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Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:27 am
by harry2
George, how far are you into this years "Nudgemans Christmas Cracker" ?

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:32 pm
by explayer
Don't know where i stand on this - i haven't played the things for years and hate the effect they have on betting shops. I have seen mates play and it does seem that the 'worst' numbers come up a lot :? - however gamblers remember the good and bad but not the indifferent - same with horses , football etc , so memories change in the telling and recalling of tales. However if they are straight then they pay back around 97% to the punter and it doesn't look like that to a casual observer. Most importantly they attract addicted types of gambler that fruit machines used to attract - the same staring , non blinking eyes watching the ball/reels. They are horrible things which encourage people to hang around what they consider 'their' machine and harass winners to 'lend' them some money. Betting shops used to tell people not playing to sling their hook , but now crowds gather round watching :shock: , i can't think of anything more boring than watching roulette without a financial interest!

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:03 am
by Booby Tipster
6 to 0, 0 to 6 on the Globals. cover neighbours! 11 13 31 33 all trigger each other. £5000 a day if you're disciplined.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:07 am
by BFK
Excellent, I'll try it and then put the £5k in rainbow riches to try and get 3 yeahs.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:31 pm
by gaztarra
unfortunitly guys ma poor spelling is for reel,,,the reason a told you that about the machine,was to actualy give real players the chance to see that i kinda do know wat am on about!!!and the reason i do not sit there and milk this one single reverse algorythem day and day out is simple"thats just the tip of the tip of the tip of the ice berge,
THIS ONE SINGLE BET/ALGORYTHEM is all u need to make a constant daily profit..the bet must be reapeted on dif machines,this takes time & is a hastle,if u get a win"cashout"a loss"cashout"even stevens"cashout",,this is boring & to say the least!!!
this is how i first started out,& was the first algorythem i reversed"figured out"
i do not play machine to machine in a systematic way"but it can be dun"
& in the results of doing this you will see very very strange things

the way i play the machine,is aparantly and seemingly almost random and un stable,totaly uncalculated"seemingly"....i combine bets to reverse the skewed odds to my favour!!i do not try pick numbers ect,or any stupidness like every extent i apear to play normal"no system"

the reason i share this is simple,it seems and feels like theres only me out there who can win,or that is daft enuff to say so,,the players who know in the heart it isnt random"despite legal claims,bla,bla,,"are the ones i wish to reach!!!
its impossible that i am the only one who has figured out how to win,but maybe i think that am the only one who understands why this is possible.others have there little tricks"and are scared to expose them incase the machines are re programd!!!!well done to those people"and for fucksake contact me"
also the reasons i keep giving hints and clues is simple <proof>im not trying to tease people!!!
ive read many blogs before joining this one,i know how hard it is for you to believe they can be beat"weather i can or not"
i doubt bieng on this blog is going to bring me or anyone any help!
but ya never know!
try the bet ive said,,,thats all a can realy say,,why this bet works i will not say,but there is a reason,and one that u will understand!


Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:39 pm
by gaztarra
i have realy realy thought about a website on these,but i would need alot of help"spelling for one"
also a believe the would shut me down..
a forum were people report there daily results good and bad,real members!
the true secrets to these machines lie in collective knowlidge!
anyone in the bradford area who plays them!get in touch!

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:50 pm
by gaztarra
i can and will make a video ov me playing and predicting the out comes,,
i know i should not!!
but its the best proof i can give,without actualy showing ya,,
i doubt even if i told u all i know and can do weather u would believe me and never even try it,
so a video is the only way forward!!
i wont rush & it will be dun rite,crystal clear me predicting and winning
from crediting the machine to cashing out video proof!
that i can and do win,,,and that i know how and why its totaly and always will be possible!!
the can never stop me!and they wont even try...

the way in wich they are rigd to take more from you than a true game ever realy does,,is the only reason they CAN be beat!
they go hand in hand!to stop me winning they would have to make the game truely random and settle for millions instead ov billions in profit!

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:48 pm
by Spyder
gaztarra wrote:i can and will make a video ov me playing and predicting the out comes,

please tell me you arent talking about the video-skip as the wheel spins?? this is because the RNG picks number and the pc used an animation to show the resulting number, the machine starts with the wheel in a certain position, then the loaded animation is put on top, resulting in A) a slight visable skip, and B) the position on the wheel being visable to anyone who's played more than 3 or 4 spins and been concentrating...

you have to actually guess the outcome BEFORE you press the bet button... but if you could do that, you definitely wouldnt be posting on here..

