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worst meal i've prob ever had.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 4:40 am
by maverick69
Derby..what a shit hole for starters. Town centre is full of chav's and undesirables. Anyway onto this meal.....can't remember the name of the pub.

A trio of wild boar sausages with marris piper mash potatoes , in a home made Yorkshire topped with onion gravy.

What did i get.....2 anemic looking frozen sausages, smash in a fucking aunt Bessie's . What a liberty. washed down with a pint of ale that tasted like fag ash. Some places really are the Pitts.

Hope everyone has been winning?? I'm working now...playing a bit in the evening's and weekends.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 6:56 am
by BFK
Fuck working, especially if like u I got a 6 figure bank balance :)

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:13 am
by Spyder
You'll be heading my way today then? I'll keep my eyes peeled for fruitchats most famous + his security detail and entourage....

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:55 pm
by JG
Good to hear from you Maverick. Agreed on Derby, there are generally lots of undesirables in the centre, but that's true of a lot of places. Derby has had its moments. Back in the day a working machine x in the Q, top trumps, Al Murray (crest) on 92 and a p1 poker mania. Osmaston also had an X which was good until Southport got wise. Briefly a working whippedy woo in the Cashino. I was also there on other business when a certain something was in the red, red, white V formation (new V installed dead btw) and these smack heads were full of advice. Friendly enough, but it's hardly the genteel nature of say Shrewsbury with its hotel bars too posh to have an AWP. I wouldn't even dare venture into mainstream player culture in Derby. Everything Noel gets boned to death. I'm still recovering from the pasting to this day. Q perfect was always nailed 5/10/20. I think battery problem more than player. Cashino are least on top staff anywhere. They actively encourage box checking and will key the machines for you! Sorry to hear about your dreadful food, get Spyder on the case.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:13 pm
by ob
BFK wrote:Fuck working, especially if like u I got a 6 figure bank balance :)
Who else is in that club? Tbh as nice as it is a few years say doing nothing you'll fritter it away, interest rates etc are so low these days well below inflation and stock market well I've no idea on that got some money in managed funds that are doing well enough at the moment.

I hear Jord is the only member off the 7 figure bank account on here, now that is some serious money!!

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:03 pm
by JG
I suspect a little wind up to get Jord to bite.....then again it could be true, I have no way of knowing.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:09 pm
by trayhop123
i got 7 hours work last week , and ive got 18 coming this week ,,,,,,,,, i went slotting with george yesterday , and im gonna do a full london day friday

the variety is doing me good , ,,,,,,,, and it will at least fill a 23year old gap since yts on the old cv lol

even when im back driving in june , im not coming back full time slotting.

im struggling , i cant guarantee 100 plus everyday in the current climate , and even if i could guarantee 300 plus, 2-3 days a week would be enough health wise and sanity wise .

absolute best of british to the top boy young enthusiastic 'experimentation' brigade that are still making 1000's

ps , welcome back mav m8 ,,,,,,,,, would you give us your honest thoughts on your decision to go back to conventional employment please ????

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:17 pm
by trayhop123
hmmm worst meal ever , ,,,,,,, with martin in a brum outskirt pub ,,,nr water orton,,,,, again 'supposedly' bangers n mash ,,,,,,,,,,,,, cold hard microwaved biscuit hard sausages , waterpowderdmash which was obviously just water added with no time taken to add any butter milk or salt whatsoever and gravy that was again just more water

ironically water orton = water eaten

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:04 pm
by mr lugsy
Yates, Cheltenham centre.

chicken breast. like a small piece of flint but harder.

been using it to scratch my initials on machines ever since.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:46 pm
by Scott
The Cedars, Evington in Leicester did the worst chicken korma i have ever eaten, the chicken was rock hard for some reason, and the sauce was hardly a sauce, no doubt you've ate in here Lee? I've had a steak in there before and it was bang on, i would never eat in there again after what they served to me, not fit for a dog!

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:36 pm
by trayhop123
yeah when they had the electro scott i had the steak on many occasions , like you say bang on , cant comment on any other meals

ide wager that whenever your seved rock hard chicken anywhere , that its either overcooked ,,,,,,,,,,, or worse its been plated up ok , but the waitress are so over worked that by the time they go to pick up your plate its gone cold ,,,,,,,,, so its microwaved for a cpl of mins

im sure glendale/spyderman could tell us some unsavoury tales regarding food

a relative on tracy's side of the family told us about a documentary she had watched as part of a chef exam course.

she said it showed genetic/bio engineered chickens that were breeded without beaks or claws etc ,,,,,,,,, plus lots of other disgusting stuff

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:43 pm
by Scott
To get something as badly wrong as a korma that has probably only been heated up in a microwave is bad, i remember spitting a bit into my hand because it was so hard, i dropped it back into the empty metal dish it came in and it made a ting, i thought it was bone, i stabbed my knife into to find it was'nt bone, it was just that hard.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:30 pm
by Spyder
if chicken is originally cooked on a grill or in the oven or shallow fried, it tends to lose a lot of moisture, then when reheated it goes hard... you'd be suprised how little extra time or a few degrees difference makes to food reheated in a microwave...

i'll openly admit that if you come where i currently work, some of the food is reheated to order... but it is a relatively low-volume establishment, when initially cooking i take into consideration that the food will be reheated, so i poach chicken for curries to keep the tenderness and make sure the processes i use will stand the zapper later on...

more problems occur in places that freeze the food to lengthen the shelf-life, dont be too discriminative to all places that DO homecooking but use a microwave, or reheat the food to order... there ARE reheating methods that are "acceptable" ..... you can usually tell if they've done it wrong,... but if its done right you shouldnt be able to tell it was done at all.. it should taste and appear freshly cooked

its not a case of buying a few £29.99 microwaves from argos... there are reheating machines that cost upwards of £20,000 specificly to reheat or cook pre-prepared foods...

as for "bad" food... im not sure where to start... personally i can smell gone-off food a mile away.... chinese takeaways scare the shit out of me... their vegetable dishes ALWAYS smell liek the food was past its best... but then saying that... i always seem to see chinese people buying loads of reduced stuff in supermarkets!!!

i was with a mate once, in an indian resturant we have been to a few times... turns out they had a new chef this time, who had decided to put almonds in the korma.. my mate has a nut allergy... (thats what the paramedic and hospital staff told me lol) never been so scared of someone dying...

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:56 pm
by Scott
Also, is it just me or can nobody in a spoons cook an egg? No matter where i go the spoons breakfast is almost always served with a rock hard egg, its like they cook it first and place it under that light that keeps food warm, if an egg has'nt got a soft yoke its pointless to me, and someone should take the butter out the fridge because its unspreadable, even if you unwrap it and leave it on your toast to thaw.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:57 pm
by maverick69
Lee, i had been applying for jobs for about 6 months and i hadn't got anywhere with it. My decision to get a job was basically i cant make as much as i used to. One day i had been out all day and lost 80 quid and i thought. I need to get a job. I still go and keep on top of my machines after work . i finish at 4 and im only working 4 days a week. Ive got an admin job with an insurance company. It doesnt pay that well , but it covers the morgage and the bills....without me dipping into savings. If the game got good again, i might try and go more part time. but atm its pretty shit, and im not anything new . Made 60 quid today after work doubled my wages loool. all good things come to an end i guess.