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Some real roulette

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 3:31 pm
by Mattb
Just got back from a holiday oop north in Scarborough.

while i was there me and a gambling mate stumbled across a casino. We'd been drinking all day, amde a good 220 on fruits and had a good wedge of about 900 quid between us so thought why not, never get the chance at home.

After fucking about for a bit we just got well involved and did a £355 spin. Pure madness really, i didn't even fancy watching it. I turned back round to see the ball in on 26. Looked at the screen...and well. Money all over it. 10er on the nose, a 12.50 split, some more splits and some corners. It added up to £805 returned, so over £22 on it. We hastily cashed it out of course, had a few bevvies, then just got itchy fingers as you do.
£45 spins, but it did a FOBT trick and started missing all our hits :wink:
It went 9, 8, 8, 2....nothing on any, and we're 200 notes back in again. We ended up slowly frittering away, and in the end ploughed 600 of it back in and had to walk from the place 40 down each after out last 130 spin returned £36. £1 on 7, cheers. The most gutting bit was missing a spin 'cos the note acceptor played up and 11 came in, which had 14 quid on it if we'd made it in time. Such is life! :D

A bit of fun anyway, can see how people do some serious damage in those places. Makes FOBTs look like a complete joke really.

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:48 pm
by JG
C'est la vie. Still £100/spin is more than scary enough for most, especially a mere 20 second spin, not a live casino wheel where you have to wait for people to fanny around and physically lay the chips on the table before the wheel is spun.

fobt avoid

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:44 am
by davidpom
Those bookie FOBT's are more than scary enough for most. Real live casino wheels are more likely to be legit - however, it's easier to stake a lot more on them. So discipline and bankroll are both important factors to think about here. If you can control yourself in an environment designed to take your cash from you, then casinos are fine. But if you can't, AVOID, AVOID, AVOID them. There's risk on EVERY bet. And that risk is too big for some people to play.

Sorry to hear of your eventual loss. I thought your first win was cool - and that you were going to tell us you walked out at that point. Alas, greed got the better of you, and you gave it all back and more. I've seen that SO many times before. :-( That's why the casinos keep existing.

Anyway, better luck to you next time - and if you get a big win, go home! My mantra is this: get in (to the game), get up (in cash), get out!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 1:57 am
by ob
Pity u didn't pick my lucky number 9 then lol, seen as though it came up...

I'll give that piece of pointless information to everyone who plays roulette... the number 9!!!

Honestly I had this number as my number from day 1 and I seriously couldn't have picked a better number, as I have had 9 come up more than any other number...

Of course this is complete coincidence, but it's nice when the gods of luck shine open you eh!