Who here makes more than £50 a week on bandits?

Red gaming fruit machine chat..
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Post by Christopher »

At least you're are honest and realise there/still is a problem with your gambling. There will be many others on here too ashamed to admit that they have a problem, or even worse don't actually think they have a problem when its obvious to others that they do.
random stop

Post by random stop »

yep , spot on chris
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Matt Vinyl
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Post by Matt Vinyl »

I went through a bad spell for about two years during 1999-2000 where it was fruities every spare minute of the day. I certainly did not make £50 a week then! Lost too much I care to remember...

I play twice a week now (at most!) and only take £70 out with me (That does include drinks etc for the evening!) If I lose it, I've lost it, if I win, I've got more for next week! Recently been doing well out of DNA's, Top Giza's, That old local Fireball :) and so end up around £80 up a week.

If your playing is interferring in your life in any way at all, and you find yourself, (or worse, your loved ones!) going without because of it, get some help! I went through it, and wouldn't do it again! As you've just read, it in no-way means you need to give up playing, just very strict limiting of what you play with. Remember, everything else in life comes before gambling!

What also helped me (Perhaps the same for other players who had problems during the £15 era) was that now all machines are soooo predictable, there's hardly any skill, hardly any good features, hardly any things that will 'make you feel like you have the upper hand' - I just know I can not 'induce' a win.

I remember having a fiver in my pocket, a pint on the bar, and a Caesar's Palace nearby. Sharking maybe, but I'd know I could jump on it at the right time and get a few jp's. Now I'd need over £100 and still have no guarantee of getting one single £25 jp!!!

Yes, there's still money to be made, but at least 75% less than there was a few years ago.

I may sound like I'm contradicting myself, but I'm sure you know what I mean...

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Post by mr cheese »

The problem is there is an addicted gambler in us all..Once a gambler always a gambler whever its cards, horses,machines, lottery etc etc ,This is how i see it e.g. you give the fruities up for a few weeks ...What do you do have a few quid on a horse or a few extra lines on the lottery...Then you go out have a few pints see the flashing lights in the corner before you know it youve spent £30 and only been out 10 mins (there like magnets).Dont get me wrong it goes the other way too you win, go out and buy something nice then the next week you spend the same amount on the mcs what you payed for for the pressie the week before (a vicious circle) Fact no one wins all the time you take the rough with the smooth up one day down the next ...........Bring back the £15 days and thank god for em***es amen lol
Bang Tidy,Potatoes,Shittiiiiing,Smash Ya Back Doors In....

Re: Who here makes more than £50 a week on bandits?

Post by Guest »

n1cky70 wrote:Just answer the question with a yes or no in the poll????????
£50 a day easy, £50 a week is very easy, i make about £200 a week from only one machine (unchipped lucky strike)
Cash is King
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Post by Cash is King »

Darren count youself lucky mate all of the ones in my area have been chipped and everything else is being stingy

Post by Guest »

Cash is King wrote:Darren count youself lucky mate all of the ones in my area have been chipped and everything else is being stingy
oh yeah, im enjoying it while it lasts :P, i thought it was gone the other day as it was turned off, its still good though :lol:
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Post by geegee-11 »

if anyone gambles be it £5 or £50 a week you have an addiction to it im sure im not the first and wont be the last to admit that im a gambler with an addiction but it is under control AT THE MOMENT!!!!!!!!!
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Post by remy »

Addiction has many forms ,drink, gambling , women , fags . pick the one that costs you less. I do all four lol so theres no help for me. joking aside if you think you need help then you do ,theres no shame in admitting it in fact thats the first step. lets be carefull out there.
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Post by mjd »

I love the track by Hardhouse Producer 'BK' (Ben King) called 'ADDICTION'

Class track!
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Post by simpson7647 »

the most i could and would spend on a fruit machine is an hour tops.

lucky im not addicted probally yet and hopefully it will stay that way
anfield road
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Post by anfield road »

I know I have a problem a very very bad problem.

All I do is gamble, if I win I move on to a different place and gamble more then keep doing that until times up then I sleep get up all early and go on another day of gambling.

I love it though I mean I can start with £5 go skint in 1 minuite or go upto £100 and go out for the night on the piss and gamble the next morning for a bit, other time I can have £200 rom the day before and I just end up forcing ridiculous machines like a Rocket Money even from offering £2 and dead.

I just like the gamble :?
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Post by ssgtsnelly »

the key is anfield when you are comfortably up stay that way by NOT playing machines because you can afford to..and going STRAIGHT to a bank...itf they are closed get all your coins noted to reduce the temptation..

ive FINALLY also realised this in the last few weeks/months that making money can be pretty easy if you plan things, days/times/machines and STICK to what you know..

i personally made just over £200 on sunday and monday in my little town
got 150 noted and went to bank yesterday morning..kept the rest for float..
im dont play machines i dont no and stay off the arcade machines unless im tipped by my mate....

above all dont get greedy..if you think that you had won £200....if you do that EVERY week and BANK it bar keeping a halfdecent float...

THATS £10K a YEAR...for doing fuck all mate..
even £50 a week is £2.5K real money..that will pay for alot of things...

obvisouly im not sure of you financial situation but for most of us i reckon £200 would go along way to paying for vital things...it dosent sounds alot like that but over time its a hell of a lot of cash mate..

think about it...stick to what you can do :D

drop the lot
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Post by drop the lot »

sounds easy :shock: and all with a £50 float..........................?
I love it when a plan comes together
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Post by ssgtsnelly »

no DTL im not saying its easy...im saying its possible.

yes i DID go out with £60 and started on a TAW and then a hot shot and took what was initially offered and built my float up..then moved on too the reds where things luckily went my way...dont full out force if its not ready and £15/20 is much of the time achievable on these if you know what to so and when..im not saying it will happen every time...im talking more about keeping what you HAVE made...£50 odd profit in a week from playing a few reds will do me nicely.will pay my phone/gym and other bits...
maybe im not making the hundreds that some people make but its good enough for me...im starting to realse the value of these wins more...something i once forgot...