FOBT roulette is rigged (again)

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FOBT roulette is rigged (again)

Post by JG »

No smoke without fire.

This is a theory/truth that has been bandied about a bit. I had forgotten about it, until it was mentioned in the car on the way down to London by Superman's mate.

This is how it goes.

FOBT roulette does not pay to true odds 97.2%, more like 88% or similar. The way the result is worked out IS random. Say you bet red, the machine picks a number from 0-39. 0-36 are displayed as usual, but if 37,38 or 39 are picked than a losing spin is generated.

I'm not saying this is true or not, but I know we are due A GOOD BLOOMIN' ARGUMENT ABOUT HOW BLOOMIN' RIGGED SOMETHING MAY OR MAY NOT BE.....

Why would they do it? Greed and the fact that minimum bet £1 spin, needs to take minimum 12p, not 2.8p per spin.

I've seen the wording 'roulette pays out at 97.2%' which could be a clever way of avoiding saying that THIS roulette pays out at 88% ie it's just a general statement, designed to mislead you into assuming you'll get 97.2%

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Post by Spyder »

i won quite a bit yesterday off of a 'cheeky £20'

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Post by griff50 »

fobt's are not rigged in my opinion. It is simply the game of roulette which always favours the house. It's very easy to blame something when you lose, but you are simply playing against fixed odds everytime you play, hence the name: fixed odd betting terminal. You cannot force them like a fruit machine, the problem is that many people who used to play machines have graduated onto fobt's and try to play them the same way, only against areas of the wheel, i.e. shit I've not had tier for 15 spins it must come in etc.

It's a random number generator, 3 is closer to 4 and 2 than 26 and 35 for example.

Another thing I must add. The history of numbers is not the true sequencial history. As a random number is picked every one second, and it takes 3 to 5 deconds to spin and then pay your winnings (mayby) you never see the full sequence. I love it when people come up to me and tell me that since 3 has just come out then either 36 or 9 is going to come out. lol

Winning on Fobt's is just dependent on WHEN you hit the spin button. Simple. Nothing more.
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Post by Spyder »

griff50 wrote:I love it when people come up to me and tell me that since 3 has just come out then either 36 or 9 is going to come out.
naa, after 3, its definitely gunna hit 25 - 30,
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Post by 2 down for the melons »

They are vile!, Why anyone plays them is beyond me..iv'e had my lesson well and truly learnt on those pieces of filth..

U can't win on roulette anyway, let alone the bookies fobt shit...

:x :x :x
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Post by keno »

Bad days are always going to outweigh your good on these :(
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Post by harry2 »

Joseph Hobson Jagger (1830 – 1892) was a British engineer, widely known as The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo, though he is not the only person to have done so. His name is sometimes reported as Jaggers, but the International Genealogical Index indicates that Jagger is more likely. He is also said to be a distant cousin of Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones.[1]

Jagger was born in September 1829 in the village of Shelf near Halifax, Yorkshire. Jagger gained his practical experience of mechanics working in Yorkshire's cotton manufacturing industry. He extended his experience to the behaviour of a roulette wheel, speculating that its outcomes were not purely random sequences but that mechanical imbalances might result in biases toward particular outcomes.

In 1873, Jagger hired six clerks to clandestinely record the outcomes of the six roulette wheels at the Beaux-Arts Casino at Monte Carlo, Monaco. He discovered that one of the six wheels showed a clear bias, in that nine of the numbers (7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 22, 28 and 29) occurred more frequently than the others. He therefore placed his first bets on 7 July 1875 and quickly won a considerable amount of money, £14,000 (equivalent to around 50 times that amount in 2005, or £700,000, adjusted for inflation). Over the next three days, Jagger amassed £60,000 in earnings with other gamblers in tow emulating his bets. In response the casino rearranged the wheels, which threw Jagger into confusion. After a losing streak, Jagger finally recalled that a scratch he noted on the biased wheel wasn't present. Looking for this telltale mark, Jagger was able to locate his preferred wheel and resumed winning. Counterattacking again, the casino moved the frets, metal dividers between numbers, around daily. Over the next two days Jagger lost and gave up, but he took his remaining earnings, two million francs, then about £65,000 (around £3,250,000 in 2005), and left Monte Carlo never to return.

Jagger resigned from his job at the mill and invested his money in property. He is buried at Bethel Chapel, Halifax Road, Shelf.

