Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde.

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Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde.

Post by btescapee »

I know this machine is pure and utter filth, but there HAS to be some way to make on it. The machine in question is £35 and has a +6% 50p option.

Is the flasher 100% cyclic? Can it be attained early by taking a plus £x amount win (akin to some old BFM's for example).

Does the +6% go into the cyclic pot (assuming it is a cyclic one) or the "forced" one (not that the machine appears overly generous in the progressive stakes anyway). Are the pots linked?

If you HAD to play the machine, which stake is it best to play on, and what would be the strategy?

Has anyone else mistaken the 3 red potions for invincible? Grrr.

First board had about £5 value in it, £60 later it would still not get above £10!!!

Pub was 50 miles from where I live and I had to leave at closing time. Couldn't be arsed to travel back @ opening time to (you would like to think) get some cash back.

This machine is tighter than a ducks arse with no redeeming features at all from what I can see.

I do however plan a revisit next week, and would quite like some of my cash back.

If anyone knows of any cheeky rips (lol) or play methods, then feel free to share.

I feel disgusted with myself for playing this machine, having seen all the negative press it has had, but stupidly thought it couldn't be that bad. How wrong I was. Worst punt of 2010.
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Post by trayhop123 »

you've sort of answered your own question . ,,,,,,,,,,, you shouldn't have been messing with it in the first place ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and its not like you lost 200 on it or so.

cut your losses ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, £60 will take 2mins to make back.
Little discipline = BIG issue

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Post by btescapee »

I know what you mean, I have had the big £200+ losses on more recent machines (had an awful run on 5-liners when first out), and taken them on the chin. Luckily the good, outweighs the bad in the longrun. This machine just sat at £5-£10 happy from the off constantly for £60 (I don't doubt it would of gone in the near future). I don't know of any other £35 vivid which would of done this. To have no tells, no rips, no real signs of progression (an occasional £12 or £15), disgusting. Unless anyone PM's me a surefire method, I'll take the advice and not play. BTW, the other machine in the pub is a Barcrest Open the Box. Lovely choice!!!
Mr McStreak

Post by Mr McStreak »

Prizefighter and Hilo Karate are incarnations of this piece of shit, and are equally as bad. I once watched an aquaintance take a Prizefighter on, and £150 in was still not enough for a top. When it eventually came it went dead. The person was almost in tears. They are truly monstrous games, you feel as though maybe 10 percent of every pound is going towards something. The rest is going nowhere.

Don't be too hard on yourself though, we've all took a punt on something at some stage.
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Post by PMK »

£150? That's cheap!!! Put more than double that in once.

Ur only hope is gettin the cycled im board only worth trying a quick board on as the cash values up to about £3 like a repeat or 3.

Awful game which if chased only ever pays to about 10-30%
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Post by btescapee »

I am just wondering if by collecting a £12 or £15 capable feature may trigger something? Turbo cash on BFM's used to be good to get an £11+ win which could trigger the IM boards. I know the locals and staff very well in the pub, and other than someone who got 2 IM's in a row over a month ago... Nothing. Can't see how it's paying to percentage. Can it really be as piss-poor as everyone is saying?... No need to reply (I've checked the threads), but this machine has reached number 1 on my list of never to touch again.
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Post by gambogaz1 »

Only thing I ever found on Hi/lo Karate £25 JP was a feature about 6 or 7 up. It's the same as on other vivids like All 4 one where you use hold buttons 1 and 3 to move a cursor on the lcd screen over the * to win 50p, you get 6 seconds.
Well I'd try for a board and try to get this with your sword thing red so you'd got a repeat chance, as it wasn't too shy at repeating once or twice for a quick £10 profit, but I soon learned it just wasn't worth it.

Awful machine, just as bad on £5. Constant flat tops that cost £10+ to get.
betchrider wrote:You go upto a bird and grab her quim and say "im gonna knock the fuck outta this" and see what happens
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Post by JG »

They had a Prizefighter £5 jackpot in the chippie up the Radford Road. It's not there anymore, do you think I'd put out a live location just like that?

Anyway as I have a total of, checks super exclusive lists, err zero incarnations of this and it seems other players don't have the skills or know how to fill you in, let me give you the low down.

It seems you know a bit about older BFMs such as LOTR fellowship, Cop The Lot etc, but more on that later.....

Right first hint. You can tell the board value by how the feature starts. How very Vivid. It's a slightly different tell to normal in that it's about the value of fruit available on nudges on feature entry.

I'd normally find that for Gambo's [*] feature, you'd want to see grapes (£2.40) at least, iirc.

If no nudge win, expect to get donked first/second gamble. Cherries ain't much better, you're doing good to get a £2 win. Sevens and lemons and you may make it to £3-£4. Grapes and plums is where your £4-£10 boards will show and if you see pears then it's a juicy board and a chance of flasher if not an all out force. Melons for £5 and you have a juicy board, possibly jp.

There is absolutely NO advantage to forcing this, AS you cannot force the flasher which is the only way it can repeat a top. If it flashes, it's 'free' (cyclic), simple as. You can force a jackpot and I only did this in Showboat on 90%, I take it all these £300 costs were in Weatherspoons on 78% then. Mind you for a £25 jackpot on Hi/Lo Karate from £10 happy, I think that cost me £70 for the top.

