the features go red when entering a board then its REDy for a JP/top if there goin green constantly then id walk or keep killin urself first go until they go RED.

2) Kings ransom there are 3 ways of gettin a top on this.. the 3 crowns, knights of round red or green and turnin all the notes red (best way)

tip..... say if your on a yellow 10, lower, yellow 3, bonus, ur guaranteed a crown and a red note on the bonus if u gamble bonus.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 9:16 am
by Mattb
Don't agree with that....

1 - It can throw out red herring boards that are all red but kill you off without a feature shot.

2 - Notes of round table red can sometimes not offer the £25. I've had it before only offer £15.

3 - Definitely not guaranteed......can easily kill you off by landing on what you've gambled on the bonus.


Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:00 am
by Matt Vinyl
Don't forget that also getting all the features red gives the top! ;)

I also don't agree with the Red feature 'count' is a good sign unless it is consistently offering them. If you get the odd one thrown in, it usually kills you before you can get to an exchange point.

I had a bit of a bad experience on a Red last night - Jackpot Gems, offered me the £25 on a ten, went lower, eleven. Then it would not go past the £10 block for about £50. Had to scrape together a few wins and left it about £30 down. Snailblazer helped out with a £50 from £30 in and then a red Toggle about £5 later.

Will be approaching a Kings Ransom tonight (plus a pulsation), hope for better results! If not, I'm going to stick to my Friday-Only routine again.... :(


Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:05 pm
by ob
The problem is with reds, is that is SO DAMN OBVIOUS that when the board starts and the majority are red that its ready that everyone and his dog/granny plays them out from this stage - or at least banks a load of red features which kills them off.. this is why you seldom ever find them showing when you get on them... DNA is slightly better as idiots cannot take any red features to kill it, and they dont know setups etc., however they can still burn them of the shots like you could on x-rated ( to a lesser extent on DNA tho ).

Because of this you are forced to have to chance your arm on one that isnt showing and is probably refilled, and the show could be anything from £1 - £125 off, a bit pot luck style what this amount could be, and then further potluck as to whether it will streak well....

Well I suppose they do call it gambling, but I prefer less luck to be involved and more skill...

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 6:57 pm
by MrRed
Pretty much agree with all that ob

DNA and LAB's around me at the moment are the best earners for me
have 4 DNA's and 5 LAB's

People really are baffled by them, and just in the last week, i have heard 'I would'nt bother with that mate it never pays out'
Well it did £105 for £50 in :P

On the rare occasions you catch a red, say JP Gems,RM etc all red straight away, it does bring a big smile to your face!

On the other hand playing a refilled one:

The other day i paid £12 to board a JP Gems dead first gamble
Yet it may have only been another £10-£30 away from streaking
Or £100 to £120 away
I left it, did not want to take the chance

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 9:19 pm
by anfield road
£35 to a board on Top Giza then dead 2nd gamble, did not know what to do took another £9 for the next board and gave £7 toggle

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 8:19 am
by toothless11
Kings Ransom/ Sub zero are notorious of 'throwing' in red boards all the time even when the m/c is not ready. Its simple..... if it offers loads of red features and kills you whilst gambling on the cash stack then it is possibly a 'red herring'.

However, if red boards are continuously offered and it allows gambles to feature offer then the m/c is there (Esp when it offers decent red features) There has been a numerous amount of times where i have been baffled about the amount of red features offered on SZ or KR.... Should i force or is it a red herring board?

I feel the best way to play these are by taking red features when offered, it might not be as profitable as forcing but is safer and quicker as it avoids all the safe cash wins. Also as said by 'Superfeature' some posts ago.. it is possible to get free gambles on the bonus' and my mate worked out that if you get a white crystal on SZ it offers normally open board. You can usually gamble this for an extra yeti. This works on the other crystals too (Offers different things on the bonus's though). Fr this to work though, the m/c has to be playing reasonable well otherwise it will just kill you!