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R.I.P. Margaret Thatcher

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:49 pm
by Ruler of The World
The iconic Iron Lady was the best leader this country has had in my lifetime. Perhaps the only ones who could rival her globally as great leaders were Castro and Chavez. A true great leader will always have those who hate them immensely but they will also have huge followings.

I have mentioned this before and will not hesitate to repeat, her comments about 30 year olds on buses struck a nerve with me. Her overpowering nature and strength would always have its fans and enemies. One man's strong leader is another man's "That Bloody Woman".

There will also always be differences in opinion as to the state she left the country in. I think she certainly did improve things and put the UK on the world map again.

Doubtless there will be a load of anti-Thatcher scorn on this thread... but please, let's keep it polite and may she rest in peace.

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:17 pm
by maverick69
had to turn the news off, did'nt buy a paper today

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:56 pm
by amazing
Deff changed the UK but for good or bad u decide

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:05 am
by Ruler of The World
Blair definitely didn't change it for good! Undid her good work so presumably she changed it for good!

It was so funny the way Brown came in as Chancellor bragging about the economy as if he or Labour had sorted it through over 15 years of Conservative government and then telling us all how he wouldn't ruin it! Could he have promised anything further from the truth? It is a FACT that every Labour government wastes money and puts the country in a worse off position until the people realise (again) why they should never be in power. I would love to be in politics!

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:11 am
by maverick69
She 'saved' a sector of Britain mainly the south and the top 10% by impoverishing and demonizing huge sections of the country

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:18 am
by amazing
Ruler of The World wrote:Blair definitely didn't change it for good! Undid her good work so presumably she changed it for good!

It was so funny the way Brown came in as Chancellor bragging about the economy as if he or Labour had sorted it through over 15 years of Conservative government and then telling us all how he wouldn't ruin it! Could he have promised anything further from the truth? It is a FACT that every Labour government wastes money and puts the country in a worse off position until the people realise (again) why they should never be in power. I would love to be in politics!
Well if I get my way UK will be history for me in the not to distance future, the UK has been going down hill for years and it has about hit rock bottom in many ways, yes when have the nhs and lots of other good bits other country's don't have and yes other country's are not doing great either, but at least they have the sun and for me that's everything that I love, bloody British weather gets u down without all the other negative bits, youngsters today will stab u and stamp on your head for £20 for there next weed crack or beer, saving like mad to leave it all behind this end, my and my partner both feel the same about this, my dad who is 83 and in a home now says go for it UK has had its years its finished, as soon as I no longer have to look after him its bye bye UK with a bit of luck and a lot more saving,
Yes Margaret did a lot of good but look at the state of it all now

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 11:15 am
by Ruler of The World
I completely agree on the weather and society front, the weather really gets me down too and people would kill for anything these days - £20 seems a bit expensive! There's people who'd have a row over 10p these days!

But back to the Iron Lady, she did more than any of the recent lot did, she actually made people more aware of politics and what was actually going on, no one really seems to give a toss now. We're sat watching a government who no one elected in the form it is in so it may as well be a dictatorship.

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 1:14 am
by amazing
Ruler of The World wrote:I completely agree on the weather and society front, the weather really gets me down too and people would kill for anything these days - £20 seems a bit expensive! There's people who'd have a row over 10p these days!

But back to the Iron Lady, she did more than any of the recent lot did, she actually made people more aware of politics and what was actually going on, no one really seems to give a toss now. We're sat watching a government who no one elected in the form it is in so it may as well be a dictatorship.
Very true, I don't get involved in politics at all, voted once when I turned of age just because I could and never have since, that way I'm not to blame for the elected government etc that's my way of thinking on the subject, apart from a bit ott the funeral there planing for her

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:35 am
by messiah
If you don't vote you are entirely to blame for whatever government we get. People have fought long and hard fir democracy and we are lucky to have it.

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:26 am
by JG
I'd say the active voters within the electorate hold more accountability for the outcome. However those that don't vote and then moan at the outcome have a somewhat floppy axe to grind.