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Barcrest mpu5 percentage /jackpot/stake keys???

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 8:00 pm
by dave233
When I bought these off e bay I assumed that they were "plug and play" ,-however, it appears none of them work! Machine is still on 86% and 10p play. Any advice would be extremely grateful guys. I thank any response in anticipation.

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 7:38 pm
by Roppa11
I had a similar problem on rocky club mpu5. I discovered that the percentage and stake was set via the main mpu5 board on the 2nd set of 8 dip switches. It was difficult to see them at first they are kind of hidden right in the bottom corner on the mpu5 board.

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:07 pm
by dave233
Thanks for the reply, but ,I thought that the "key" would override the dill switch settings. Am I right? I can't understand why nothing happens when it's "plugged" in! Question is, "is there a procedure before plugging in these keys?? Help please!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 3:48 pm
by buzzer
dave233 wrote:Thanks for the reply, but ,I thought that the "key" would override the dill switch settings. Am I right? I can't understand why nothing happens when it's "plugged" in! Question is, "is there a procedure before plugging in these keys?? Help please!
there's a dill switch on the mpu5 that put the machine into acrademode or bettingshop mode (can't remember the exact terminology)

If this switch is on the "on" postion, it will over-ride the percentage key.

the normal switch postions on mpu5 or off possibly with the exception of switch 8 which maybe on. (switch 8 was utilised years ago in an update which stopped people drilling the note acceptors and emptying the machines via the c-c talk line)

take a note of current switch settings on the mpu and switch them off one by one. i think its swtich 4 or 5.

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 7:34 pm
by dave233
Thanks guys,- it's truly appreciated. regards, dave