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pro's or not pro's that is the question

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:45 pm
by cool
Havent come across anybody else on my travels any good (although of course they do exist - the quiz contributors to fruit machine chat) for at least ten years hence this post!

Spotted in the Portsmouth area today two possible pro players. I generally think that two players going round together are not that good as who would want to divide their spoils. However I watched them covertly extract around £30 from said machine in bits and pieces in a little over half an hour.
Bloke one was young stocky , white , a throw back to the seventies probably a fully paid up member of the Lib-dem party possibly the only one left ! (left the jesus boots at home today though , to air) with thick glasses and a haircut that would allow him to blend into the hair bear bunch.
Bloke two middle aged , white , less stocky with shorter hair.

They might not be gracing the catwalks shaking their little tush (ref: Right Said Fred) but they are definitely quality players.

Please dont PM me to ask what pub / machine etc as Im not telling but I would be interested to know if anybody could suggest an ID or pseudonym for these two if they appear on these pages.

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 12:26 am
by Nil Satis
cool wrote:a throw back to the seventies, ... a fully paid up member of the Lib-dem party, ... thick glasses and a haircut that would allow him to blend into the hair bear bunch
Whoever this was, in the unlikely event that they are reading these pages I wouldn't expect them to rush forward to answer to this description any time soon!

PS Neither were me, in case you were wondering... ;-)

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:13 am
by cool
I didnt think my unflattering description would elicit him to post a selfie! I do like caricature though often seeing tiny similarities with famous people... I was at a wedding recently where I met Ed Milliband and Mrs Brown (was a cross dresser in attendance) and most people agreed with my observations although until I pointed it out they never saw a resemblance although the Mrs Brown one was a bit obvious!

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:02 am
by Topical2009
I was in the East Midlands for a family function at the weekend, so had the chance to revisit some old haunts from the days when I lived closer to the area. I'd already established that someone has sucked Derby and Nottingham dry, leaving a withered old husk for the rest of us to chew on, simply by trying a few games and discovering that a) winning the available jackpot on every cabinet for ten miles around which had Pointless would have netted me barely more than a tenner in total, and b) every Eliminator was starting on £1/£2/£10 - no low-hanging fruit here. Thus it was no surprise when I found myself eavesdropping on the landlady of a pub in Nottingham as she described to a regular how a mystery man had come in not long before and "won £23 on the quiz machine, I've never seen anything like it". I didn't butt in and demand a photo-fit of this individual, and I don't expect he'll come forward here, but it looks as if at least one decent player is at large north of Watford.

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:27 am
by paragoon
Topical2009 wrote:I was in the East Midlands for a family function at the weekend, so had the chance to revisit some old haunts from the days when I lived closer to the area. I'd already established that someone has sucked Derby and Nottingham dry, leaving a withered old husk for the rest of us to chew on, simply by trying a few games and discovering that a) winning the available jackpot on every cabinet for ten miles around which had Pointless would have netted me barely more than a tenner in total, and b) every Eliminator was starting on £1/£2/£10 - no low-hanging fruit here. Thus it was no surprise when I found myself eavesdropping on the landlady of a pub in Nottingham as she described to a regular how a mystery man had come in not long before and "won £23 on the quiz machine, I've never seen anything like it". I didn't butt in and demand a photo-fit of this individual, and I don't expect he'll come forward here, but it looks as if at least one decent player is at large north of Watford.
There's at least three people I know of up here in the Northeast aside from myself though I haven't seen them around for a while. You'd be lucky to find a pointless over £1.10 up here.

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 3:37 pm
by muddle
I would suspect that just about every area of the country still has at least one pro player living fairly close by.And in addition to that,if you're a full-time pro player you travel to lots of different areas.So I would say that only very rural and out of the way places have no pro visits ever - for example,maybe the Wetherspoons in Penzance wasn't getting hit too often.There's a good chance that guy in Nottingham/Derby wasn't particularly local.I don't live in that area but I have a close friend who does and I sometimes stay at his and play machines there - from time to time it's clear that someone good has been playing in the recent past.I'm possibly going next week so it's disappointing to hear it has been played out quite recently!

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:05 pm
by SoccerHQ
Blimey going out on Sunday, that's dedication on the Pro gambler's day of rest.

I was actually going to ask the question of what people do on the rare occasions you bring a mate along?

I have a few people I know who know what I do and find it amusing although it's alwaysa rare event to get them to come along as they bizarrely do this thing called working for a!

