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Online Casino games-percentages.

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:57 pm
by pager
Would you guys say that the percentages are set as per customer?
I mean over the lifetime of an account? I have been trying to ask online casinos like 365,stan james,ladbrokes,and I never can get a straight answer.
I'm beginning to think I may well be correct,and If so,then there is alot of games etc. that may well not be so random as they make out.

I was just wanting to hear others views on this?


Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:00 pm
by harry2
Had a look in the FAQ's ? Why should they bother fixing a persons percentage. Think slots are around 94%.

casino game percentages

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:50 am
by davidpom
Casino odds are fixed by the type of game and its payouts, not on a per player basis. It would be illegal, online or in land based casinos for that to be any other way. Besides, no player would ever play if they thought that there was no chance to ever beat the house - and your thought on "fixed by player" would mean that.

I've played in many online and real casinos and from experience I find them both to play as you'd expect in terms of overall number of wins vs hands played etc. There's no difference - it's just that the online gambling casinos are more accessible to people - no travelling required.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:52 am
by ob
you're best bet is the betfair zero games, which are 100% payout. There is no payout per person, and any stupid conspiricies that online/bookies style casino games are anything but 100% random are just that... STUPID...