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William Hill Blackjack

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:26 am
by greenbelter
Does anyone play these? I've had a few good results but its hard to stay dsciplined.

I win about £20 - £40 a time and cash in. Although last week I thew £100 in and was down to my last £5 then somehow, don't ask how I crawled back up to £280, pushed for the £300 but didn#t make it so ended up walking away at £200. However this just made up for a bad loss on Ladbrokes Roulette. Don't know what came over me. Roulette is evil.

At its worst I had £100 and was up and down for about 1 hour and managed to walk away evens. Seems that its safer than roulette. I play one box but far too often the dealer get blackjack or pulls that 3 and 10 for 21. Having said that it oftens turns and I have done ok.

Anyone else got any views on these.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:33 pm
by Mr Bubbles
I have had a quick dabble, didn't like it to be honest.

At the end of the day it is just another game of pure luck on the FOBT's so if you put your money in don't expect to see it come out.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:56 pm
by greenbelter
True but you can play it safer than roulette and start to build wins up

Roulette is a much more dangerous game

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:18 pm
by Mattb
greenbelter wrote:True but you can play it safer than roulette and start to build wins up

Roulette is a much more rigged game
How true :D :P :P

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:35 pm
by Cardinal Sin
Betfair offer Zero Blackjack.

Same as normal blackjack except you get 2-1 paid on suited blackjacks and 5 card 21's.

Oh, and you can't split Aces...

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:19 pm
by harry2
and zero roulette.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:52 am
by greenbelter
Won another £30 last night then as I'm leaving I thought fook it one more go. Ended up winning another £20

The cashier didn't seem happy. Is it just me or do they not like it when you cash in?? Bet they love it when you lose.

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:53 pm
by orinoko
greenbelter wrote:Won another £30 last night then as I'm leaving I thought fook it one more go. Ended up winning another £20

The cashier didn't seem happy. Is it just me or do they not like it when you cash in?? Bet they love it when you lose.
As has been said on here before - it is absolutely vital that before you go into a bookies that you set yourself profit and loss limits. If you manage to get to your profit limit 20,30,40 quid or whatever, then you must cash in. I cannot emphasise this enough. The number of times I have been up say 50 only to be literary arse raped and losing hundreds is too painful for me to think about.

Personally, I think these machines are rigged and over the years I have lost 1000's. Blackjack, IMHO is the worst offender!

Curiously, recently I have been trying liveroulette and for the 1st time ever I am doing consistently well - does this suggest something? I will never go on FOBT's again.

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:13 pm
by ob
played loads of FOBT's over the years and they seem perfectly fair, not rigged at all, just that people remember the times they had loads of numbers and one that they didnt comes up - this is bound to happen statistically anyhow.

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:16 pm
by Mr Bubbles
Curiously, recently I have been trying liveroulette and for the 1st time ever I am doing consistently well - does this suggest something? I will never go on FOBT's again.[/quote]

All that means is that you have hit a run of luck and possibly being a live table you have to take longer between placing your bets, so a hours betting on it does only say 40 spins to your normal 100 odd, so less time to lose basically.

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 12:49 pm
by orinoko
ob wrote:played loads of FOBT's over the years and they seem perfectly fair, not rigged at all, just that people remember the times they had loads of numbers and one that they didnt comes up - this is bound to happen statistically anyhow.
Mr paranoid here. I'm staggered to learn that there are people out there that think fobt's are fair. Maybe I'm insane who knows but the evidence from my experience is overwhelming that they are a ripoff. For example,each time I used to play these I'd go in with a couple of hundred quid and immediately, every time, put 20 on red. I think maybe over about 50 times it came up 2 or 3 times. So I think the machine is programmed to take the 1st bet most of the time. Similarly before going into a bookies I would decide to 'hunt' a winning series and choose red/black or whatever and sticking to it. Well guess what, the machine would come the opposite. This is not random! This is not bad luck!! It happens practically all of the time! Of course if you do win say 3 times on the trot you lose the 4th. If you lose 3 times on the trot and decide to change colour for the 4th spin you still lose! Lose lose lose. Other odd things is noticing that the 1st spin pulls in the previous number - its as if the machine cant be bothered to get the next random number and just goes for the last one in memory. Also, covering zero for say 10 spins in a row - dont bother for the 11th and hey presto, zero come in. Crazy .....

I firmly believe that there is a difference between a real roulette table and FOBT's. You just know with a FOBT that if you put 100 quid on a 2-1 that your going to lose. On a real wheel, from my experience you can and do win this last desperate bet. The real wheel is 18/37, FOBT is nowhere near this.

So why on earth do I still play these occasionally? I'm wondering if its a morbid curiosity, a belief that maybe it really has been just bad luck and its only a nightmare that over the years I have lost 10's of thousands etc etc Probably just pure addiction - I'm ill. Time for a lay down.

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 2:33 pm
by ob
years ago I was doing £20 on red in every bookies I came across and I think over a few weeks I was about levels on them, maybe 200+ bookies - sorry mate you've just been unlucky.

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 4:49 pm
by Mr Bubbles
Im going with unlucky too on this one.

Why not write record a log on what comes out each time and then you have some evidence one way or the other.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:40 am
by orinoko
Mr Bubbles wrote:Im going with unlucky too on this one.

Why not write record a log on what comes out each time and then you have some evidence one way or the other.
OK its nearly lunchtime - I'm going to the bookies to put 20 quid on red - I wonder whats going to happen lol

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:30 pm
by orinoko
I'm the most unluckiest man alive. Lost the 1st on red and then lost 140 doubling up on the next 3 spins - all black. I give up really. I have no evidence just my experience to go on. Blatantly bent I'd say.