In 1892, Fred Gilbert wrote a popular song, The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo, that is mistakenly attributed to Jagger's exploits. Instead, the song is a celebration of Charles Wells, another Englishman, who in 1891 won handsomely in Monte Carlo. The song was popularised by the music hall star, Charles Coburn.

An episode of the television show CSI was based on Jagger's motives in Monte Carlo, albeit retold with a Las Vegas theme.
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Post by ma71lda »

William Hill make over £1000 per minute on FOBT's. Fact.

I love the way we know what number is going to come out 20 seconds before the punter does. Apparantly the law says the ball has to piss about for the 20 seconds before landing on said number. Not very 'random' if we know you are loser (or a winner) before you do. :lol:
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Post by Spyder »

ma71lda wrote:William Hill make over £1000 per minute on FOBT's. Fact.

I love the way we know what number is going to come out 20 seconds before the punter does. Apparantly the law says the ball has to piss about for the 20 seconds before landing on said number. Not very 'random' if we know you are loser (or a winner) before you do. :lol:
£1000 a minute? lol its probably more like £100,000 a minute..

the original roulette "fobt" terminals had a £100 limit PER SPOT with a £500 limit on red/black/1:1 's and a total maximum win of £10,000 per spin

the terminals also had "speed" function, which missed the spin.. and just gave a number..

when it was like this, i put a £20 note in once, and managed to rebet/spin/rebet/spin 20 individual bets of £1 within about 90 seconds..

the way they work was changed quite quickly

you can work out the number instantly from where the wheel starts.. which is a bit fucking pointless and actuially quite annoying (for me anyway)

the part of casino roulette i like is putting the bets on and watching the wheel spin.. even if you only bet a couple of quid a spin, it gives you a buzz every time as you cant tell where its gunna land..

i LOVE playing roulette in the casino... but when i go in i have strict limits.. so i never get carried away..

the fobt roulette is something i play when i have a bit of spare money.. like wednesday..

i had about £100 i wasnt planning on doing anything with.. went in ladbrookes with it and put £20 in the machine.. won 6 or 7 spins in a row and walked out £300 richer, wandering around town and went in another bookies, £20 in, a few winning spins, and walked out £400 richer..

i just feel sorry for the 125,000 people around the country who probably all lost £100's while i won on those 2 machines ...

and its not random.
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Post by JG »

What makes you think they are not random Spyder?
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Post by harry2 »

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Post by griff50 »

zero comes after 2. I've been told by a reliable source wearing soiled jeans and an anorack. lol
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Post by Spyder »

JG wrote:What makes you think they are not random Spyder?
cause we've talked about it many times on here

they might pick a number randomly, but im 100% sure theres some kind of payout reflex, stopping large wins or strings of wins coming in...

even when i win on them, its hard to believe it randomly hit numbers i bet on... then another time "randomly" hitting all the ones i havent bet on... (i dont use set numbers i just press all over usually, drawing patterns etc)

especially as a few times ive bet on all the numbers apart from 1 at once and its hit the one i didnt go on... reverse random!!! lol
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Post by ming »

i say that if you think they have played unfairly then you should break them and then hopefully 100's of terminals will be getting broke everyday losing them 1000's in engineers/electrician fees.

i had 24 even numbers in a row the other day and the odds of that are roughly the same as winning the lottery - of course after 12 evens i started to bet on odd.

ive also had 10 losers in a row when ive bet on 20 numbers 100's of times.
so this week ive decided to start breaking them. ive done 2 so far, one screen is broke and the other terminal i left on the floor with the cables pulled out the back.
im obviously barred from these shops now but if i keep on doing it then eventually i will be barred from all the local ones and i'll just get my gf to put my bets on and you get alot of satisfaction from it aswell.
i know people will say just dont go in there but every few weeks/months i get drawn in and regret it.
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Post by Firefox »

I liked the guy who said they had all been updated and over 4000 polish IT bods had swamped the country overnight updating them all! lol!

The terminals aren't rigged. The master computer behind the betting till IS compensated! it makes teh decision on whether or not a "randomly"(true) selected number is the number which graces th screen. if it doesn;t wanna pay teh number is rejected and it awaits another number.

hence the "jump" on the screen occasionally. if it does this you should walk away.

gotta go, some representative from ladbrokes is kicking down my front door as we speak! :-0!
