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Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:21 am
by The Dark Horse
Excellent posts BM and Bubbles. I think it can be simplified by saying that the kind of personalities drawn towards becoming gamblers often seek instant gratification and make rash decisions as opposed to the opposite type that favour safety and careful planning. However no ones personality is set in concrete and its possible to be very successful in life combining both mental attitudes. BM has done it himself as have others who left the game successfully, this is what I'm aspiring towards and others should be too. The problem is that as Bubbles mentioned people become institutionalised by these kinds of destructive lifestyles and forget their original hopes and dreams.

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 12:03 pm
by blackmogu
JG wrote:A pertinent question but curiosity dictates I ask of Blackmogu "what would you deem an acceptable take home post tax/expenses pay from any income source?"
Well, it's all subjective. What is acceptable for me is very well the King's riches to others. It would be crass for me to put a figure on what I require to live a comfortable life. Be satisfied that it is an obscene amount :-D

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:50 pm
by Ruler of The World
bubbles wrote:100% agree.

If you could only ever be on shit money with zero prospects then play fruits.

if you think you can save a bit while you're young then it's okay to play short-term.

fruits are prob a bit like being a stripper (no, not getting bent over in the services), there WILL come a time when you wonder where the years went, that it was the wrong "choice" and, due to almost being institutionalised in this existence, you WILL struggle to make the necessary adjustments to leave flashing lights in wooden cabinets.

have a plan, or you WILL regret it.

listen to experience.

another alternative is become the absolute best in the game and crush like redlinesman, retire early and buy a european city!
I agree with Dark Horse about this being an excellent post... until the end where he proves he is a chimp because he believes in RedLIESman's tosh.

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:55 pm
by Ruler of The World
blackmogu wrote:Well it all depends on what you are comfortable with. I certainly would not be comfortable on £3200 a month, but then I am married and expect high standards in life - I refuse to settle for less. If you have any sort of foundation to your life, then it's pretty hard to be satisfied with living in stab city in shabby rented accommodation.

Now to answer the question about how money is viewed in the working world as opposed to the gambling world:-

Working hard in gainful employment teaches most people the value of money. Even though the majority earn a pittance, they make it work through frugality and wise decisions borne out of necessity. Over time they build up equity in a house and an employment reputation that allows them to increase their earning potential. They slowly advance their financial stability over many years.

Compare this to the gambler, who earns money far more easily. On the whole money is not respected, and pissed away on frivolities. Even though the gambler may earn more over a given timespan, most will have comparably less to show for it due to the lamentable lack of discipline that easy money fosters. A full-time gambler also chooses higher short term earning potential for the duration of his career in exchange for work history, credit history and professional networking.

To all the full-timers :- You think you made the right choice now, but what does the future hold ? I'm pretty sure that for most of you it's going to be bleak, and many will be asking the average workers who pay tax from their buttons salary to bail you out with unemployment benefit and housing benefit in the future.
I've always liked and respected this fellow's posts. He speaks sense (and even writes it). I only wish I had read things like this and taken the advice 15 years ago. I was an idiot the other day, just because I had made £100 in my last location, I started splashing out £5 on £1.50 worth of sandwiches and £2 for an energy drink!!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 6:51 pm
by spa
Have always worked full time and played part timeish. Although lately is been part time/part time.

I am self employed so I have that freedom. I took an obscene amount of time away from work in the last tax year!

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 5:06 am
by bubbles
that was a subtle attempt at lightening the mood rotw! (joke)

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:30 am
by Ruler of The World
bubbles wrote:that was a subtle attempt at lightening the mood rotw! (joke)
Ah, I'm not gonna crucify you constantly for being named after the greatest entertainer or all time's chimp! I also don't hold grudges against people just because their opinion differs to mine. I think RedLIESman is entertaining but about as truthful as a compulsive liar I know and, although I usually give everyone the benefit of the doubt, I think his stories are just that little bit too far fetched. He does himself no favours by avoiding questions which he could answer with great ease were he not a liar with something to hide, yet he does avoid them almost as if he wants to confirm that he is a liar! He would not have to reveal his identity, that is not part of proving whether or not you are a liar!

So there you have it, why I have a 'problem' with RedLIESman. It wouldn't be so bad if he was Littlewhiteliesman.