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Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:01 pm
by feeder22
Something along the lines of you would of hit him if your dad and girlfriend wasn't there. So how would you of maintained that decorum then?

You're better than me in the respect that you get so engrossed in what you're doing you can't even take 30 seconds to check your surroundings.
You have no idea how long I've been "playing".
Your barometer must be broke because there's no chance you can gauge anything from a computer screen.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:06 pm
by eastangliapro
the audi s8 in transporter 3 is stunning......much more of a car than the r8

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:08 pm
by eastangliapro
not sure it's the s8 actually......defo a top spec a8 quattro though

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:13 pm
by Noels Beard
It's true that because I'm often doing things that people like yourself will not know, I have a responsibility to keep an awareness of anyone spying on me. Judging by the fact that you messaged me recently begging for information, I'm guessing I've kept my cards close enough to my chest. As for not starting a fight for the sake of my family, I hardly see that as being of any relevance. However, at least with regard to the local in question, his idiocy could be blamed on beer and naivety. I hope you have an equally compelling justification.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:37 pm
by feeder22
So with that I can conclude I'm better than you. Perhaps in future I won't give you a heads up and let your blags be ruined.

never begged. It was a case of paying for it one way or the other. so I offered the cash to you.

I'm going to have to start keeping my PM's because some people just chat shit to look good.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:43 pm
by Noels Beard
Well I guess that says it all. £1000 may buy you a trick, but it will never buy you any respect. And no-one is going to give you anything of value on the back of you coughing up wads of cash. Let's just leave it at that.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:02 pm
by feeder22
It's left. - But did I not say I was sceptical of the price? OK OK now it's left.

No such thing as respect when it comes to playing fruits.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:14 pm
by johncluedo
I will say it again!!!
Loose lips sink ships!!!

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 1:17 am
by Roll_With_It_Russ
I still think the best days are yet to come, but thats me just being deluded.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 1:33 am
by Oscar
Noels Beard wrote:I'm gonna buck the trend and say I don't have much sympathy for Lee. Fair enough if he wants to stop playing because he's bored of it, but surely he has to take some personal responsibility if he's having to travel so far to make coin. You share your info with someone, who shares it with someone, etc... and before you know it the shit is back on your doorstep. All your pubs are fire? Well they wouldn't be fire if they weren't being hammered by 4-5 sets of players a week. Obviously some of these situations are beyond your personal control, but from what I can garner, you've never professed to be keen on working out your own tricks or developing your own methods. You don't like gambling. All this is fine, but you're probably in the wrong profession.

All I would ask is that you don't hang vulture like on the fruit machine world whilst we struggle on, only to hustle the fruits of others labours when it suits you. Both I and my friends have seen too many good things ruined recently to want to subsidise an army of part time pros.
To be fair to Lee, someone whose opinions I routinely disagree with, I doubt he is looking for any sympathy, especially if he has money behind him.

I must admit this post had me in stitches, and while it does indeed portray you as 'a miserable cunt' it is absolutely bang on in many respects. It used to irk me greatly years ago when a friend of mine would ring me up from the office he worked at and ask me not to do certain hits so that he would have something to do when he finished work.

At this point I would go and burn everything I could in that area, even stuff I would rather have left til the morning, and any Barcrests I would switch off and back on after i'd done them so as to give the impression that it hadn't been touched as it would be reset reels.

The cheek of it...

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 5:31 am
by steelfix1
trayhop123 wrote: master spy , rat race, test pilot etc.
Great machines and the like, Good Luck Lee.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 11:56 am
by trayhop123
Noels Beard wrote:I'm gonna buck the trend and say I don't have much sympathy for Lee. Fair enough if he wants to stop playing because he's bored of it, but surely he has to take some personal responsibility if he's having to travel so far to make coin. You share your info with someone, who shares it with someone, etc... and before you know it the shit is back on your doorstep. All your pubs are fire? Well they wouldn't be fire if they weren't being hammered by 4-5 sets of players a week. Obviously some of these situations are beyond your personal control, but from what I can garner, you've never professed to be keen on working out your own tricks or developing your own methods. You don't like gambling. All this is fine, but you're probably in the wrong profession.

