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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:32 am
by Captain.Tattybojangles
Be better at my running and pub quizzes!

Methinks the two will clash a little :lol:

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:28 pm
by silent g
gonna do a 1 or 2 month diet then eat a bit more healthy and hit the weights and punch bag at home, havent got time for the gym.
im 26 and 6ft8 and 15 stone 4.
this is my exact my average wieght but for some reason its all going to the belly!!!!!!
im gonna sort that out!

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:38 pm
messiah wrote:
TINYMcFINEY wrote:Ah yes a bit of "which king burnt the cakes" while talking over diets!
Posts like this make me love you Tiny.

Why thank you Mr Messiah. Very kind of you to say. I do not know where that question came from. Must have been in the back of my mind for some strange reason. It will come back to me why it is!

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:42 pm
by ma71lda
I think a lot of people on here who are a fair few inches shorter than you would love to be 15 stone lol!!! :lol:

I'm one of those people! :P

Seriously though, I could never be 15 stone. I'm 6ft, 19st 8lb, with a 42" waist, big shoulders and very heavy bones. The weight has been slowly, but surely creeping up on me but I don't look massively fat and my doctor actually said I'm 'superhumanly fit' for someone who falls into the obese category.

I'm gonna start eating properly and working out (cardio and weights) starting Jan 1st - this time I'm gonna be strict and vigilant as I know results won't happen overnight or maybe within a month, but this time next year I want a 36" waist and to be around the 16st weight. I'm gonna start my regime using Maximuscle Thermabol too.

It will happen. I wish you all the best of luck in losing weight and all the best for the for 2012 in general.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:23 pm
by Master of The Game
Sounds like you don't need to play anything, just bump into players who keep dropping their coins on the floor and leg it.