Anyway if I get either of them to come along which just involves them standing and watching me press buttons on a screen (in fairness when I play Pints they get involved as both have played the game in the past) I tend to give them 50% of the winnings (it's only once every 6 months) so one time myself and a mate went around a few and made close to 60 quid so that was very easy money for him.

I tend to find I can't talk and press the right answer...multi tasking I think it's called.

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:42 pm
by Stubble
I can't talk and press the right answer either.

Even when I'm not talking I'm not tending to press it!

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:53 pm
by logopolis
Eliminator is a game that I really should have worked on. I did get started on memorising a few categories but soon lost interest as I thought the game might get taken off in the near future. About 3 or 4 years later and surprisingly the game is still on the majority of gameswarehouses etc.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:20 pm
by paragoon
logopolis wrote:Eliminator is a game that I really should have worked on. I did get started on memorising a few categories but soon lost interest as I thought the game might get taken off in the near future. About 3 or 4 years later and surprisingly the game is still on the majority of gameswarehouses etc.
I had a few techniques for learning that stuff, some of which are too embarrassing to admit here! Some things went in easier than others - I'm quite proud to know the goalscorers in the 1930 World Cup for example, but less so to stand in front of people with an expert knowledge of current porn stars.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:44 pm
by logopolis
How many different questions are in the game do you know? Do the questions get updated every so often?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 10:41 pm
by paragoon
logopolis wrote:How many different questions are in the game do you know? Do the questions get updated every so often?
A few years ago they updated the game and added a load of extremely hard categories like Neil Young songs (without any of the famous ones!) or Welsh towns. They lopped off an extra life too. Originally it had three lives which made it a lot easier. Still a decent game though imo though I often can't be arsed with it nowadays if it's in tight mode.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 12:43 pm
by muddle
paragoon wrote:There's at least three people I know of up here in the Northeast aside from myself though I haven't seen them around for a while. You'd be lucky to find a pointless over £1.10 up here.
I'm quite surprised to see you reckon there's 4 pro players in the north-east alone,paragoon,that sounds rather a lot.I wonder if some of them are people who are regular visitors to the area that you've seen about.You could of course prove me wrong by having spoken to them and know where they live! I used to quite like bumping into other players and have occasionally in the distant past gone round with others,and like SoccerHQ,played a few with a mate or two.I must admit nowadays if I see someone who is obviously a player,I quickly scurry off to another pub.I'm obviously getting anti-social in my old age!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:39 am
by mendez
I think I spotted one a Birmingham 'spoons a couple of months back. I thought he was a bit mad at first as he was reading the questions and answers out loud but then I noticed he was winning so I wondered if he was recording the ones he didn't know for future revision.

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:36 pm
by tonkarentino
Topical2009 wrote:I was in the East Midlands for a family function at the weekend, so had the chance to revisit some old haunts from the days when I lived closer to the area. I'd already established that someone has sucked Derby and Nottingham dry, leaving a withered old husk for the rest of us to chew on, simply by trying a few games and discovering that a) winning the available jackpot on every cabinet for ten miles around which had Pointless would have netted me barely more than a tenner in total, and b) every Eliminator was starting on £1/£2/£10 - no low-hanging fruit here. Thus it was no surprise when I found myself eavesdropping on the landlady of a pub in Nottingham as she described to a regular how a mystery man had come in not long before and "won £23 on the quiz machine, I've never seen anything like it". I didn't butt in and demand a photo-fit of this individual, and I don't expect he'll come forward here, but it looks as if at least one decent player is at large north of Watford.
Well I go back a very long way to the time where most of the pro players I came across were from well "North of Watford". For a long time I (we) thought that quiz machining was a provincial thing-trips to London didn't find many machines to speak of but trips to Sussex, Essex and Kent were always very profitable. In those days Birmingham was the centre of quiz machining in my experience. Even in the early nineties at the height of Adders and Ladders/Monopoly etc. etc. you avoided Brum and the Black Country like the plague. I used to live on the East coast and there were six pro players within 20 miles of me. I counted myself as "semi-pro" having never given up the day job. At least four of said players are sadly no longer with us but when I think that I played my first quiz machine on the day the Challenger space ship blew up (Jan. 86) perhaps that isn't altogether surprising. As for nowadays I cannot remember the last time that I saw someone win money from a machine and it is some weeks since I've had to wait because a machine was being played. If it wasn't for this board I could easily convince myself that no-one bothers to travel anymore...