All I would ask is that you don't hang vulture like on the fruit machine world whilst we struggle on, only to hustle the fruits of others labours when it suits you. Both I and my friends have seen too many good things ruined recently to want to subsidise an army of part time pros.

oh dear oh dear ,,,,,, first of all im not after any sympathy , ,,,,,, plus i didn't say i was quitting full stop , im quitting full time , which means other pursuits will take the lion's share of my time , . , . ,,,,, i will still be doing a few hours locally , and the odd occasional full day

your last paragraph makes me laugh , and is quite frankly a downright cheek ,,,,,,,,,,, who the fuck are you to tell me not to maintain relationships with my contacts , ,,,,, ive had good links with good players since before you were tall enough to reach the slot

i can imagine the conversation ,,,,,,,,,,

contact '' hello lee m8 , how ya doing , ive got a little tip for ya ''

me '' oh no please stop right there , you mustn't say any more ''

contact '' why ? ''

me '' erm ,,, erm ,,,, because erm ,,,, will said so '' ,,,,,,,,LOL LOL LOL

you arrogant little shit ,,,,,,,,, ive only ever met you once , never ever spoke to you since by eithe pm or phone or otherwise

ive never ''vultured'' off anything you've ever done or discovered ,,,,,,, neither directly or indirectly

stop the world everyone ,,,,,,,,, '' WILL SAID SO" lol

what a tit :)

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 1:32 pm
by Ruler of The World
You are right that he has no right to ask anything of you - I don't think he actually 'told' you what to do. But he does have a point, in fact, I would agree with absolutely everything he has said in that post. I pride myself on knowing I have never created a player or clued anyone up on anything - not saying you have, I don't know. Unfortunately my area IS infested with people like the BSC (Blackpool Scum Crew) and, these days, God only knows who else... but I struggle on. I'm sure a few of these people are part-timers, ie. people who have jobs and play when they have time off.

There was a time when Oscar my old pal would have ripped in and said his piece about the 'part-timers' but now that the shoe is on the other foot for him he keeps quiet :) but we'll put it down to maturity and learning lessons in life. Not having a go Rich, its just painstakingly obvious that you would have had a go if you were still 'full time'.

The phone call enactment is mildly amusing but rather unoriginal.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:59 pm
by redlinesman
Hope it all goes well for you Trayhop.

I'm not sure how old you are but it's probably just a case of you as a person evolving and your mind is beginning to ask new questions of yourself and life in general. Let me ask you a question, do you ever look at another fruit machine player and wish you could be like them? Say a top one who works all his own stuff out and clears big money, I'd suggest the answer will be no which probably means you are progressing in thought and mind as you grow older. Entering your 30s or even 40s depending on the rate you evolve and mature will have a marked affect on your attitude to fruit playing.

Aspirations, happiness, well being, contentment and survival are all factors in life that most of us struggle to pin-point and manage which confuses us all and often gets people embroiled in taking the wrong path in life. Making 1k or 8k in a week isn't really that important, it's just that we as profit hunters invest so much, nearly all our lives into the pursuit of money we neglect other important areas of life hugely. Once your mind gets around this fact it can be quite liberating and your own potential, potential that you didn't even realise you had can appear like a shining beacon.

Fruit machine playing is a bit of a trade off but one that needs thinking about oh so carefully. Does a person quite literally work their socks off without doing much else in life so they can buy that 60k car or 600k house or do they make time for family, friends, pursue interests and maybe enjoy what life is for? I'd probably say getting a property for future financial security reasons is probably a good idea but beyond this I think earning money is pretty much a means to an end as long you're comfortable. Obviously the more you earn, the more you can spend or save is a factor but this will be generally used as a thought process to mask any deficiencies in one's existence or life. I suppose it can be tempting to work non-stop if you feel like you have no future earning potential outside of fruit machines or it maybe simply a case of being held hostage to an overriding fear of survival in the future. It may be a combination of these things and one or two others but it is certainly a thought process that becomes embedded.

Good luck Trayhop and a little bit of advice. As we grow older we need to change so maybe embrace a new interest or revisit those things that you maybe never had much time to do. It will hold you in good stead for a future with or without fruit machines.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 6:32 pm
by Roll_With_It_Russ
60k cars, 600k houses... I wish, did manage 6xx even though I felt like shit today