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Impossible Women

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:45 am
by Ruler of The World
Or, more to the point, irritating fucking bitches...

I know a certain vulture who is under the completely submissive control of a total slag who has a mental age of 9 1/2 at best...

His last girlfriend was also a bit retarded but still a far better catch than this... Let me give you examples of the headfuck this guy gets on a daily basis:

1. If he doesn't buy her item A he is dumped.
2. If he doesn't give her money, he is dumped.
3. At the slightest hint of non complimentary speak about her... he is dumped.
4. She 'loves' him, but is with another guy who she is also sleeping with, claims that she has dumped him daily but then says she can't because he'd kill himself if she left him...he, the vulture, is paying for their accommodation...the other guy knows his 'girl' is also being screwed by this guy.
5. If he even remotely pisses her off, she takes public transport, leaves, sends abusive texts and says he is dumped...pissing her off consists of things any normal woman would have no issues with...
6. She knows of her power over him and utilises it to maximum effect, he in turn claims not to be weak and claims he can control her by depriving her of money.
7. Not only does she know she has power over him, she shows off about it and humiliates him in front of his friends.
8. Example of typical behaviour, he asks if she wants to meet him, she says no, he then drives off far away to work, she then texts him asking him to come, he says he can't right now and she says "fuck off then, we're finished!!"

I could go on and on, but I can't be bothered... It is pitiful to see a so called man getting treated like a poodle or doormat. I honestly see this ending badly, this woman is highly immature, half his age and I feel he is a paedo because he may be dealing with an adult body but clearly the mind is prepubescent!

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:42 pm
by The Dark Horse
Wow. If I knew point 4 I think I would have spat on her the other day. As I said before mate, he seems to like that Eastern European attitude. I've actually got another mate who is dating a similar Eastern European girl and she is also guilty of point 4 and uses the same suicide excuse!! Absolutely pointless trying to tell them, it's in one ear and out the other, it's amazing how much certain people's mentalities can adapt to being in such abusive relationships. Personally I could never delude myself enough to accept that shit.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:57 pm
by Ruler of The World
He's desperate mate, and she knows it, I've tried humiliating the bloke to his face to knock some sense into him but I guess pussy speaks louder than words, I wouldn't have that, no fucking way would I share a bird! He is the biggest idiot ever, he is literally who sponsoring them both! He is completely deaf to any criticism, one minute he wants me to interfere, the next he is telling me to shut up and making me out to be the bad guy when things are sweet between them by showing her the texts I sent him to make him wake up! You know he has always done this talking behind people's backs thing but when you're actually trying to help and he does it, it's pretty sick and not very mate like. I got dumped in the middle of nowhere the other day because I, unlike him, wouldn't listen to every word she says, wouldn't let her play the fruit I put my money in so she throws a tantrum and tells him if she doesn't dump me there, they're finished (again)! He dumped me, I threatened him with death if he didn't pick me up again...eventually he turned up...think that's only fair!

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:10 pm
by trayhop123
pussy power , , , your m8 is obviously infatuated , , , we've all been there , and to be honest theres very little advice you can give. , , he isn't going to listen to anybody at this stage , blinded by the allure of fanny , etc , , , , its a part of life we all have to go through , , , he has to learn from his own experience after it all goes tits up , only then will he harden up , and be better prepared next time.

i know he's ya m8 mog , and you can see the truth because your looking at it from the outside in, , , but theres little you can do m8

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:16 pm
by streakseims
Eddie Murphy raw......."no pussy is worth $10m"

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:43 pm
by mr lugsy
.....except mel b, eh eddie?

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 8:38 pm
by feeder22
mr lugsy wrote:.....except mel b, eh eddie?
Ha ha, brilliant.

Would this Eastern European lass get away with it, with an Eastern European fella?... I think not!

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:20 pm
by Noels Beard
I must question that this is an Eastern European characteristic. Quite apart from the fact that I'm dating a Polish girl, the fact is that girls generally have values which by modern standards seen old fashioned. For example, my girlfriends friend recently became pregnant out of wedlock, and a shotgun wedding ensued. There is still such a phenomena as shame in Eastern Europe, and whilst that may lead to a certain amount of relative hedonism in those that are removed, I fundamentally believe their morality shows up the majority of Brits.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:05 pm
by The Dark Horse
There is a certain breed. You see a lot of them around Mayfair, in the posh restaurants and bars, even the casino. They came to this country for one purpose- to find rich sponsers. These girls are mostly Russian, Moldovan, Estonian or from Belarus. The relationships are contrived purely for financial reasons and these women are icy cold, very demanding, constantly require gifts, have other sponsers and maybe even a genuine boyfriend back home who she sends the money to. Not too different to most poor countries around the world really, Thailand, Cuba, although the Eastern Europeans are far more demanding and usually much better looking.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:34 pm
by Ruler of The World
It is all pretty fucked up, basically!

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:55 am
by maverick69
My mate had a Russian one, had to get rid of her in the end. The guy is rich , but she was taking the piss....was super hot though. I'm talking model looks. He is a property developer and generous , but the demands got too much

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:46 am
by Noels Beard
From what I gather, foreign birds are just much better in bed. End of.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:06 am
by Captain.Tattybojangles
One of my housemates was like this not so long ago, sort of dating an Eastern European lass...I say sort of, there was no fanny involved and all he did was spend money on her...She got her usual ploughing from another geezer. But yeah, icy cold, no respect for anyone...I didn't like her attitude one bit, she'd just swan in and light up(Ignoring the fact a couple of us didn't like cigarette smoke round our living room) and bad talk my friends who she'd never met, basically just acting like she owned the house.

Fortunately, pretty much everyone else in the house agreed so in short, basically she's barred from ever coming round lol

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:28 am
by mr lugsy
Noels Beard wrote:From what I gather, foreign birds are just much better in bed. End of.

duff ones do exist, a lithuanian i encountered must have been on a different program.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:52 am
by The Dark Horse
It's hard to generalise which race is best in bed. Usually it just depends how much genuine attraction there is between the two of you, which is why a prostitute will generally never feel as good as a real shag. If I had to say the most consistently skilled women in bed through my own experience it would be black women, although definitely not the most attractive.

Sadly my own jaded opinion is that women the world over are whores by nature. The primary motivations of our species have stayed the same since we lived in caves. For men it is to reproduce and for women it is to find a protective environment in which to raise children. Due to the evolution of the world it transpires this means that nowadays most women's primary motivation is financial, shelter costs money as we no longer live in caves and the vicious beasts the male is expected to protect them from has become they're bills.