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i think this is a bit naughty.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 9:47 pm
by mr lugsy
taken from trade paper this week.

gala casinos have launched a "novel" way of introducing gaming to people
who are too afraid to walk into a casino.the "firm" has introduced the U.Ks
first ever casino-on-wheels :roll: ,the casino-magic bus .it's designed to bring free casino games to the public complete with tables ,roulette wheels and the "friendliest" croupiers.

hmmmm,'s designed to snare ordinary people into doing something that they would'nt do in the wildest dreams,it's designed to force casino gambling down peoples throats and in my mind should not be allowed ,fullstop.

i bet the croupiers are ever so fucking "friendly",probably on commission,no hold on..............definitely on commission.

i will go as far as saying that i reckon the wheel would be rigged in mr noobs favour to enlist him into the clutches of evil mr gala. :x

Re: i think this is a bit naughty.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 10:01 pm
by bigv038
Sorry lugsy but I found it hard to read! Here's a readable version:
mr lugsy wrote:Taken from trade paper this week.

Gala Casino's have lauched a 'novel' way of introducing gaming to people
who are too afraid to walk into a casino. The 'firm' has introduced the U.K's first ever casino-on-wheels :roll: , the casino-magic bus. It's designed to bring free casino games to the public complete with tables, roulette wheels and the 'friendliest' croupiers.'s designed to snare ordinary people into doing something that they wouldn't do in the wildest dreams, it's designed to force casino gambling down peoples throats and in my mind should not be allowed, fullstop.

I bet the croupiers are ever so fucking 'friendly', probably on commission, no hold on..............definitely on commission.

I will go as far as saying that I reckon the wheel would be rigged in Mr Noobs favour to enlist him into the clutches of evil Mr Gala. :x

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 10:14 pm
by mr lugsy
ty for that vince :)

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 9:29 am
by slotbret
It may be funny but hard to play in I suppose

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 5:59 pm
by harry2
Especially if it was moving. Roulette ball spinning and the driver jumps on the brakes at the lights.

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 6:45 pm
by red22
plus the guys that are on comission need a new job. if its rigged in the noobies favour then the croupier will lose every night ,meaning that they are losing money to go to work !! bit like me yesterday !

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 6:46 pm
by red22
i have spotted at least 3 fake coins in my avatar .

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 7:07 pm
by Mr McStreak
I think the whole concept is absolutely fucking disgraceful, people, whether they partake in casino gambling or not, have the basic human right to make a conscious decision on such matters, but because of the laws being relaxed, Gala, and other gambling establishments, are allowed to advertise their services, and its wrong.

My 'local' Gala Casino is their flagship site, and offers/did offer free drinks for women on thursdays, to entice them in. Being in Bristol there are plenty of students about with Mummy and Daddy's money to spend.

Several of my friends who haven't been for months have had £25 dining vouchers sent to them. The casino itself is very nice, but it smacks of being a nightclub/restaurant first, and a casino second, and that is how it is marketed. I don't go up there very regularly, but if I did it would be to have a gamble, not to get pissed up. Thats what nightclubs are for. And if I was going, I wouldn't pick a friday or saturday night when you cannot get near a table, and have addicted/deluded students who cannot handle their alcohol falling all over you as you try to call out a neighbour bet. For this reason and others myself and many other gamblers hate it up there, there is no personality to the place, and the wave of student/other idiots passing through in large numbers means that the staff don't have time for the regulars.

Yes it seems that the traditional casino is extinct, no free sandwiches etc, if you want a sandwich its on the bar snack menu, for upwards of £3.95. And the majority of staff are charmless eastern europeans, who stand there taking your money with blank expressions, like your at the checkout at Tescos.

But the kids love it, plenty of colourful alcopops for them to drink while they make a mockery of their supposed intelligence, by doubling 9 against an ACE on blackjack. Start them young is the apparent strategy, while the existing, long suffering members can either accept that this is casino gambling in 2008, or fuck off.
The casino is doing very badly i'm reliably informed. It seems that they haven't grasped the fact that having 3000 students spending little or nothing at the tables but drinking the bar dry will not attract the big spending customers that they have managed to alienate.

That said, the restaurant does a lovely steak, not that i'm trying to endorse Gala.......

Silence is golden.......... 8)

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 10:55 pm
by Mystery_Plum
Yes, it's a cattle-market up there, make no mistake.

Too many of the wrong sort of customer, for example pissed-up idiots whose spend is maybe 50 quid a head at best, putting off the bigger players by spilling their pints down the back of their suits and then not even apologising.

Gala Bristol is the last place you should go to if you want a serious punt, especially on a Friday or Saturday. The philosophy is to strip people's money from them as quickly as possible. Many dealers lack any sort of charm or charisma, and act as if the float is actually their own money.

The poker is just as bad - 3 blind levels and then it's just a card-catching competition, with the blinds going up so fast even the chip-leader has less than 10 times the Big Blind for fucks sake.

The Blackjack tables were recently changed from 7 boxes to 9, which is ridiculous as it's now just a melee of people struggling to get their bets on. They have also added the new 'Perfect Pair' bet, which at 5 or 6% edge for The House is just like having an American roulette wheel on every box, and is an insult to regular players.


Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:07 pm
by NoChatter
Price of progress?
Are you telling me that Gala is like Primark\Asda\Walmart? Maybe?
I quiet fancy a nice steak and and few impressionable students (female) making the place look pretty. Most of hem are pretty harmless and good for a bit of banter,...

the casino bus...

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:18 am
by davidpom
The casino bus? Terrible. But I doubt their dealers are on commission if you are stating its to bring FREE casino games to the masses. Presumably the bus is not a licensed gambling area - so they can only offer FREE games... however they could give out lots of marketing and merchandising to lure people into the REAL casino where they can be parted with their REAL cash.

I agree though that this sort of gambling advertising should be outlawed. I've got a gambling blog but only promote responsible gambling. And I promote it responsibly too. It's good for people to play, but not if they are being caused serious harm as a result. This Gala bus method seems to be the equivalent on an online spam campaign.

Vote with your feet people. If you don't like their marketing methods, don't play there. period. Or visit there - because the very fact you are at that casino may send a message to others saying that it's an ok place... even if you're not there to gamble yourself.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 7:39 am
by mr lugsy
hi ,are you the guy who puts trackers on anyone who clicks his links? Apologies if i'm wrong but i think this was mentioned before.