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Post by bigv038 »

After both suffering depression for years, the wife and I were both gonna commit suicide yesterday. Strangely, once she killed herself I started to feel a lot better so I thought fuck it, I'll soldier on!! :lol:
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Post by Istenem »

dumb yank:
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nobody ever wins on those things.
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Post by gambogaz1 »

Someone started a status with a cheesy chat up line

Hey baby, are you a parking ticket because you've got fine written all over you...............

do you work at subway??? cause everytime i see you, you give me a footlong

Do you like jewellery, suck my dick its a GEM.

do ya like chicken,suck me cock its fowl.

Is that a mirror in your knickers as I can see myself in them.

I wish you were a door so I could bang you all day long!

‎"Roses are red, Violets are blue...Ive got a knife, get in the van

Calm down, let's not turn this rape into murder !!!
betchrider wrote:You go upto a bird and grab her quim and say "im gonna knock the fuck outta this" and see what happens
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Post by titchno1 »

My psychic phone tells me you have no nickers on? (She replies) I have got knickers on. Shit its 15 minutes fast.

If you were a meal at mcdonald s you would be a mc'gorgeous meal. (Be carefull who you say this to fat chicks don't seem to like this one.)

If I could re-arrange the alphabet I would put 'u' and 'I' together.

Do you like chocolate? Drop your snickers and ill give you a boost!
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Post by clarkey1984 »

Jim Holloway
Tom is going in for a second bottle of southerm comfort gwarn son down that fruit shoot!!


luckily i wont be about tomora to put up with the pussy complaining!

Tom couldnt handle a bottle of of southern comfort, if im honest, tom couldnt handle a bottle of fucking warm milk!


Tim Crane
NO! New facebook chat i dont want to use you, now shit off and stop popping up like some sort of groomer.

getting as much free power from the motorway services as possible. There are definitely old people operating in the area now, time is limited due to the stench of OAP dust.
deano8177 wrote:When I rang him I asked if I could play any of the gaming machines and he said no cos they keep getting fiddled. Then I said I'd be down soon to watch the football, and that I was going to shit in his urinal.
thecannonball89 wrote:If you go out on a friday night to play a deadmans and end up going out up town having 5bags of heavly cut drugs end up in the brothel, and wake up feeling like shit on monday morning sitting out a p3 dial trying to make bk ur losses of a 5am roulette sesion, your probly a player