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Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 3:20 pm
by Demmerz
Moby Dick?

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 3:25 pm
by Cardinal Sin
Another cracking guess, but a check of the extras on IMDB reveal that there were indeed lassies starring.

Here's something to think about... what situations could arise in a movie which would mean that there are NO women about?

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 11:33 pm
by tka
Bum Lovers 4?

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 11:50 pm
by Cardinal Sin
:lol: :lol:

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 12:05 am
by Weyland
Mars Needs Women? ;)

I can't remeber without looking, and that's cheating, but has Withnail and I got any women in it? Or is it just the two of them talking?

EDIT: Hang on... The Great Escape?

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 9:03 am
by Cardinal Sin
Withnail and I had a waitress in it.

The Great Escape is a very very good guess indeed. I've not seen it, but IMDB certainly doesn't list any females being in the cast, although does anyone know if there are any lady extras in it at all???

The film I'm thinking of was made in the 60s (the British version), with the US remake made in the early 90s. Not sure when the book was published, but it's a timeless classic.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 10:12 am
by Weyland
How the hell have you avoided seeing "The Great Escape"?! ;)

I remembered the Night of the Living Dead remake in the 1990s, but that must have women in it, if only amongst the zombies. ;)

Okay, going on famous books alone then (I don't know when, if any films were made of it): Lord of the Flies? I thought Robinson Crusoe at first, but that must have more films than two made of it.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 10:21 am
by Cardinal Sin
BINGO! Lord of the Flies is the answer I was thinking of... (thought someone had actually guessed it when they said Lord of the Rings).

Robinson Crusoe is also a cracking guess. ... there are probably quite a few others, such as films set on boats, submarines, desert islands and prisons, not to mention some war films and westerns.

Anyway, up you step, Weyland!

(oh, not sure how I've missed Great Escape. I've also never seen any of the Star Wars films except the Phantom Menace, which was so rubbish I've been put off watching any of the rest of them)

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 12:12 am
by Weyland
The original three SW films are good. ROTJ is a bit on the twee side, but still watchable.

Right, who can tell me what date "Towel Day" is on?

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 9:11 am
by Cardinal Sin
Oh well, I've got a 1 in 365 chance of getting this right, if I ignore leap years.

25 June

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 9:18 am
by thehut
The guy opposite me is a Hitchhikers Guide nerd and he claims it's 25th of May... :shock:

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 9:51 am
by Weyland
...and his eminence was sooo close. Just got the month wrong. It is indeed 25th May.

Don't forget yours next week! ;)

over to thehut's friend...

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 10:00 am
by thehut
With the Eurovision song contest up this week (I think) i will pose the following:

Ireland have proved to be the most successful country in producing middle of the road musical garbage, claiming 7 victories, but 3 countries are tied for second having won it 5 times. Who are they?

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 10:18 am
by Istenem
i am proud to be as geeky about the eurovision as your mate is about HHGTTG. United Kingdom is one who has won it five times (including a tied-first) we have also been second 15 times.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 10:22 am
by thehut
Yep, UK is one of the 3.