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“I always enjoyed learning a new tongue.” James you always were a cunning linguist

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:39 am
by cool
There is a fruitmachinechat member who could be the next James Bond operating in the shadowy world of quiz machines would equip himself well for espionage and counter terrorism activities.
I recently left a pub deep in conversation with a fruity player when his swarthy driver asked me if I knew a certain player . "The geezer knew words that I aint even erd of Guvnor" When asked for his name under his breath he uttered the immortal word "Istenem".

Now why on earth cant he reveal his real name to the fawning public?.Will he be jumped when emerging from a pub with a bin liner put over his head only to emerge in a 6 x 6 cell in Guatanomo Bay? After a waterboarding experience will our valiant hero reveal the secrets of clearing a Wordsoup screen? Not a bit of it.

At least if our girlfriends starts screaming "Istenem Istenem" in the middle of lovemaking we will know where to look.

He's got my vote move over Mr Craig. As a stand in for the role there was a fruity player I knew who now lives in the Phillipines who got booted out of several establishments capping his CV with a lifetime ban from the Seacat service in Weymouth.I called him James Banned with a licence to fill (his pockets) .

#If any of the fruity players read this be interested what hes up to now - located Southampton his old hide out Pot Black.

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:42 am
by Istenem
bizarre. except the bit about the girlfriends screaming in the throes of passion; that bit is entirely plausible.

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:00 pm
by cool
Ive always had a strange sense of humour! The idea was generated by you telling a fruity player your name was istenem , it would present me with the accusation of bigging myself up if in response to being asked what my name was I reply
' Im cool.'

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:27 pm
by JG
I'm glad that has cleared that up. I thought I had posted on cool's account by mistake.