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The Chase

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 7:19 pm
by wires74
Seems like the chase is disappearing off paragons

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:04 pm
by tonkarentino
I believe the term is "There is something "on" them....Apparently there is some trick which puts the machine into safety mode and removes the game....

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 8:45 am
by cp999
lol ...

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 11:29 pm
by muddle
I found a couple of units last week that obviously hadn't been updated for a bit as they both still had 'The Chase' on.I was sad to see that go as it appeared to be popular with the punters and I was winning a bit on it.Does anyone know what lead to its sudden removal? Was it something exploitable in the program or had people learnt enough of the question set to fleece it? (I tip my hat to them if it's the latter as that would take some doing) I suspect it might have been the former as while it was still on all the Paragons,I walked into a local pub to find someone playing both the bandit and the quizzy (playing The Chase) at the same time.I watched him for a bit and frankly he wasn't very good (on the quizzy that is,no idea how he was doing on the bandit).I decided to go elsewhere and come back and when I did he was still playing both and again he didn't win anything from a game of The Chase,but then he collected a fair few quid that he had in the bank.Would anyone care to enlighten me? (or is it still a state secret lol)
Mind,whatever it was,surely it could have been fixed and the game brought back? Either re-tweak the program or get a new set of questions.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 8:31 pm
by SoccerHQ
Might be the same as PMP as on some Paragons that disappears either for eternity or for a few months if you win just a little too much on them.

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:58 pm
by tonkarentino
SoccerHQ wrote:Might be the same as PMP as on some Paragons that disappears either for eternity or for a few months if you win just a little too much on them.
LOL-PMP takes the piss. The programming at the moment guarantees you find one of the three "You're Barred" on a skill when it's wound up. (Doesn't take a big win for it to get wound up either!). If it doesn't hit you with that you get the disappearing game that you speak of!

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:22 pm
by SoccerHQ
tonkarentino wrote:LOL-PMP takes the piss. The programming at the moment guarantees you find one of the three "You're Barred" on a skill when it's wound up. (Doesn't take a big win for it to get wound up either!). If it doesn't hit you with that you get the disappearing game that you speak of!
It's not as bad as when I first played it around 2010 when obviously for bonus round you had the beer mats flying off the screen which was a killer.

You're right in that when there's been a few payouts the bonus stops you but I still find I can build a decent amount on Pints as long as there's a bit in the bank. Of course whether I can trust the paragon to pay out all the money is another thing!