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What's the worst gambler or gambling you have ever seen?

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:26 pm
by explayer
You know the kind of thing - punters asking whether 6/4 or 13/8 is bigger or can't work out the return on a tenner at 11/2.
It does my head in when blokes shout " Go on my son " at a fillies race for example or do the same bet forever for fear of
missing a winner - " missed a 6 and 5 - they're my numbers ".

Also gambling behaviour - there is a notorious Brighton punter who backs every long odds on shot and increases his bet each
time one wins. I have seen him bet £1 and at other times several thousand. I was once in a shop when he placed £2.50 at 1/5
despite his mate offering to give him the 50p! - What is the drive behind that style of betting?

I nearly got into a fight once when a bloke insisted a football acca with 2 selections in each match was 2 plus 2 plus 2 etc ,
rather than 2 times 2 times 2. He thought he had cracked it until i pointed out that it came to thousands of bets rather than
a few dozen! Just recently a guy was bemoaning his bad luck as he had taken 5/4 then gone a minute down the road and
found 6/4 on offer - what drives you mad or makes you laugh with punters?

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:02 pm
by betchrider
I did back Italy then lay them and back Spain when they went 1-0 down then lay them when they equalised so did alright on thT game yesterday