why did they remove my post about september 11th 2001?

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Post by mikej82 »

I was working for Powerhouse at the time

actually on the evening news I remember saying that plane looks fake

was bloody right
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Post by mjd »

We all remember where we were..
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Post by JG »

It wasn't me that deleted your posts, but we have enough conspiracy theories on here about the rigging of FOBT without adding international politics into the mix.

I actually watched many of the videos suggested and many more and have probably just wasted about two and a half hours of my life. I concede it's interesting, the only puzzling videos being the black outs on the live (delayed) coverage as the second plane hit on camera.

Much of the time was spent reading the ensuing threads, and to be honest they descend into petera vs regamer style abuse. Engaging to a point, without purpose and after all that effort reading through them, I feel I know as much as I did before I even thought about this whole darn thing.

Much of the conspiracy theorists seem blinkered and aggressive to suggestions they may be wrong. Hell they may even be right, who really knows? They certainly seem uber paranoid and deluded though. All I can compare them to are conspiracy theorists on poker forums claiming on line poker is rigged. These nutters bang on about 'bots' 'shills' and 'rigged deals' and you know what? they're darn convincing to a point until confronted with challenges to produce actual evidence. Then they resort to name calling and storm off in a huff. The same seems to appply here.

The trouble is that this is a unique situation. There aren't any 'controls' for comparing what happens when a 737 or whatever it was crashes into the WTC. Thermite, compacted air, different angles, invisible planes, dubbed over audio, indestrictible core structures, immense heat. Then the whole WT7, high levels of thermite, interesting stuff, but why did not one conspiracy theorist even provide a link to something half way believable at any time?

I suppose George Bush putting on this whole buffoon act is a conspiracy as well. He's actually a super shrewd negotiater who has all the world's terrorist organisations in his pockets.

So what do we know? Don't bet all numbers bar 29 as 29 will definitely come up.
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Post by Mattb »

I started to believe some of this conspiracy stuff 'tili saw a program which debunked pretty much all of it. Two things though...

WTC 7 is very dodgy. As is the plane going into the Pentagon. They have 1 piece of released CCTV footage which is so blurry you can't make it out that well. There are other pieces of footage, but the FBI won't release them. Something to hide?
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Post by ma71lda »

I was sent an email, we may have all read it at some point, it was to do with 9/11 and the conspiracy surrounding it.

It was kind of strange and eerie reading it as so much fell into place, then at the end of the email I was told to type some letters and numbers and change it into a certain type of font - and what do you know it depicted the plane, the twin towers and something else which related (stupid me forgets :roll: ).


If nobodies seen it I'll try and get it sent to me again and type it up.
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Post by mikej82 »

JG and Mattb im pretty sure I can convince u2 that 9/11 was an inside job - false flag operation as they call it.

theres many things you have to question like -

why don't we see any plane wreckages?

how can 3 buildings collaspe at free fall speeds?

what happened to the $2.3 trillion that went missing on september 10th 2001?

why are 9 of the 19 hijackers still alive?

why was bin laden visited by a CIA agent in a hospital?

and how come on the FBI website bin laden is not wanted for 9/11?

why invade Iraq?

many many many questions to ask.
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Post by mikej82 »


Controlled Demo Expert Danny Jowenko clearly states WTC 7 was brought down by a controlled demolition. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=877gr6xtQ ... re=related

WTC7 controlled demolition, side-by-side video

BBC Reported Collapse of WTC Building 7 Early-- TWICE

WTC 7 Free Fall Collapse
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Post by harry2 »

Mike, did the US actually land on the moon ? I've always wanted to know.
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Post by mikej82 »

harry2 wrote:Mike, did the US actually land on the moon ? I've always wanted to know.

you mean tv fakery well take a look at this video:-

Ask yourself Harry why isnt there a plane in the live shot but in the evening news there is???

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Post by mikej82 »

This guy says a missile hit the pentagon


Reporter Didn't See Plane (fake inserted plane)


2nd hit - "live" chopper NBC 4 (no plane) middle top see something - missile
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Post by harry2 »

Mike, this seems to stir your passion, but there's not many others outside of America who really care.
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Post by mikej82 »

harry2 wrote:Mike, this seems to stir your passion, but there's not many others outside of America who really care.

well people should because the 7/7 london bombings was an inside job aswell - there all connected.

you should hear the crap bbc news & sky news are saying about russia

oh russia this russia that

bloody georgia started that war not russia all part of the New World Order and there plan.
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Post by aaamusements.co.uk »

mikej82 wrote:WTC 7

Controlled Demo Expert Danny Jowenko clearly states WTC 7 was brought down by a controlled demolition. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=877gr6xtQ ... re=related

WTC7 controlled demolition, side-by-side video

BBC Reported Collapse of WTC Building 7 Early-- TWICE

WTC 7 Free Fall Collapse
Just because one demolitions expert says that it was a controlled explosion doesn't mean that it was!

Whilst in a previous post you state that fire would not have brought down the towers you are correct]"What's that you're doing there?"
"Oh, it's the new network cabling."
"Thank God for that! I thought for a minute it looked like shaped charges liked with detcord... silly me!"[/quote]
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Post by Mattb »

mikej82 wrote:JG and Mattb im pretty sure I can convince u2 that 9/11 was an inside job - false flag operation as they call it.

theres many things you have to question like -

why don't we see any plane wreckages?

how can 3 buildings collaspe at free fall speeds?

what happened to the $2.3 trillion that went missing on september 10th 2001?

why are 9 of the 19 hijackers still alive?

why was bin laden visited by a CIA agent in a hospital?

and how come on the FBI website bin laden is not wanted for 9/11?

why invade Iraq?

many many many questions to ask.
Can you provide answers to those? Probably not.
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Post by mikej82 »

aaamusements.co.uk wrote:
mikej82 wrote:WTC 7

Controlled Demo Expert Danny Jowenko clearly states WTC 7 was brought down by a controlled demolition. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=877gr6xtQ ... re=related

WTC7 controlled demolition, side-by-side video

BBC Reported Collapse of WTC Building 7 Early-- TWICE

WTC 7 Free Fall Collapse
Just because one demolitions expert says that it was a controlled explosion doesn't mean that it was!

Whilst in a previous post you state that fire would not have brought down the towers you are correct]"What's that you're doing there?"
"Oh, it's the new network cabling."
"Thank God for that! I thought for a minute it looked like shaped charges liked with detcord... silly me!"

ok i see what your saying - you been reading NIST's/FEMA websites aka the US govs version of what happened.

First of all, planes are made of aluminum they cant penetrate steel skyscraper buildings - you need to look at how the world trade center buildings were built, especially take note of the 47 steel columns in the middle.

never in history skyscraper buildings have collapsed due to fire - normal fire or jet fuel cannot even have an impact - temperature is way too low. Search the windsor tower/madrid/spain on Youtube burnt for 18 hours never collasped.

9/11 NYC Firefighters Controlled Demolition (witnesses)


WTC Demolition "flashes" of charges going off (clearly see flashes going off)


High quality video of WTC collapse (boom boom boom boom)

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=jyWoWWX6Y ... re=related

WTC 7 - Pull It By Larry Silverstein (pull it) = controlled demolition term


http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=70kVb-KAI ... re=related
WTC Design (Part 4)

WTC Design (Part 3)

WTC Design (Part 2)

WTC Design (Part 1)

MIT Engineer Disputes 911 Theory of the WTC Collapse-Part 1
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=z8W-t57xn ... re=related

MIT Engineer Disputes 911 Theory of the WTC Collapse-Part 2
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=qW81Cd7nN ... re=related