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Trevor Montague

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 11:54 pm
by cool
Whilst launching an updated version of his A-Z in 2013 he was interviewed by the local rag under the headline 'How Crawley's brainiest man made a living from quiz machines ... ' . Condemned by faint praise , not exactly much of an accolade , has anybody visited the place. If you visit Crawley and not get mugged you feel cheated!
Apparently he packed up playing quiz machines in 1995 when the databases got harder so he joins Paddy Spooner where the legend dwarfs the ability in playing SWP's and Christian Drummond the one trick (though very impressive in itself) pony.
Anybody come across him and his alter-ego Steve playing and post SWP playing days?

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 2:31 pm
by grecian
I know Trevor, but haven't seen him for a long while.

He drifted away from most forms of serious quizzing in the early 2000s, aside from his ongoing involvement with his book.

He plays very occasionally in my quiz league but is by no means the force he was. At his peak he was a really strong player, I think, not Kevin Ashman standard but in the chasing pack.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 10:59 pm
by cool
Thanks for the feedback with general confirmation of my observations.
I do the odd local quiz but have never enjoyed them much due to (a) its too much like work without the rewards (b) stuck in one pub for ages (c) The amount of cheating that goes on.

Pleased having switched from chess to running as chess players seemingly spend too much time in toilets (recent observations in media) and if a game is adjourned a player puts the game through a Deep Blue type of computer rather than use their own brain for analysis.

Other than the odd way to exploit weaknesses in programmes SWP playing is undoubtedly amongst the purest of pursuits.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 11:40 pm
by paragoon
cool wrote:Thanks for the feedback with general confirmation of my observations.
I do the odd local quiz but have never enjoyed them much due to (a) its too much like work without the rewards (b) stuck in one pub for ages (c) The amount of cheating that goes on.

Pleased having switched from chess to running as chess players seemingly spend too much time in toilets (recent observations in media) and if a game is adjourned a player puts the game through a Deep Blue type of computer rather than use their own brain for analysis.

Other than the odd way to exploit weaknesses in programmes SWP playing is undoubtedly amongst the purest of pursuits.
I stopped with pub quizes once I saw people cheating. Plus people would text me when I wasn't there with questions as they knew I knew my stuff. Really annoying.
A mate of mine lives in a village where they do a nice quiz with just two teams, no prizes for winning which I occasionally enjoy. Becomes surprisingly competitive really.
Anyone else here won a quiz on their own? I once was in a pub where they started a quiz up so I paid my money and joined up. Won it - cash prize and had to go up on my own to collect the cash. The quizmaster made a big deal about it on the mike which was mortifying!

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 12:40 am
by JG
Stockfish, Droidfish whatever it is. GM analysis now on your smart phone. Tech has come a long way since the days of waiting two hours for your Commodore 64 to bung the king pawn forward two spaces on its first move.

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:34 pm
by tonkarentino
grecian wrote:I know Trevor, but haven't seen him for a long while.

He drifted away from most forms of serious quizzing in the early 2000s, aside from his ongoing involvement with his book.

He plays very occasionally in my quiz league but is by no means the force he was. At his peak he was a really strong player, I think, not Kevin Ashman standard but in the chasing pack.
According to the copy of his book I have he was 3rd. in the British Quiz Champs in 2002...