dambusters machine

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dambusters machine

Post by spanners1970 »

hello everyone
im new to the joys of fruit machines and have just aquired a dambusters machine by impulse.
when turned on the lights flash ,speaker clicks and the payout mech makes a wiring noise
is it beyond repair or could anyone tell me whats wrong
any help would be appreciated
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Post by reelman »

Not the best fault descripton I've ever seen. In fact, I'm not quite sure what the problem is that you are trying to describe.
Does it alarm atall?
Is there an error message shown on the LED display?
Who manufactured this machine and what technology is it running?

If I were to hazard a guess, and it's purely because you said that you could hear the hopper spinning, but didn't say that it paid out any coins, I'd guess that the last time it was used, it tried to pay out a win, but didn't have enough coins in the hopper to complete the payout.

If my guess is right, it's a dead easy fix ~ just put a load of £1 coins in the hopper and turn it on again.

If my guess is wrong, give us all some more information to work on, and we'll see what happens. It is almost certainly not beyond repair.
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Faulty dambusters

Post by spanners1970 »

Thanks for reply
I'll try and describe what it does
It is an impulse machine
When I turn on the speaker clicks continuesly,all the lights flash randomly,the display is full of asterixes, the coin mech is running all the time and one reel spins if any button is pressed
All these things happen at the same time.
Seller told me it was working ok then this all happened
Ps think it's epoch system
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Post by reelman »

Epoch based systems are notoriously difficult to diagnose. Most manufacturers were satisfied with a single main board, but Maygay, in their infinite wisdom, decided to carve this into parts, giving us a main CPU plus several smaller boards for the lamps and switches, the reels, the hopper, and another for the coin mech. I was told that the logic in this was to reduce the cost, should a part fail. Instead of buying a whole board because the hopper section had failed, it would only be the smaller board that needed to be replaced.

A good idea in principle, but these smaller boards are linked together with ribbons, and when one of them goes wrong, they can sometimes throw a spanner in the works of the other boards, making it difficult to pinpoint exactly where the problem is.

Your problems seem to relate to many of these boards, so it's difficult to say exactly where the problem is. However, Maygay power supplies are well known for giving up and causing all sorts of peculiar problems.

If I were you, I'd look at the power supply first, and if possible, swap it with a known good one. Secondly, I'd also look at the battery on the central board to see if there's been any leakage, as this is also a common fault which can cause lots of different problems. Both of these are relatively easy to resolve, but in all honesty, I can't guarantee that one of these will be the cause, but it's certainly the place to start looking.
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Post by spanners1970 »

hi all
thanks for help
i had chance to have a look inside the machine and it looks as if the battery has leaked as there is a lot of dicolouration in that area
i will get another board and try it again