The trouble with this is that it does you to %. After my £25 it was still happy, throwing in the grapes, plums and pears. Although of course it can throw in the odd cherry/no win board even when blatantly should still be paying and also just because you see a good fruit win, it's not an absolute that the board will be juicy, but it's a pretty strong tell. Also works in reverse, sometimes you'd get £4/£5 off a cherry board, but rare.

On 90% if it had been pumped, you could make a few quid from milking and that is all you should ever do, milk the value. The other problem is, that it's like IJ2 in that you have to pay on average £4 for a board entry. when most features are £5 or less, you can see why it's hard to get a quick purchase on the machine.

It had a horrible 12 position entry trail, fun in a way, reminiscent of Cash Lines to an extent, but also annoyingly pointless at times.

Second hint. The machine is full, it has been pumped, can I cycle for my flasher? Right on 90% in Showboat, maybe. On 78% in Weatherspoons or The Dog and Grumpy Landlord - no. N O. That's no. You can't. If it flashes it will typically do one jackpot or two jackpots off that board. Apparantly it could also do staggered flashes, or go for three/four jackpots, but I only ever say two max with my own eyes.
Courtesy of Martal, we know that a Rat Pack throws in a red board like clockwork. It's rare but you can pinpoint it to the credit if I'm right in thinking. I assume Martal wasn't taking any red features which may repeat and set this back.
Alas the flasher on this is more like a repeat on Card Shark. For example it wouldn't be repeating for ages then you get £25 off the repeat pot and then next force it'd be repeating again. I understood though that a red on Card Shark was basically a way of expressing a second or even third repeat on the repeat pot. Basically after a while of not giving a red, it if was getting ripped via repeats it'd say right, that's it, this repeat pot is building to £50+ in value before you so much as get a £1 feature to repeat. Slightly more complex in that it could build to £50, let £25 go then build up to £75. Let us not talk of The Rat emptier here, otherwise our heads may explode with this thesis that I am writing.
Basically your only reason for playing the machine in the first place is that it might flash. That is the only way you get any decent value. I'd imagine it'd be a 4% flasher save on pub mode and your +6% would just be extra for the main pot. Oh yeah, pretty sure repeats on this were from main pot as well, so they changed that slightly.

Hint 3. Streak = £6ish, Super streak = £10ish and Mega = Jp+rep. That feature Gambo was on about, sorry can't remember the name, but good for £6 [BONUS HINT AVAILABLE]. Bottom feature is a find the cash value, usually good for £2, so just nab that feature is no nudge win on feature entry. I took most of the features when it was in Showboat, in fact there are a lot of features similar to what you'd find on Can U Dig its?, Star Wars etc, ie that step down a certain number of posiitons to a fruit on a reel of your choice, that one is there. Fact is, as far as we know, no rips exist.

Bonus Hint: It is the same feature as Cash droid on Empire Strikes Back.

So there you have it. I reckon the one I played did make %, just a deliberately designed awful profile, which can't have had long term success as the format is pretty obsolete. Mind you stick a rigged DOND game on it and there's your next Barcrest. Probably.

It was in Cov Weatherspoons (city centre) for a while as well, same time as Cluedo. If I was waiting for the Cluedo I'd sometimes try this. Never got the flash, broke even over all time (up or down a few quid) so had my free shot at a flash I guess)

I'd guess on average your unit would flash every £1250 played though it. At 50p per play, it's almost as slim as getting pots on a £500 Riches, look at it like that!

Common thought suggest pots come in about 1 in every 3000 presses.

+EV on 90% with average players? Just about.
+EV on 78% with average players? Hmm, dubious, I'd definitely be wary of large spatulas being thwacked against one's butt cheeks.

Hope this helps,

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Post by PMK »

I can't believe u took time out to write such a huge reply to what is one of the worse machines of all time!! Perhaps this should be in your topic in the barcrest section!!!

Fair play!!
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Post by btescapee »

This is funny... The worst machine ever, and a lengthy (spritely) reply from respected members. Appreciated, unfortunately rum and cokes have the better of me at the moment, will digest the replies in the morning. Thank You.
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Post by btescapee »

JG... True legend. There are 2-3 good nuggets of info in that thread. As much as anything I just wanted to know the +6% status, as the bulk of players on this machine would be on 25p stake. I no longer play on a regular basis, but do enjoy scanning this board. To sum up... There are (approximately 400) better machines than this out there, it just really got my back up, this particular loss. Quite possibly the calling of last orders did me a favour!
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Post by Mattb »

They are a fucking joke. Another contender for 'I never make my percentage'. Runs for 3 tops once in the bluest of moons, otherwise it's more than pot for pot, still ready rechase, more than pot for pot...repeat to fade. No way it pays 78%. All clones are just as bad, they really are.
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Post by darren »

A tip, instead of taking top take £35+rpt, it more than likely will repeat.
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Post by Dunhamzzz »

This is one of those few machines where the statement "the machine always wins" is 100% true.