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:52 pm
by Scott
Theres an endless queue of people who know where the ball will land the second it starts rolling, if you can predict where it will land BEFORE it starts rolling its worth Millions, and you'd have to be a fool to mention it like said.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:18 am
by trayhop123
so to combat what i said about making a steady income ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, your now saying change terminal after every bet ,,,,, win lose or draw ,,,,,,,,,,,,, and you will still be up 70% overall .

ok , so 1 question for you ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, how many terminals would i have to play in a day to make that percentage ,,,,,,,, and make a reasonable days wage ? ,,,,,, ie 50quid plus.

please dont answer with just ''try it yourself ''

you must know the answer already ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, because you yourself must have started out with this method ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, being as this is only the tip of your money making iceburg

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:09 am
by pokerpete
This is 100% a troll-job.
Just trying to work out if it's a sock puppet of an existing member, or a passing troll from outside.

Do the video though.
Will be fun.
As Spyder says though, predictions must be made BEFORE you hit the button, not after.


Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:31 pm
by gaztarra
cumon guys give me sum credit!!the fucking imagrants like flys round shit in central town bookies,ladbrooks,bodog ect"that have the pre play animated upload,all trying to tell you wich number will come AFTER you hit spin!!
my video will consist of 3 different bookies,and many of each!
i will voice predict out comes!
i will/am going to use a simple hand signal"touch the screen ect
so that skeptics can not say my voice has bieng scripted in"after the fact"
the video will not teach you how to do it/but what you will see,will leave u amazed!
and hopefully excited because you guys know me"kind off"
the video will not be that of systematic bets"like the one i gave you"field bets i call them..
this could easily be faked"hence only record the good out comes..
my intention is to credit the machine,make bet,then predict at times the exact number"spot on"sometimes a group or 2 or 3..simply put,i will predict win,loss...not always the number with wich it brings the win or loss,,
i am not predidting the r.n.g...i am predicting the wins and losses & at times the exact numbers,,
i have one question to you all!
if i do this,were do we go from there...............will i finaly have loyal believers/follows?
are we going to work together as a group?exclusively!
because all of you that have realy realy played these,even though realy bad losses,,the experiance wich you have is valuable and much can be learnd from it"you just arnt aware of this at the moment"
ANYBODY who actualy tries the bet i told u about,will never ever see zero come in!!and on avridge to every 10 machines played with ten pound each,you will be in profit of between 10 to 15 pound!
not much,but adds up & the golden goose"GARUNTEED"
but the reel golden goose is the proof THEY CAN BE BEAT,SEEING IS BELIEVING..
also to the none players who sware the random,the stasticle results to this singular field bet"many machines"despite zero NEVER bieng choose,will show beyound doubt there everything but random!
the bet is the first one i ever devised to not just prove a unfair bias"thats simple!!!
but to design a bet that depending on certain principles"asumptions"that if indeed corect,then this bet should work!!proving my asumptions correct!
and unleashing there secrets!
by tiping the bias odds my way!litraly turning the tables around!
i dont realy want to make a videao"its two much direct proof,to soon!
i want you players to do the bet i said!!!you will know in ya heart that i know how to always win!!
and thats all it takes,av asked no money!yet gave u a bet that ALONE will generate a steady income,despite prove the can be beat and that all is far from what they seem with these machines!
MY NEXT POST WILL BE MY LAST!ANY QUESTIONS,REQUEST FOR THE VIDEO I AM TO MAKE!please go try the bet i told u about,after 4 or 5 machines you will begin to see the obviose!that what i know is the holly grail!the guy who carnt spell!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:35 pm
by gaztarra
pokerpete wrote:No, I had my doubts before, but now I'm certain.

This is a comedy Troll job.

Well played mate, you had us going.

Now I read back, it's a really classy job.
A mixture of gentle prodding and wildly over the top stuff.
The terrible spelling and grammar is a nice touch too.

Good effort!
u do me too proud mate!
although i can not spell for shit and can not rite in mathamaticle notations,i am far from thick!and if this was indeed a scam,then i understand wat you are saying!and yes it would be clever of me!

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:37 pm
by Master of The Game
Homerton Hospital, Mental Ward... can't remember the address but show them your posts when you get there and they WON'T turn you away like they did me.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:40 pm
by trayhop123
he is right on one thing

none of us has tried the bet

it wont be me trying it of course ,,,,,,,,,,,,, but i would love someone to