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Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:06 pm
by QuizMaster
Of all the things that are unfair on machines, I would say that the most prevalent is the gaffers not honouring wins even when the machines says in foot high letters on the screen IOU £6. They ALWAYS hide behind the 'it's nothing to do with me mate, I'll have to wait for the engineer'. And then you go back next week aand mysteriously there was 'no problem' with the machine, even though you took a picture of it saying it owed you £6 on your phone. 'Engineer Benefits' they are called, presumably.

Pay your

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 1:00 pm
by Gogs
Quizmaster, if it ripped me off for 6 quid and the engineer said theres nothing wrong with it i would say "there fucking will be if you dont give my money back". you cant get done for murder for taking an aermet ice pick to a pub slot machine. it has a point and razor sharp axe on its other end. (Aermet is an ultra-high strength type of martensitic alloy steel. The main alloying elements are cobalt and nickel, but chromium, molybdenum, and carbon are also added. Its exceptional properties are hardness, tensile strength, fracture toughness, and ductility.) 30 seconds should see it ready for the breakers yard giving plenty of time to leg it before plod gets there. :shock:

Pay your fare, Play fair, and get paid fair. :wink:

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 1:48 pm
by j2k7311
lol at the last post...

that would certainly gain you some notoriety on the quizzing scene :|

In fact, I couldn't hear my Britney Spears song on the jukebox in a pub the other day! Think I will go down there with a baseball bat (made of the most durable wood known to man) and smash up his stereo system...then I'll whack my Britney album in the CD deck behind the bar for all the Rozzers to hear as they storm the premises. 8)

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 2:01 pm
by mr lugsy
gogs ,make yourself a f#@king lightsaber man.

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:30 pm
by Gogs
just havin a laff girls
anyway i was just playing hex with my 7 year old she is brilliant at it and one of the questions was shoes : and the answer was Boots, shouldnt the category be called footwear, cant ever recall boots being shoes !

ps we play it on our stolen pub quiz machine.
Shhhhhhhhhhhh she thinks santa dropped it off for her on his way to the north pole for being A+ at school, but it was bad santa that dropped it off (Billy Bob) any one for chequers).

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 7:08 pm
by civ77
The whole games being pulled issue, it does sort of make sense given the bigger picture.

However in the case of the game that I personally have seen it the most it does seem a counter-productive measure from the point of both the distributor and the player, notably that it has a very sensible 'unhappy state' whereby it is still possible to win a prize given sufficient skill, but that prize is a miserly £1 return for a 50p + 5 minutes investment (not to mention an ever growing index finger callous). If a game were to remain in this state until it returned to a profit/pay ratio more in line with expected revenue then everyone is satisfied:

Joe Public: Can play the game and at the least adds 50p to the coffers.

Peter Play-for-fun: Gets to play the game they enjoy, unlikely to get a win, but that's not why he plays so all is good. another few quid goes into the pot.

Simon Semi-Pro: Knows he can make a few quid when it's in happy mood, so sticks his quid in. Sees it is in a bad mood so plays it off and move on, it's still another quid falling into the cash box.

Raymond 'Rainman' (Pro): Money in, hits play, wins a quid, moves on as there is better money to be made elsewhere.

Even if you don't allow for the fact that distribution of people in the list is heavily weighted towards Joe Public, then it still works out as a net gain for the machine owner. Compare that to it just removing the game which by it's very nature leaves the game in deficit with no chance of recovering it's losses and it just seems a bit silly.

You don't need to browse far on this board to hear tales of fruit machines being pro played to death, then leaving the unsuspecting future players a bleak future of pumping money in with no chance of getting a return on their investment. Surely the worst thing a machine can do after a heavy payout is to remove the possibility of getting that money back.

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 8:55 pm
by j2k7311
I presume that the games with a cash prize of anything would still be pillaged by the uber-pro even in 'screw-the-punter' mode...

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 10:01 pm
by Topical2009
I presume that the games with a cash prize of anything would still be pillaged by the uber-pro even in 'screw-the-punter' mode...
Could be that the operators have already come to this conclusion, right or wrong; it's hard to know which is the case without having access to all their information. Part of me remembers the far-off days of, say, Barquest, when a sufficiently dedicated player could earn money (albeit very slowly) from an 'unhappy state' machine by relentlessly winning £1 and £2 trails*, and plenty of people did.

