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Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:21 am
by Alpine021
What's more annoying - and this happened last night..

I was playing through a Vortex and wasn't expecting it to go for a while so put a few extra quid in to speed things up.

Anyway went up quite quick and did a £70 and i had £4 in credits. Oops.

Anyway span them off with no board and figured that it now owed me a board and i would take a quick feature.

Well £14 later including the £4 and I got a board only to die then put about another £7 for a £3 win.

I'm really bad at doing this but it's hard to walk when u think just a quick board is only round the corner! :wink:

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:28 am
by GaryChandler
Obviously you put it back down to superspins to get another board

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 3:44 pm
by ob
dont find boards are that quick on superspins on vortex really, although it is the case with most older reds... the ones with the super bonus though all the stakes cost lol

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:49 pm
by MrRed
Back on the subject of Hi Lo Silver
I got the top a new way today

Had started from Mega Start mostly red
Also had Red Alert which turned all red except one
First feature spin landed the remaining blue
Then a couple of spins later looking for a feature shot, i landed on skill
Managed to land on the feature shot for the top which went £70
A bit of pressure there to land it

Especially as i have missed Multi Add from it before :roll:

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:51 pm
by MrRed
Ok thinking about it, it wasn't a new way
Was still from lighting all features red only different way of doing it
And not had it that way before

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 7:32 pm
by gambogaz1
1st go of this I had I missed the multi add from skillshot, It looks piss easy but it isn't really.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 7:52 pm
by GaryChandler
Surely if people find this hard, must find it impossible to skill up cluedo's!!

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:03 pm
by MrRed
No its not difficult at all
The point was as with everything it 'can' be missed
Pissed, tired, shit etc etc

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 1:43 am
by Spyder
it can skip (kind of) if you try and hit something on the first time round, but that is eliminated by letting it go around the circle once, then its piss easy to hit..

you shouldnt really be missing these.. ever.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:56 am
by Alpine021
Hey can some1 offer me a suggestion.

Went to a Hi low yesterday that was refilled wed but was due.

Anyway got feature off £35 which went for a £105.

Anyway went back last night as its a local and was just having a drink but thought I'd check it anyway.

£157 off. No notey and I even checked it in case the light was just off.

How the hell? ur not telling me a player has walked in and got feature off £18 that's gone for £70?

Any ideas?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:44 pm
by MrRed
I have seen some mad stuff on these
I would not rule that out tbh
I have had back to back £105's off one
Neither of which came via feature
Played off my remaining credits to find it still there
I take it you just left after £105 which most of us would?
Maybe you left it too early

Of course it is rare but it does happen

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:41 pm
by Alpine021
Yeah course i left it. Ready for some1 to slot it. Obviously not.

Well to add to the story....

Went back today and it was £80 off. So that's £77 back from the £157 it was off.

So anyway 2 straight red boards all but 2. Sweet.

then set probably a new record for a Hi Low - £310 in. The redness stopped and it killed me on everything. Then about £150 in was offering me red star choice pretty much every board. but every top was a £35.

Anyway after a serious fight I got 3 £35's straight and left it about £100 out. So a good £200 down. And I'm going to check it every day to get some of it back.


Put that much in a mummy / CLOT but never thought it would happen on a Hi Low....

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:44 pm
by Slammer
Alpine021 wrote:Yeah course i left it. Ready for some1 to slot it. Obviously not.

Well to add to the story....

Went back today and it was £80 off. So that's £77 back from the £157 it was off.

So anyway 2 straight red boards all but 2. Sweet.

then set probably a new record for a Hi Low - £310 in. The redness stopped and it killed me on everything. Then about £150 in was offering me red star choice pretty much every board. but every top was a £35.

Anyway after a serious fight I got 3 £35's straight and left it about £100 out. So a good £200 down. And I'm going to check it every day to get some of it back.


Put that much in a mummy / CLOT but never thought it would happen on a Hi Low....

Unlucky :(

Ive had some mad involvements with glowing hilos myself, but admitidly, not 300+. Definatly had a few 200+'s. This is what makes me laugh about the float that some people take around with them.

You will find with all red gamings, that once you have put in a stupid amount of money, the machine will clam up like hell cos it thinks you are 'trying' to do something (yes, get a jackpot, but the machine thinks you are trying to do something more sinical) and starts costing the earth for boards which are worthless.

It is appauling code and no doubt highly illegal (not that that matters in this game). I've had it happen many a time and has usually led to broken buttons and beer in the mechs. I dont mind losing on a machine, but I refuse to be gang-raped.

What people need to learn to accept is that the new hilo chip is nothing more than a vortex programme. You have to play it entirely differently, or if you were a numpty on the old programme, then play it the same as you were then and you are now playing it the right way for the new chip and you have missed out heavily on the old chip.

Biggest problem you now have with this particular unit - is that someone is going to get a 105 so you cannot afford to leave it too long or you are going to do your nuts in it again if you miss it. But go too soon and your gonna get f**ked as well. Terrible position to be in. Thats why sometimes I just knacker them, so I dont have to be in 'that position' and dont have to worry about it.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:49 pm
by Mattb
Get your sub zero hat on for these and you won't go far wrong. 8)

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 4:09 pm
by Shaggerty
Alpine021 wrote:
How the hell? ur not telling me a player has walked in and got feature off £18 that's gone for £70?

Any ideas?
Ironically, that's exactly what I did friday night on HLS. (Between £15 and £25) lol