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Do Paragons have a future?

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 10:04 am
by SoccerHQ
So quite a bit of frustration around atm with this machine and personally I fully understand it. Thought this would be a good place to round up all the numerous problems/issues people have with them.

Just last week in Cambridge I won 10 quid off playing PMP and the Call engineer screen decided to pop up at that point with no money dropping.

I've also had the problem Muddle was describing earlier today, of coins dropping but falling back in the machine. Aswell as that plenty of times you put a quid in and it just drops through so I've started risking putting 5 quid notes in (and they don't work half of the time with added risk I only play 1 game on them and no guarantee that game will want to pay out).

I've gone on record before I believe Paragons won't be around in 2-3 years time. Now the doom mongers here will say all machines will be excint by then but I don't believe that just yet.

If you look at it though Paragon's main homes are Wetherspoons and they're obviously shedding quiz machines at an alarming rate. They do put up in a few city centres pubs but again you don't know how long landlord's patience will last on the 10th problem with it.

Don't get me wrong it's a shame if the Paragon goes as Pints was the first game I ever played 5 years ago which got me into this whole strange world so quite sentimental but ultimately it's a major frustration when you start getting nervous at collecting any payout over 10 quid and yet I'll happily let the bank go up to 20 quid on Games Nets, Kudos and I Quests and there's rarely a problem on them.

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:26 pm
by muddle
I think if they want Paragons to have a future beyond a couple of years like you say then they need to make some brand new ones.Something that struck me earlier today was that we've all been detailing the many issues with them on here,but maybe we should actually contact GWHL direct.Has anyone on here ever done that before?

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:42 pm
by cp999
SoccerHQ wrote:when you start getting nervous at collecting any payout over 10 quid and yet I'll happily let the bank go up to 20 quid on Games Nets, Kudos and I Quests and there's rarely a problem on them.
The explanation is simple, and one word long.


(Although they now are called Regal, and their floating is anything but.)