On the other hand, of course, in those days machines were fewer and further between, so you couldn't just shrug and move on to the next pub in the expectation there was a bulging Every Second Counts, which, as you suggest, is what you'd expect a serious pro to do nowadays.

*though this was when £2 was a lot of money. Ee, that'd buy you an evening out on the beer, a packet of fags, and some chips on the way home.

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 10:12 pm
by cp999
Topical2009 wrote:
I presume that the games with a cash prize of anything would still be pillaged by the uber-pro even in 'screw-the-punter' mode...
Could be that the operators have already come to this conclusion, right or wrong]

They have taken a blanket approach to pulling games and if anything erred on the side of caution. If the player is highly skilled, their attitude is arguably justifiable with some games but clearly not with others.

*and the game only cost 20p to play ;)

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 10:19 pm
by Gogs
what are you on about Frank, spending tens of thousands of pounds on awp/swp machines???
never get a week in spain???
work work work,
what frank! sitting on your fucking fat arse collecting cash from public gambling prostitutes that feed off the needy, dont tell me the rich put more than a pound in your fucking machine, and that would be to see the bright lights, my kids play them all the time and win NOTHING, i have seen old drunks throw plenty in to them before heading home pissed to get a pasting from the old dearie,
frank you quote "what has the internet got against you", "it is a collection of never ending crap for people that dont work" Hexpert the original poster never mentioned the internet in a way except as a communication between the machine and any instant update that the pimp wants to throw at it, oh i forgot frank, do you mean the unfortunate unemployed that can`t afford to feed your money grabbing addiction, any god damn person that owns these tax dodging law dodging machines, ( yes my brother in law and i burned 30 of them in a full size furniture lorry accident, oops) and we cant read the meters as they were stolen and burnt) is a person that buys one and starts rubbing their grubby little hands together waiting for the idiot to feed it, aaaawww, go on frank tell us, the upkeeps, the cash collectors, the makers, the updates, dont talk fucking crap, and when you get a few guys that get THEIR (check the spelling frank) not THERE) heads together to find a way to,,,,may i add ordinary working guys, bar hands, sparks, farmers hands, plumbers, waiters, brickies, warehousemen, cooks, labourers, cleaners, etc to beat your update connected machine that wants to rip them off, then the pimp starts to bleat like a lamb to the slaughter moaning about the guys on here that are posting questions and answers about why does a game disappear when you win a tenner, do you know what frank i would give you a tenner to disappear.

signed Mr. H. Lecter :x .

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 10:50 pm
by j2k7311
Woah, it's getting pretty heated in here...might need a Hex-tinguisher! :wink:

OK, pretty lame joke, but it's late.

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 11:40 pm
by civ77
j2k7311 wrote:Woah, it's getting pretty heated in here...might need a Hex-tinguisher! :wink:

OK, pretty lame joke, but it's late.
That's no Hex-cuse

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 11:47 pm
by civ77
j2k7311 wrote:I presume that the games with a cash prize of anything would still be pillaged by the uber-pro even in 'screw-the-punter' mode...
It's easy enough to compensate against that fact (whilst staying within the new 'possible to win' regulations) by making the time taken to win sufficiently long winded. 5 minutes to win 50p pretty much works out to minimum wage, I know that I can spend my time more productively than that, so the uber-pro certainly can.

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 2:44 am
by Gogs
hey civ77, where are you getting the 5 minutes for 50p win minimum wage from, last time i played the quizi thing i got suckered into playing for a pound, and smashed at the middle hurdle, lets get the facts straight, we are talking about the general public throwing their well earned cash in, not the swot em up prince charles of yesteryear that got more grade points than a fucking politician at a scientists wedding, i thought you lot were brighter than that, all machines are different, same as the roads, it depends on the traffic, if the roads are busy then the tolls are busy, if the roads are quiet the traffic cops go off for a smoke, if the roads get really busy you have to pull a few strokes and take shortcuts, thats where the swp pro comes in he looks for the shortcuts, the right time at the right place, he is in a bar, cant get drunk, cant spend much, lots of people around, now its getting quiet in here, right time, right place, now the machine is in your hands SPANK IT.

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 10:20 am
by Frank Duval
Looks like we've got another operator on the way.

Here's a couple of links Gogs, put your money where your mouth is and make shed loads of money by doing absolutly nothing like me.

Be sure to keep us posted won't you :lol: