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CALL MANAGER ALARM Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Arc £70 jack, 25,50,£1 play 2007

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:33 pm
by dentist69
Ok have had this machine for a while now and have been experiencing this problem since i got it but i have now managed to bring it down to one thing that is causing it, the hopper when there is £200+ money in it.

Basically the machine initialises no problems when the hopper is empty or has less than that amount of money in it and no where near full, or to the point where it dumps the £ coins down to the bottom. The manual says to float it with £250, with the point to which the machine auto directs the £ coins to the bottom of the machine being at £350, but alas, most of the time, once it hits £200 it wont power up, instead i get the CALL MANAGER ALARM. Sometimes it says HOPPER FORWARD ALARM 92 (i think the number is 92), other times the display is blank. When i empty the hopper to below this amount it powers up no problems every time but obviously the machine thinks there is still this amount of money in the hopper hence the problem i was having which is on another thread of me not being able to get the machine to hold coins in the hopper, which is now rectified. I have tried to clear the machine memory of money in the hopper then completing a hopper dump to let the machine know how much is being floated and i have tried to run the machine from empty by completing a hopper dump with the hopper empty and clearing this memory but neither has worked, everytime the hopper reaches a certain level it is a pain in the arse trying to get it to power up without the sound of this alarm!

Someone out there must have some idea of what is going on?