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Family Guy

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:50 pm
by paragoon
now it's been exterminated I feel safe to ask - did anyone else milk this game?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:06 am
by muddle
I often wonder which games people are doing well on - I don't expect them to post it on here for obvious reasons! Sorry to hear that you've lost a good earner there,paragoon.I played it sometimes and would occasionally win on it.I thought it looked like a game that if you were prepared to put a bit of dedication in and learn a lot of the more difficult questions,then it could be a regular earner.This was confirmed when a guy watched me win 15 quid or so on various games then followed me on and started to play Family Guy.The concept of having more than one correct answer was a good one,maybe they'll return to it in a future game.