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Update on my HOTWIRE "OPEN" - A Pub Landlords View

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 7:14 am
by whiteswan
Hi everyone.........

Not been around for most of the year - I stopped posting the top 10's on my machine as some posters said the thread title was leading.

The quizzer has performed dreadfully this year............took only £4 last week !

Sent FATSPANNER an email last week as that take does not even cover what I pay on a monthly basis to them for the HOTWIRE to remain connected to their network - add in the electricity it uses and I'm on a loser with it - and don't even mention HMRC In january.

The falloff has been dramatic - yet the fruit machines have remained stable this year.

Customer footfall is slightly down (people staying at home to watch olympics - and having zero summer) - but still trading well.

To FATSPANNERS credit they replied to my email saying a major update is due at end of this week.

This is their plus point - always very helpful and respond to queries and offer help even though I am not a multi site operator - I just have the one machine.

Will I be keeping the HOTWIRE?

Well that all depends on the cashbox over the next few months - the whole MENU system needs a complete overhaul as well as a raft of new games and licenses - hoping for THE CHASE on this new update.

As some of you will know the lack of "official" licenses on the OPEN's was a main gripe of mine - and as soon as MONOPOLY & BULLSEYE games were added in last update they became top 2 or 3 games since - along with Sport Quizzes.

However that was 6 months ago - nothing since - it would be good if I could get new decals for the machine to make it look different with every update - along with a new menu system this would make it look like we have a new quizzer.

FATSPANNER now do a credit based system - which I will look at moving over to - its got to be more economical than my current outlay - although not too sure how it works at the moment.

Just to clarify before I go - the machine has taken £70 - £80 per week some weeks - just not very often - I have access to a weekly average over the past 9 months or so and its at £20 approx per week - so not brilliant.

I get the impression that HOTWIRE/OPEN are not top of their priority list anymore - the only new license I heard of them acquiring is ROLAND RAT - which seems completely bizzare............kind of sums it all up.

Hope everyone on here is keeping well.


Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:18 am
by QuizMaster
The Chase is out now on Paragon so must exist somewhere. Not all 'official' games as you call them are great. High Stakes is just downright bizarre.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:26 am
by whiteswan
I think I noticed some new games yesterday - Million Pound Drop was one I think.......but the problem is you have to look really closely to notice them - so the average player who got bored of the machine weeks ago will NOT notice a menu update - can it be so hard to COMPLETELY change the colour of the menu's every time there is an update to announce the arrival of the new menu -gonna log into machine now and see whats on the menu - back soon.


Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:33 am
by whiteswan
Just logged into machine and its still showing MENU 15 from May 2012 - but unless I'm going mad I am sure I saw some new games yesterday (nothing spectacular and really hope that's not the update promised) - will have a look at machine proper later on.


Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:34 pm
by whiteswan
Well.............looks like that WAS the update promised.

Have asked to go onto the credit system but my Hotwire cannot do it...........bit dissapointed really.
