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Couple of questions regarding Coin World Bear X

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 1:00 pm
by olie3146
Firstly yes I am a complete novice to this sort of stuff (bar playing a few machines in the local pub) Stumbled upon this machine for sale locally and thought it looked pretty cool, yes its basic but it'll be a nice money box for me :)

Couple of minor issues I'm hoping someone might be able to shed some light on.

1. The buttons don't light up or flash, now when I went to collect it I didn't really pay attention to see if they were (the women says they were working) so I can only imagine something had come loose during transit, I've had a look at the wiring and it seems to be 4 wires coming off each button (I presume 2 for lights and 2 for the actual switch) all of the buttons are interlinked and then go to a block connector which I've unplugged and pushed back in nice and tight but still nothing. is there something else I should be looking at? I have tried to remove the switch to check the bulbs (although I cant image they have all blown) but I cannot figure out how to remove them, there is a plastic bit that unscrews which makes the button pop up but I cant seem the fully remove it to get the the bulb (see pic 1)

2. Coin hopper fill up, I am assuming that the lock located in the coin tray is the one to fill up the hopper, I have 4 keys and they all lock and unlock the main door, but they will not go into the lock in the coin tray, am I right in thinking that this is a different key I need? if so are they universal or will I have to look at removing the barrel and fitting a new one?

3. on Picture 2 (hopefully I've uploaded pictures ok) I have a large red button, a small black button and a flick switch..... I have no idea what they are for, they're all wired up but I didn't really want to mess with them without knowing what they did, so any information would be great.

4. I have the large wooden stand for the machine that it sits on, as far as I can see all it houses is the speaker, is there anything to stop me from fitting the speak to the side of the actual machine if I don't want to use the stand (as its rather bulky)

5. Finally, is there any specific site you use to buy bulbs? also I would like to replace the actual button tops as they're a bit worn/scratched.

Thanks in advance for any help/advice, looking forward to giving this machine a good clean up and get it back to its former glory :)
Pic 1.jpg
Pic 1.jpg
Pic 1.jpg
Apologies but for some reason I cant rotate the pictures, they are correct on my computer but seem to upload sideways with no way to rotate :/

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 3:27 pm
by buzzer
1: not sure whats going on eith yer bulbs, try twisting the buttons to take em out or post a picture of them

2: i think the refil key is on the right hand side of the machine, its a standard key (refil key 8700)

3: the flick switch alternates the machine between test mode and standard mode. (down for test mode), red button will be the hopper top up button, not sure what the black button is for

4: nope fire away

5: theres a few diffrent types of bulbs that fruit machines use, post pictures of the ones your after

post some pictures of the inside of the machine, board etc, looks like a project coin machine to me, but not sure..

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 3:01 pm
by olie3146
1: not sure whats going on eith yer bulbs, try twisting the buttons to take em out or post a picture of them
Ok, Firstly thank you very much for he advice, so had a bit of spare time and managed to get the top of the button off, needed to push in the two clips underneath and give it a bit of a wiggle which gave me access to the bulb (which was absolutely covered in dust to the point where I thought it was a grey bulb) turns out bulb was dead, put in a working one and shes now flashing a good un, so will now remove all the bulbs and replace them. I still cannot work out how to fully remove the button casing so I can give it a good clean, I've taken a picture of the top and bottom. the plastic nut will undo right down to the bottom but i will not go past the plastic switch holder, I presume I need to some how remove the switch holder but cannot see how and I don't want to force and break it.

2: i think the refil key is on the right hand side of the machine, its a standard key (refil key 8700)
Yup left side of the coin tray, I have now ordered a refill key... thank you :)

3: the flick switch alternates the machine between test mode and standard mode. (down for test mode), red button will be the hopper top up button, not sure what the black button is for
Brilliant, had a bit of a play around in test mode. so with the red button do I hold it down and put £1 coins in the machine to fill the hopper up? as for the random black button I cant actually see that it does anything :/

4: nope fire away
Decided to sit it on it's base now so have plugged the speaker back in, there is a bit of a humming noise coming from the speaker, I presume thats interference from the light board?

5: theres a few diffrent types of bulbs that fruit machines use, post pictures of the ones your after
Attached a picture of the bulbs, now the one I pulled out of the switch (which was blown) says "VCH 1112 12V 0.1A" I noticed one bulb on the main lights was dimmer than the rest but it says on it "SU 513 24V 2W" all the others seem to be 12v.

post some pictures of the inside of the machine, board etc, looks like a project coin machine to me, but not sure..
Attached some extra pictures for you to see and you are correct it is a project coin machine by the looks of it.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 3:04 pm
by olie3146
Couple of extra pictures

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 7:28 pm
by olie3146
Well after a couple of hours fiddling I managed to get the buttons out, turns out I just needed to wiggle the bulb holder out which then allowed me to remove the nut and button. turns out every bulb had gone, so swapped out with others that were working and now all is good :)

Spent the better part of 2 hours cleaning all the chrome up and it looks bloody brilliant if I do say so myself, my little 5 year niece is absolutely infatuated with it now :)

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 4:16 pm
by buzzer
take the 24v bulb out, that's the wrong bulb.

machine uses 12v wedge bulbs, yes i like the look of the older chrome cabinets, old barcrest cabinets look really good when the chrome is all cleaned up..

I'm not sure if project coin made the machine, there were a few companies that built machines using other manufacturers equipment.

but it has a project PC92 motherboard, so its project coin technology..

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 11:12 pm
by lee
I think it was made by coinworld