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millionaire exposed

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 2:32 pm
by cool
Re Daily Mail article millionaire a new book about the coughing major is being launched I believe by co author 'Gentleman Jim' Plaskett GM (unless there are two). At the time I was one of the few who thought Charles Ingram was stitched up. Unfortunately for him and his wife they were viewed basically as the non celebrity version of Neil and Christine Hamilton and the media revelled in sticking the boot in and micky taking. Mr Plaskett must be pretty sure of his facts as I would expect a lawsuit to be flying his way. I hope that the Ingrams will be able to get the winnings with interest as their lives have been ruined. I believe the case of whether they cheated went before a judge and not a court. After the goings on with Pistorius doesn't seem fair, the establishment will generally side with the famous or the big guy against the nobody. The same thing has happened with the Phil Ivey case, famous yes but taking on a gaming industry and the way punters have been ripped off by bookmakers takes the piss. Unfortunately for the Ingrams they were in the spotlight for so long and besmirched if any action could have been taken involving a jury they probably would hav been stitched up there also.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 5:13 pm
by tonkarentino
Its in The Daily Mail. M'lud the case rests....

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 11:41 pm
by muddle
I saw that article too in the Mail on Saturday (my parents had bought it ok lol).As I recall,watching the show after he'd been found guilty,you could clearly hear someone saying 'No,Paris' when Ingram was fixated on saying 'Berlin' to the half a million question which was asking which city Baron Haussman re-designed.He then rapidly changed his mind to Paris.They made no mention of this in the article but only talked about the coughing which,yes,they may well have enhanced in post-production.Is the suggestion going to be that the 'No,Paris' was dubbed on afterwards as I think that's strong evidence even without considering the coughing patterns.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 11:56 pm
by muddle
Well,so much for my memory,having watched it on Youtube,it was just simply 'No' rather than 'No,Paris'.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:05 am
by JG
I remember Chris Tarrant saying he had no idea any cheating was taking place.

However the way The Major appears to backtrack is very dramatic to say the least. It may again be clever editing in the program I saw about the cheating Major but two questions stick in my mind, one featuring Craig David and the other one being what is another name for a number starting with 1 and followed by 100 zeros. He seemed pretty adamant it wasn't Googol but appeared to systematically check around all the answers in both questions before miraculously settling on Googol.
I think Tarrant even said at one point "5 minutes ago you hadn't heard of Craig David, now you're sure he's the answer"

I guess it could all be a stitch up, but it seems a bit far fetched. What's the relationship between the Grand Master and the coughing major?

On a side note, I remember reading reports that their lives had been blighted in their local village wherever it was they lived by locals continuously coughing in their (him and his wife's) direction. Again could be exageration, but with the British public these days you could believe it. I'm aware it could just be cheeky banter, but more likely sheeple being outraged on behalf of Celador. At the end of the day he seemingly tried to pull a rather foolish over elaborate ruse to con a gameshow. Yes it shouldn't go without punishment but does it really deserve piss taking to that extent?
Why has our Great British reserve gone? We should remain silent damnit. I know if it was my village and I happened to live near the coughing Major, I certainly would not be coughing at him or his wife. I would view that as rather rude. That said, after a few pints in the village pub, I may have to stick my beak in wanted or not.
People are wierd though. Bloop!

Edit: Weird spelling of weird. Sorry quiz forum.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 6:05 am
by Sloach
JG wrote:
I guess it could all be a stitch up, but it seems a bit far fetched. What's the relationship between the Grand Master and the coughing major?
Not sure there was one particularly but I do remember Plaskett defending him on a chess forum or somewhere when it all blew up.
Tarrant didn't notice at the time which is fair enough but it should be pretty obvious to most watchers.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:06 pm
by cp999
I was under the impression Plaskett's a bit of an eccentric. Met him a couple of times a long time back, seemed to be a raffish sort of chap.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 8:58 am
by fatbloke
why didnt the helper(s) just ring his phone - 1 ring for a, etc on silent on silent obv with low vibrate maybe an anal bluetooth ringa dinga
nice post jg

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 7:14 pm
by dog section
the phone receiveing the call would interfere with the camera sound though. my mobile rang on silent once while we were filming a porno and it distorts the sound.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 11:41 pm
by JG
I know what you mean, if you have speakers on as well then you hear this sort of noise before the phone rings.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 9:50 am
by cool
According to the article the three of them were searched - none of the 3 had a mobile phone on them.

I brought up this year's ago but the producers of the show should have been asked why they could manipulate the 50:50, the questions could be manipulated as they were not set in stone to either help the progress of people who were viewer friendly or hinder irritants, and the audience vote was highly suspect , the classic one was where in France was the Concorde built? The vast majority voted for Toulouse like that's a commonly known fact. Perhaps somebody who worked on the show would like to comment.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 11:21 am
by fatbloke
good games